Castle Medical

I had a territory that had zero business for Castle. I set up several accounts and then they let me go. Now they are receiving specimens from those accounts without having to pay a representative. Seems fishy to me. I feel incredibly used.

Who was your DVP? There is one who's ego, much like Rob's is just insufferable.

Do you think that the strategy is to hire reps, push them to develop the territory, then let reps go, consolidating territories with fewer reps and have the collectors do more?

There was speculation that they were building up accounts and then having an inside sales force handle the accounts. They just created and posted a job for an inside sales person so this may be one of their strategies. They certainly are not trying to build a long term s sales force. Not everyone is fired. I know some people who quit almost immediately after training.

I have been in sales for a a long time. There is always some friction between inside staff and outside sales but I have never experienced a company that talks down to the sales people like Castle does. HC1 is extreme micro-management. When Rob became a sales person he called on on a huge number of potential clients which led to sales (throw enough mud against the wall and eventually you will cover it) and got lucky and hit one big one. If he had continued he would have run out of new clients to call on. That is not sustainable in the long run. From what I understand he was only in sales for somewhere around six months? He is basing his uncommon experience on the entire sales force. A one call present, close and board is not feasible or an intelligent goal in my opinion. Instead of growing business at a steady pace and investing in your sales force they are trying to grow to fast and turning staff over and over causing damage in the field. He may be passionate and have had some very short term success but that is not basis for building and managing a National sales force. Yes, HC1 is for Rob because of his extreme micro-management and ego.

I was told Rob had a 90% closing rate. Which of course is crap. But this place breads myths like this and then try to hold everyone else to the mythical numbers of the magical Rob and magical DVPs. This place is toxic. It will fail.

There was speculation that they were building up accounts and then having an inside sales force handle the accounts. They just created and posted a job for an inside sales person so this may be one of their strategies. They certainly are not trying to build a long term s sales force. Not everyone is fired. I know some people who quit almost immediately after training.

It seems like you are right. They want to push reps hard, pay well, then take it all away when there are no more new contacts and the territory is developed. They should know that sales reps are not just a bunch of dumb sheep and non competes do not hold up if you fire the rep.

This place was better before they decided to use HC1 to police the reps. They are stressing so much over ridiculous little things, that it is wearing down the reps. People don't respond to negativity and constant nagging over stupid things. Not the way to inspire and motivate, this is not true leadership!

P.S. Rob is all hype!

Apparently Rob sent an email out to his DVP's last week with a list of 40 names (out of 50 reps) with the title "Why should we keep this person"

And the DVPs don't have the stones to stand up and say why. Or they pick x to be the sacrificial lamb for that division. Then they come out with a hiring freeze.

I was told Rob had a 90% closing rate. Which of course is crap. But this place breads myths like this and then try to hold everyone else to the mythical numbers of the magical Rob and magical DVPs. This place is toxic. It will fail.

90%? yeah, that is BS! He cannot have near the sales experience that he says he does. Any seasoned professional would say that you have to grind it out and follow up. That sometimes it takes 8 follow ups to close the deal.

90%? yeah, that is BS! He cannot have near the sales experience that he says he does. Any seasoned professional would say that you have to grind it out and follow up. That sometimes it takes 8 follow ups to close the deal.

The problem is the hc1, well and Rob and several DVPs. They all credit each other as being the greatest team of sales people to ever gace the sales profession in the history of the sales. Ever. To hear them they walked in made a lunch. Did nothing else and sold 90% of those lunches. Yea. Whatever. Not possible. And since there are no hc1 type records they can say whatever they want. Bonji!

The problem is the hc1, well and Rob and several DVPs. They all credit each other as being the greatest team of sales people to ever gace the sales profession in the history of the sales. Ever. To hear them they walked in made a lunch. Did nothing else and sold 90% of those lunches. Yea. Whatever. Not possible. And since there are no hc1 type records they can say whatever they want. Bonji!

Funny thing is that most of them have very little sales experience. This was their first sales job and the company wasn't that big, so they inflated their accomplishments.

I have heard Robert give examples of how to overcome objections. It was kind of interesting because he sounded offensive, yet he had no clue. This man is very naïve and it shows that he has very little experience selling to physicians.

Funny thing is that most of them have very little sales experience. This was their first sales job and the company wasn't that big, so they inflated their accomplishments.

I have heard Robert give examples of how to overcome objections. It was kind of interesting because he sounded offensive, yet he had no clue. This man is very naïve and it shows that he has very little experience selling to physicians.

The DVPS are no different. You would think they invented the concept of sales.

The DVPS are no different. You would think they invented the concept of sales.

They started building the team after the top representatives went off and created their own lab. Why that happened I have no idea. The rumor is that Rob asked to go with them and they said no. That was second hand so I am not sure. The DVP's are the one's who were left over after the split. I believe some of them simply picked up accounts left behind by the previous reps. A couple of them are really nice and just victim to Rob. They have hired and turned over so many sales representatives it is unbelievable. My manager knew absolutely nothing about sales. Straight from Rob I was discouraged to work on "long term" accounts and concentrate on short term sales. How is this a strategic plan?

Dear Scott Damron,

Your Bearer Of The Flame, Robert Mitchell, has fooled you. He is not producing long term growth, rather he is forcing faulty sales techniques! He is demoralizing the sales force and polarizing the company. He is not a leader, and is spreading negativity. Castle may be touted as a great place to work for at corporate, however, Robert has made your company terrible for your sales force. See past his cocky demeanor and see that he truly is incompetent when it comes to medical sales and running a nation wide sales organization. Seek out sales leadership that has experience in the medical industry, I promise that you will see a big difference when compared to this over hyped, conceded, "bearer of the flame."

Dear Scott Damron,

Your Bearer Of The Flame, Robert Mitchell, has fooled you. He is not producing long term growth, rather he is forcing faulty sales techniques! He is demoralizing the sales force and polarizing the company. He is not a leader, and is spreading negativity. Castle may be touted as a great place to work for at corporate, however, Robert has made your company terrible for your sales force. See past his cocky demeanor and see that he truly is incompetent when it comes to medical sales and running a nation wide sales organization. Seek out sales leadership that has experience in the medical industry, I promise that you will see a big difference when compared to this over hyped, conceded, "bearer of the flame."

Well said. And what is this Bonji, stuff?

What's the why?

Why do I think that one Tox lab can influence payers? And why would they think that would be good to say in a presentation?

These guys don't know how payers work, Rob is a moron!

Claim they want to change healthcare, but doctors can't rely on reps because their rep is finding initial contacts, or they are fired. They don't want to change healthcare, they want to change the sales force every three months.

What's the why?

Why do I think that one Tox lab can influence payers? And why would they think that would be good to say in a presentation?

These guys don't know how payers work, Rob is a moron!

Claim they want to change healthcare, but doctors can't rely on reps because their rep is finding initial contacts, or they are fired. They don't want to change healthcare, they want to change the sales force every three months.

Scott is the one who wants to change healthcare. Rob wants to change his checkbook. The canons about caring and being genuine is all bs. The fact that they fire reps so quickly and without reason shows the docs this company is going nowhere. The DVPS pick up the accounts of the fired reps and then tell the next schmuck in that territory that they got all accounts in the territory. All lies.

Scott is the one who wants to change healthcare. Rob wants to change his checkbook. The canons about caring and being genuine is all bs. The fact that they fire reps so quickly and without reason shows the docs this company is going nowhere. The DVPS pick up the accounts of the fired reps and then tell the next schmuck in that territory that they got all accounts in the territory. All lies.

And it is greed. Nothing more. Nothing less.

As with all growing companies, Castle is feeling the pain. However the pain is only being felt by the territory folks right now. The DVPs might be irritated at the emails coming from Rob. But they are not being fired on a whim. However, Castle as a whole will feel the pain after they run 3-4 good reps in and out of there that Dr's actually like. Reps that docs know don't suck. Credibility is dwindling away. But Rob doesn't care and will blame it on the reps anyway. The DVPs know nothing of the individual markets. They see all markets as the same. A sure recipe for failure. This company will fail. Rob will only help that happen much sooner than later. If rob would fire a DVP or two than the reps might see he is serious. But they have all created such a myth about how great they all are, and the belief that they are the best managers, that Rob doesn't have the stones do do anything about any of it. Scott needs to fire Rob and then some of the DVPS and this place might stand a chance. It nothing changes this place will collapse, quickly.