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Wow! You don't need to worry about Vag's misogyny. You need to worry about your own penchant for murder because that's what the taking of innocent human life such as occurs in an abortion is.

There is virtually no excuse for abortion. With the quality and availability of birth control today there is no need for abortion.

Real lovers of women, love them even prior to them being born.

Real lovers of women also want to protect them from the physical
And psychological trauma that often results from abortion.

I'm a man, btw and my standing on abortion is as valid as any woman's because I am a human being.

Well then, good for you, man, for your opinion on a woman's rights over her own body. So easy for a man to say.

Duhhh? As a retired man, yes, there are more important things than abortion on my mind.

My guess is that's the case with most retirees, abortion not being their #1 concern in life. :cool:

How about just as a man, not a retired man? Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant? Do you ever think outside of your shallow box? I really thought you had more smarts. You turn whichever way the winds blow.

How about just as a man, not a retired man? Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant? Do you ever think outside of your shallow box? I really thought you had more smarts. You turn whichever way the winds blow.

Yes, I got a girl pregnant back in the 70s. She didn't tell me until she had it 'taken care of'. What shallow box have you put me in? I am and have always been - pro choice, pro abortion. I've made that clear since I've been here. My comment addressed the simple fact that if this president were to appoint SCOTUS members who eventually overturned Roe v Wade, I wouldn't be affected personally (age, sex, etc) however I would be very disappointed for the rest of the population not to have freedom of choice. I was coming of age when girls had to go to Mexico or find a doctor here who did 'appendectomies'. That seems like the dark ages now. That said, at a certain point in life you realize that you can't change everything you want to change - you have to live with some things. So our country may take a different direction on the matter now, I certainly hope not. So back to your point? And exactly what WAS your point? Do you even have one? :cool:
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How about just as a man, not a retired man? Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant? Do you ever think outside of your shallow box? I really thought you had more smarts. You turn whichever way the winds blow.

It doesn't matter if he got a girl pregnant stupid. Now he believes that abortions are off his list because they have no use for him. He would be looking at it from a completely different perspective if he got a girl pregnant. He has no care for the problem, only that it doesn't affect him personally.

It doesn't matter if he got a girl pregnant stupid. Now he believes that abortions are off his list because they have no use for him. He would be looking at it from a completely different perspective if he got a girl pregnant. He has no care for the problem, only that it doesn't affect him personally.

WTF is wrong with you? I had a vasectomy years ago after my second child was born - so I have no personal 'list' as far as sex goes except for the pleasure it produces for myself and my willing partner.

As far as the 'problem'? My position is that a woman has the right to make decisions concerning her own health and body. We can argue whether a fetus is 'part of her body' or a 'separate body' but that has already been argued here ad nauseam and likely will be in our society for years to come.Arguing that here is like beating a dead horse.

I fall into the 'pro-choice' category.

WTF is wrong with you? I had a vasectomy years ago after my second child was born - so I have no personal 'list' as far as sex goes except for the pleasure it produces for myself and my willing partner.

As far as the 'problem'? My position is that a woman has the right to make decisions concerning her own health and body. We can argue whether a fetus is 'part of her body' or a 'separate body' but that has already been argued here ad nauseam and likely will be in our society for years to come.Arguing that here is like beating a dead horse.

I fall into the 'pro-choice' category.

Well that was certainly a responsible thing to do. My point was you seem to be apathetic about any issues that don't affect you personally. Do you ever look at the greater picture? So you're retired and you stop caring? You have children and you've said you have grandchildren. Don't you care about their future? After all you were partly responsible for their being here.

WTF is wrong with you? I had a vasectomy years ago after my second child was born - so I have no personal 'list' as far as sex goes except for the pleasure it produces for myself and my willing partner.

As far as the 'problem'? My position is that a woman has the right to make decisions concerning her own health and body. We can argue whether a fetus is 'part of her body' or a 'separate body' but that has already been argued here ad nauseam and likely will be in our society for years to come.Arguing that here is like beating a dead horse.

I fall into the 'pro-choice' category.

There is no debate. It's biological fact. The child resides in the woman's body, but it is a distinct human person and therefore has a right to life that none, including the mother has a right to interfere with.

Try not providing an infant with food and shelter. You wind up in jail. So we tell a woman what to do with her own body all the time. So that argument is silly and once again denies reality. All the pregnant woman is doing is providing food and shelter, just like the mother of an infant.

Case closed

Well that was certainly a responsible thing to do. My point was you seem to be apathetic about any issues that don't affect you personally. Do you ever look at the greater picture? So you're retired and you stop caring? You have children and you've said you have grandchildren. Don't you care about their future? After all you were partly responsible for their being here.

No he doesn't. Oh he will claim that he does but anyone who calls his hand concerning his thoughts and actions concerning something that has the potential to have tremendous negative impact on his children's and grandchildren's lives he starts rambling about how they have to make their own decisions or live their own lives or some such nonsense.

Well that was certainly a responsible thing to do. My point was you seem to be apathetic about any issues that don't affect you personally. Do you ever look at the greater picture? So you're retired and you stop caring? You have children and you've said you have grandchildren. Don't you care about their future? After all you were partly responsible for their being here.

It isn't apathy, it's reality and time. The reality is, I don't realistically have the ability to affect the abortion police except to verbally give my opinion which is 'pro-choice'. What about my children and grandchildren? I'm not the parent of my grandchildren, my daughter and her husband are. He's an attorney, she's a HS English teacher. I see them as good parents. If you ever make it to retirement, you just may find that after spending your energy, money and waking hours raising your children, it's time to kick back a little and enjoy your life on cruise control. Live your life, pay your bills, vote every election and don't be worried so much about what others think.

There is no debate. It's biological fact. The child resides in the woman's body, but it is a distinct human person and therefore has a right to life that none, including the mother has a right to interfere with.

Try not providing an infant with food and shelter. You wind up in jail. So we tell a woman what to do with her own body all the time. So that argument is silly and once again denies reality. All the pregnant woman is doing is providing food and shelter, just like the mother of an infant.

Case closed

Go stand in front of a Planned Parenthood and hold a fucking sign then. I'm sure people will honk, smile and wave as they drive by. :cool:

Oh yeah, currently, a women DOES have a right to terminate the development and eventual birth of a viable fetus. Case closed.

Well Vag has a couple of kids, so we know the answer to that one.

Other than his two daughters that he knows about idiot. I would pose the same question to you. have you ever been in the predicament of getting a girl pregnant when you weren't in a position to take care of a child? What about rape? Do you think rape victims who become impregnated should be forced to carry that child?

There is no debate. It's biological fact. The child resides in the woman's body, but it is a distinct human person and therefore has a right to life that none, including the mother has a right to interfere with.

Try not providing an infant with food and shelter. You wind up in jail. So we tell a woman what to do with her own body all the time. So that argument is silly and once again denies reality. All the pregnant woman is doing is providing food and shelter, just like the mother of an infant.

Case closed

Sure. According to you every woman should be forced to have any child no matter how it was conceived. No one has the right to tell a woman that she is forced to do something she does not want to do. Easy to say if you're a man. If you're a woman, good for you, you can make your own choice but don't inflict it on other women to make the same choice as you.

It isn't apathy, it's reality and time. The reality is, I don't realistically have the ability to affect the abortion police except to verbally give my opinion which is 'pro-choice'. What about my children and grandchildren? I'm not the parent of my grandchildren, my daughter and her husband are. He's an attorney, she's a HS English teacher. I see them as good parents. If you ever make it to retirement, you just may find that after spending your energy, money and waking hours raising your children, it's time to kick back a little and enjoy your life on cruise control. Live your life, pay your bills, vote every election and don't be worried so much about what others think.

You have every right to enjoy the life you built but just because you are up there in years should not be complacent about the future of our children, grandchildren and future generations. It has nothing to do with your daughter and her husband being good parents, it has to do with you doing your part to help keep the world from going backwards in its thinking. That's what I mean about stepping outside your box.

Other than his two daughters that he knows about idiot. I would pose the same question to you. have you ever been in the predicament of getting a girl pregnant when you weren't in a position to take care of a child? What about rape? Do you think rape victims who become impregnated should be forced to carry that child?
No I do not Simpleton. I have actually been accused three times and when I told ALL of them that I wanted to be a part of the child's life, I didn't hear back from them. I would take care of a child I created, no matter what.

Go stand in front of a Planned Parenthood and hold a fucking sign then. I'm sure people will honk, smile and wave as they drive by. :cool:

Oh yeah, currently, a women DOES have a right to terminate the development and eventual birth of a viable fetus. Case closed.

Yeah just like it was closed when white people had the right to own blank people. The right to kill an unborn child has just as much legitimacy as that right did!

Sure. According to you every woman should be forced to have any child no matter how it was conceived. No one has the right to tell a woman that she is forced to do something she does not want to do. Easy to say if you're a man. If you're a woman, good for you, you can make your own choice but don't inflict it on other women to make the same choice as you.

Everybody gets a vote, including the baby. So the woman delivers the child and then 18 years later we ask the kid if they want to live or die.

See how easy that was, buttercup?