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Carrier jobs

Vag you are one stupid fuck. Conservative Anonopossy. you are also one stupid fuck. Not sure who is stupider.

The Carrier deal is an prime example of the conflicts of interest that will be coming to the White House with Donald Trump. It turns out the president-elect gave Carrier $7 million in taxpayer money and he owns stock in Carrier's parent company, United Technologies.

Like George Soros (remember he has appointed his drone to be Secretary of the Treasury?) he will use his inside influence to gut the economy, line his pockets and become Emporer of the Western World. And you stupid fucks just sit there - pulling your puds.

LFMAO, meanwhile General Petreus (who shared more classified information than Edward Snowdon ever did) is being considered for Secretary of State. :cool:

This week in Indianapolis, President-elect Donald Trump announced that he would save hundreds of Americans’ jobs from going to Mexico. Speaking at United Technologies’ Carrier air conditioning company, Trump announced a deal that kept 800 jobs in-state in exchange for $7 million in tax breaks. Meanwhile, 1,300 are still leaving, according to a letter sent to employees. To workers at Carrier, the triumph is sweet, but it feels something like a stay of execution for their jobs, not an acquittal, given the circumstances.

“As much as we’re happy jobs are staying, a lot of us don’t know how much trust to put in Carrier,” 14-year Carrier employee T.J. Bray and USW union leadership member told Yahoo Finance. “If Trump doesn’t get re-elected, will [the jobs] leave then?” The fact that Indiana taxpayers had to cough up millions to keep the jobs in-state—as well as the reality that automation will continue to make some human skills obsolete—paints Trump’s solution as a Band-aid. It is not a reasonable long-term strategy to retain manufacturing jobs. Carrier’s sweet deal shows other companies how to out-negotiate Trump. Lost in this confusing situation is the solution. It’s been there, provided by Carrier and its parent company United Technologies since the beginning: education and training.

Sometimes abortion is best for society cupcake...... reality is hard to swallow sometimes..... teary eyed religious freaks speaking out against abortion and the death penalty? Hey, you take care of the bastards.

No, taking of innocent life is never best for society, idiot boy.

You're really pathetic. Immoral and stupid.

Speaking of stubborn & ignorant, I have a friend who has been with CNN for years. They LOVE Donald Trump! Who in the fuck do you think gave him so much free time? Yeah, they stirred the controversy, it only helped him. Do you think she is bothered by his victory? Fuck no! Newsflash! The news media is selling a product. No news, no job. Bill O'Oily is one of the few news people who can hold an intelligent conversation without a teleprompter. I don't always agree with him, he's often an arrogant ass but all in all, he's pretty damn good.

He feels the same way about DT as I do. Thin skinned, we're for him, as citizens and voters we watch and comment. It's one of our rights as citizens that you don't like. You want it ALL Breitbart, doesn't work that way.

You may go to your room now. :cool:

Speaking of stubborn & ignorant, I have a friend who has been with CNN for years. They LOVE Donald Trump! Who in the fuck do you think gave him so much free time? Yeah, they stirred the controversy, it only helped him. Do you think she is bothered by his victory? Fuck no! Newsflash! The news media is selling a product. No news, no job. Bill O'Oily is one of the few news people who can hold an intelligent conversation without a teleprompter. I don't always agree with him, he's often an arrogant ass but all in all, he's pretty damn good.

He feels the same way about DT as I do. Thin skinned, we're for him, as citizens and voters we watch and comment. It's one of our rights as citizens that you don't like. You want it ALL Breitbart, doesn't work that way.

You may go to your room now. :cool:

Well, I am kinda tired from continually kicking your butt so I might go to my room for awhile.

Try not to make a total fool of yourself while I'm gone.

This week in Indianapolis, President-elect Donald Trump announced that he would save hundreds of Americans’ jobs from going to Mexico. Speaking at United Technologies’ Carrier air conditioning company, Trump announced a deal that kept 800 jobs in-state in exchange for $7 million in tax breaks. Meanwhile, 1,300 are still leaving, according to a letter sent to employees. To workers at Carrier, the triumph is sweet, but it feels something like a stay of execution for their jobs, not an acquittal, given the circumstances.

“As much as we’re happy jobs are staying, a lot of us don’t know how much trust to put in Carrier,” 14-year Carrier employee T.J. Bray and USW union leadership member told Yahoo Finance. “If Trump doesn’t get re-elected, will [the jobs] leave then?” The fact that Indiana taxpayers had to cough up millions to keep the jobs in-state—as well as the reality that automation will continue to make some human skills obsolete—paints Trump’s solution as a Band-aid. It is not a reasonable long-term strategy to retain manufacturing jobs. Carrier’s sweet deal shows other companies how to out-negotiate Trump. Lost in this confusing situation is the solution. It’s been there, provided by Carrier and its parent company United Technologies since the beginning: education and training.

Corporations don't really pay taxes which means they pass along the highest corporate tax rates to who? Yes, consumers ie taxpayers.

Also unemployed people don't pay much in taxes and are a net drain on the treasury.

This is not a perfect world. This may not have been the ideal solution, but tax cuts and employed people are two very good things and those who criticize, ineffectively to this point I might add, have a very high bar to jump.

And anytime a politician keeps a campaign promise, it's almost always a great thing.

Corporations don't really pay taxes which means they pass along the highest corporate tax rates to who? Yes, consumers ie taxpayers.

Also unemployed people don't pay much in taxes and are a net drain on the treasury.

This is not a perfect world. This may not have been the ideal solution, but tax cuts and employed people are two very good things and those who criticize, ineffectively to this point I might add, have a very high bar to jump.

And anytime a politician keeps a campaign promise, it's almost always a great thing.

Just this weekend Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin (who you recall spoke for him) criticized the Carrier deal. Nice job of wiggling out of the issue.

Here's another turd you can try to polish. Some even dare criticize his thoughts of Petreus as Secretary of State since he apparently shared many Top Secrets with his mistress. What? A Secretary of state sharing classified info? Where have we heard that one before?And you want more? Unfuckingbelievable. :cool:

Vag you are one stupid fuck. Conservative Anonopossy. you are also one stupid fuck. Not sure who is stupider.

The Carrier deal is an prime example of the conflicts of interest that will be coming to the White House with Donald Trump. It turns out the president-elect gave Carrier $7 million in taxpayer money and he owns stock in Carrier's parent company, United Technologies.

Like George Soros (remember he has appointed his drone to be Secretary of the Treasury?) he will use his inside influence to gut the economy, line his pockets and become Emporer of the Western World. And you stupid fucks just sit there - pulling your puds.

You are the most stupid of all. A Hillary supporter no doubt.

You are the most stupid of all. A Hillary supporter no doubt.

Thanks for sticking up for me. Nothing wrong with a Soros associate running our treasury. Soros and our new Secretary Mnumich made a wad together. Who knows what they can do with our treasury department. I think Soros had some experience with the Bank of England. So I agree, only a Hillary supporter would complain.

Just this weekend Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin (who you recall spoke for him) criticized the Carrier deal. Nice job of wiggling out of the issue.

Here's another turd you can try to polish. Some even dare criticize his thoughts of Petreus as Secretary of State since he apparently shared many Top Secrets with his mistress. What? A Secretary of state sharing classified info? Where have we heard that one before?And you want more? Unfuckingbelievable. :cool:

Lots of blather from you as usual but no substantive response.

So Palin is your economic expert now? LOL!

Yeah the Petreus consideration is pitiful. Just one more reason Cruz was the right choice! Meanwhile, you were a stupid Trumper all along and now you're a whiner!

Thanks for sticking up for me. Nothing wrong with a Soros associate running our treasury. Soros and our new Secretary Mnumich made a wad together. Who knows what they can do with our treasury department. I think Soros had some experience with the Bank of England. So I agree, only a Hillary supporter would complain.

Yeah, we shoulda gone with Cruz! :D

No need idiot boy! It didn't hurt Trump! In fact apparently it's the winning formula!

Thanks for allowing me to expose you as an ignorant fool yet again.
He's better than Hillary and better than Cruz. He still has faults and this boardwas created for me to expose those faults. Have a good week. :cool:
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He's better than Hillary and better than Cruz. He still has faults and this boardwas created for me to expose those faults. Have a good week. :cool:

Yes, idiot boy he's far better than Hillary but far worse than Cruz. And every time you whine about something you don't like about Trump, I'll be there to point out how stupid you were not to want Cruz! Have a good week! :D

Yes, idiot boy he's far better than Hillary but far worse than Cruz. And every time you whine about something you don't like about Trump, I'll be there to point out how stupid you were not to want Cruz! Have a good week! :D

Cruz is a joke and so are you. :cool:

I'll second that notion ....Cruz is a JERK and tried to steal the show at RNC but was made to look like a fool.....THEN he comes begging and Ass kissing 2 weeks before election ? BS .....he's got the kind of face you just can't trust .....Sneaky looking !!

Cruz is a joke and so are you. :cool:

No, you're just the idiot boy.

But tell us idiot boy why do you think in your addled mind that a sitting U.S. Senator and the runner up for the Republican nomination who has the same stated position on abortion and women's "rights" as Trump is a loser? Hmmmm?

Looks a lot like the path a big time winner - Reagan followed!

Yeah, you live down to your title of idiot boy.

I'll second that notion ....Cruz is a JERK and tried to steal the show at RNC but was made to look like a fool.....THEN he comes begging and Ass kissing 2 weeks before election ? BS .....he's got the kind of face you just can't trust .....Sneaky looking !!

Wow what a deep and substantive critique of Cruz! No wonder your willing to sign onto Vag's idiocy.