Cardiovascular Hospital Sales


Looking for some honest feedback on the Cardiovascular Hospital Sales team. Been in hospital sales 12 years now and our company is getting out of the hospitals. Is this a good division for AZ?
What is the salary range?
Bonus potential good or bad?
Looking for some honest feedback so I can weigh some options.

Steer clear of this place. All we have is Brilinta that has been around for 5 years. Not much more to say about this drug that hasn't already been said a hundred times. We have "Hospital" reps that are driving for almost 2 hours just to get to a hospital that is basically inaccessible. So when you drive for an hour and a half to get to one of your target hospitals and you can't see anyone all day, what are you supposed to do? How AZ can pay reps to sit in the cafeterias of these hospitals all day long and accomplish absolutely nothing is beyond me. The same is true for a lot of the AZ MSL's. Some of these places won't even let you on the hospital grounds let alone into the hospital. This is nuts!!!

Steer clear of this place. All we have is Brilinta that has been around for 5 years. Not much more to say about this drug that hasn't already been said a hundred times. We have "Hospital" reps that are driving for almost 2 hours just to get to a hospital that is basically inaccessible. So when you drive for an hour and a half to get to one of your target hospitals and you can't see anyone all day, what are you supposed to do? How AZ can pay reps to sit in the cafeterias of these hospitals all day long and accomplish absolutely nothing is beyond me. The same is true for a lot of the AZ MSL's. Some of these places won't even let you on the hospital grounds let alone into the hospital. This is nuts!!!

The only other rep required to go to hospitals is oncology. And the access for them is spot on with the above. Oncology just gets paid more.

Hospital access is among the worst. Gone are the days when you could set up a display outside the physician entrance or go from the ER to the GI lab to the cath lab and the anesthesia work room. Today you would be arrested and tackled by a security guard. We need to change our customer facing model

There is still ample opportunity to be effective as a hospital rep. With that being said, the AZ model has had the rep parked in the cath lab. Anybody that has worked a hospital with a DRUG used in the cath lab knows that your call points in the hospital need to go beyond the cath lab.
The opportunities are endless to convey the value of a drug like Brilanta that is 5 years on the market. But 90% of the hospital reps here were Crestor reps back in the day. Gone are the days when a couple of cardiologists can make it rain for you. From what I can gather..they have reps 2 hospital reps on average in each territory and then 3 clinic based reps calling on cards for each given territory. Therein lies a huge issue.

There is still ample opportunity to be effective as a hospital rep. With that being said, the AZ model has had the rep parked in the cath lab. Anybody that has worked a hospital with a DRUG used in the cath lab knows that your call points in the hospital need to go beyond the cath lab.
The opportunities are endless to convey the value of a drug like Brilanta that is 5 years on the market. But 90% of the hospital reps here were Crestor reps back in the day. Gone are the days when a couple of cardiologists can make it rain for you. From what I can gather..they have reps 2 hospital reps on average in each territory and then 3 clinic based reps calling on cards for each given territory. Therein lies a huge issue.

It is a nightmare. It is only a matter of time that some get whacked . One of the 5 reps calling on 10-15 cardiologists that will actually see you is a real issue. We sit in the lunch room and rot. Stay away. Nothing new about this dog.

This sounds a lot like the company I am with that is getting out of the hospitals. Can anyone give honest advice on the salary range for this position? Bonus potential? How big are the territories?

Well...another week has gone by and.....nothing has happened. One of the security guards at the hospital asked my what my business was. I told him "pharma" and he said....."what's that?" So there you go. No appointments, no return calls no returned e-mails. It's like zombie land! Will someone please talk to me!!

Well...another week has gone by and.....nothing has happened. One of the security guards at the hospital asked my what my business was. I told him "pharma" and he said....."what's that?" So there you go. No appointments, no return calls no returned e-mails. It's like zombie land! Will someone please talk to me!!

Hospitals are just like Managed Care Corporations, they are consolidating into mega corporate entities. The days of the independent stand alone hospital is going the way of the locally owned and operated pharmacy and the independent lone doctor office with the wife as the receptionist and business manager. Soon there will be no more than a dozen Hospital formularies across the country and all Doctor Rx decisions will be formulary driven by bean counters. And AZ will continue the madness of sending in multiple A.D.s and Hospital Specialists until their hand is forced because Upper Management depends on the peons for their existence.

You would have to be seriously desperate and ignorant to come to AZ, there is no future, hospitals despise AZ reps. Go into medical sales or injectables/vaccine sales where they need to see you. Nobody needs to see a pharma rep selling pills.

We have nothing to offer. Patients first? We want to be "colleagues"? Really????? How delirious is this line of thinking? The toolbox is empty. It's over and we just don't know it!

Hospitals are just like Managed Care Corporations, they are consolidating into mega corporate entities. The days of the independent stand alone hospital is going the way of the locally owned and operated pharmacy and the independent lone doctor office with the wife as the receptionist and business manager. Soon there will be no more than a dozen Hospital formularies across the country and all Doctor Rx decisions will be formulary driven by bean counters. And AZ will continue the madness of sending in multiple A.D.s and Hospital Specialists until their hand is forced because Upper Management depends on the peons for their existence.

Which is why we should be organized around health system account teams with some of those wily MAPS veterans at the helm so they can help us steer clear of obstacles and navigate the complex environment. Their years of experience will help guide us through these confusing times and stand at the vanguard of positive change and focus on the new customers of tomorrow. Go MAPS team go.

Ha ha. That would be funny if it wasn't a reminder of how sad most of them are. Ours is a new female who absolutely knows anything. Pretty remarkable once you talk with her.

Which is why we should be organized around health system account teams with some of those wily MAPS veterans at the helm so they can help us steer clear of obstacles and navigate the complex environment. Their years of experience will help guide us through these confusing times and stand at the vanguard of positive change and focus on the new customers of tomorrow. Go MAPS team go.

You said it. Go MAPs team Go. I mean literally, please just go. This team is made up of demoted losers whose careers died an embarrassing death long ago. The only way you could make this suggestion work is to fire the entire bunch and replace them with true professionals with some sense of strategy and a wisp of leadership ability. Our current bunch has already proven that they have neither. Ours in Florida thinks she is a weather girl.

Completely agree! MAPS team is useless! Diabetes MAPS doofus in NC never does a damn thing to help us out there in the field. All he does is recirculate the same worthless huge slide deck and repeat same crap to try to justify his job! And to top it off, he's an egomaniac!!!

MAPS? Really? They are like tits on a boar hog. Useless. They are nothing more than messenger boys and girls. They wander around aimlessly like the zombies in Walking Dead. They don't have anything in their tool they are just like the rest of us! They are armed with a fist full of useless contracts and goofy offers that we think customers will bite on. Bottom line is this....give us all something REAL to do. Something that customers want. So far there is nothing like this on the horizon.....

MAPS will save the day. They help us all the time and get on calls and meet us in the field and help us understand where we have pull through opportunities and show us how to look at PPT and BOT and Fingertip and oh wait....that was 20 years ago. Now they say they have to meet with our CBD. For what. Our CBD doesn't know shit. Fuck all this

MAPS will save the day. They help us all the time and get on calls and meet us in the field and help us understand where we have pull through opportunities and show us how to look at PPT and BOT and Fingertip and oh wait....that was 20 years ago. Now they say they have to meet with our CBD. For what. Our CBD doesn't know shit. Fuck all this

Ask one of them a clinical question or to demonstrate a sales presentation and watch them shit their pants.