Cardionet Vs LifeWatch

I just want to wish everyone over at LW, CN, Ecardio, Medicomp, and Mednet a very Merry Christmas. I left this field 6 months ago but still insist to offer my grace. I hear things haven't changed on this ole stomping ground. I laugh now thinking back on how much time I spent reading this crap....Good times. Enjoy the holidays everyone!
Oh... almost forgot, Happy Hanukka LifeWatch!

CardioNet uses there own proprietary algorithm... that is why it is 100% and better than yours.
What conflict? Why would that have anything to do with having a better algorithm. Again, grasping for anything. Loser.

What a are either the main person causing the conflict or someone from HR that is clueless..........What Conflict??????????? Hello cult, Anna, JR, and Phil..............they are the reason this company has gone no where but down, as they are back stabbers who are pitiful examples of upper management............without a clue of ethics, morals, or any values. Yes, back stabbing redhead, the JR or junior of management, and the buck-tooth Phil who is a worse than his 2 girls signing contracts from home...............hey Randy, this is your weakness but you are too busy listening to them rather than the AE's in the field. Wake up, get out in the field away from PA and see the real world of CardioNET!!!!

Everything is working great, we are not getting paid for what we are selling because intake is Taking the RX and flipping to event even when it is a vaild RX.........oh, but that is our fault. So sorry, I forgot that I was the problem and not the idiot who is trying to hire a consultant to do their job and get a contract.........It is all my fault, please forgive me for selling MCOT instead of events, I have been mislead by the commission plan.

WOW i am the orginal person who wrote this Post back in 2008. I had an offer from both companies, thank god i didnt take either job and stayed with my current company sounds like you both suck huge donkey

WOW i am the orginal person who wrote this Post back in 2008. I had an offer from both companies, thank god i didnt take either job and stayed with my current company sounds like you both suck huge donkey

Yeah my job sucks pretty bad..LOL.. after the first three months, if I keep the pace I'm averaging, I'll make a little over 150k. HOW ARE YOU DOIN????

Get out of Lifewatch while you can - it's a sinking ship! More layoffs are coming. Lifewatch is not paying commission that is due to their reps not to mention the last paychecks were late. This company is a joke and so unprofessional. It's a shame because there really are some talented people there. All the best as you search for another job.

Since it seems like everyone posting these days works at either LW or CN, let me ask the question...If the situation is really that bad there, why are you guys still working there? Pharma is always looking for experienced reps with a good track record. FIND A NEW JOB! The money isnt in telemetry anymore. Hello, its over. The best of us made our money and got out. I never bitched on this website. I didnt care to bash the management or other reps. Theonly few times I utilized this website was to seek out any competitive information on LW. You all need to grow up and shut up! Do you job to feed your family. If you have talent, you can easily go back to pharma. I did, and yes i still deal with the usualy pharma crap, but I make money and love what I do...