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Cardio Care layoffs


Contract going first, then whats left will either be canned or placed as needed not good, not good at all, unless you are Me, 1.4mil in 401k, pension stuffe with cash and a rich Filipino wife that so horny...

Contract going first, then whats left will either be canned or placed as needed not good, not good at all, unless you are Me, 1.4mil in 401k, pension stuffe with cash and a rich Filipino wife that so horny...

Sorry. Contract is not going first, they be last. They are cheaper and can be let go at the end of any quarter without medical, dental, life insurance,life-time pension for them and a spouse, severance, re-training, etc...
You guys need to get a wake-up call about this!

Sorry. Contract is not going first, they be last. They are cheaper and can be let go at the end of any quarter without medical, dental, life insurance,life-time pension for them and a spouse, severance, re-training, etc...
You guys need to get a wake-up call about this!

That's why this contractor left. R U Kiddin me? I wasn't gonna stay around and do all the work for the leftover crazy wack jobs for pennies? It was a great decision, too.

Contract going first, then whats left will either be canned or placed as needed not good, not good at all, unless you are Me, 1.4mil in 401k, pension stuffe with cash and a rich Filipino wife that so horny...

Might want to cash that 401k now while the stock market is riding the Federal Reserve high. When sanity overtakes Bernanke's cheap money policy, there's gonna be one heckuva correction.

Sorry. Contract is not going first, they be last. They are cheaper and can be let go at the end of any quarter without medical, dental, life insurance,life-time pension for them and a spouse, severance, re-training, etc...
You guys need to get a wake-up call about this!

Don't buy that scenario. Contractors need something to work for, like a future in a stable organization. Yes, they're cheaper, but they are not as flexible as in-house folks who already know policies, procedures, and protocol. In this age of CIA and ever greater scrutiny of the industry, the potential for disaster is much higher with a rented salesforce. And how do you motivate people to consistently work hard while the sword of Damocles hangs over them? Remember January 2011, when our contractors (and a bunch of Abbott folks) got the heave ho?The Quintiles folks had been assured they would all be rolled into Abbot, and all they got was rolled.

Contract is going firts reliable source here. Cheaper, yes, flexible yes, but not needed. In one swoop, half of the sales force is gone with no chance of litigation, severances, etc. then the rest of abbvie will be placed or let go, its a done deal. Remember 2010 one conf call was all it took and the whole novaquest sales force was gone with no strings attached. It is easy to get rid of contractors there is no backlash, age descrimination, etc it is spelled out that there is a definitive time limit that can be extended. I heard that after first quarter, and those who won summit will be paid out a one time payment for that as well.

All I want to know is where are the internal jobs they tell us to interview for to avoid these upcoming layoffs? I haven't seen shit on the websites any where near my location.
Bunch of BS.

Believe naive is a better word then dumb. Its kinda like telling you that the Gov called to stop your execution, but we missed his call so you have to get it anyway. So sorry, we tried.

If they let go of contract at the end of March there would be entire districts/regions with no reps. Would that make business sense when there is still some (albeit not much) life left to promote TX/NIA?