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Cancelling An Interview. Minority Related Question

How sad you see everything through your racist perspective. It is up to the manager to hire the best. The best qualified, the best fit, the best in competence. As a rep you make the team better by being the better rep. The Manager makes you a better rep through coaching and his experiences. When a company starts hiring to complete a check list it begins its own failure. It make take a while, but making a square peg fit in a round hole rarely works. It may be the territory, or it may be you...but if a company is to make a profit, it needs the best and most qualified people working together as a team. Not someone always screaming about race or orientation.

Question for minorities..Have any of you ever cancelled an interview once you found out the RM’s and DM’s are White Males and you basically have no chance to be hired?
Dude, Obama was elected President twice! If you can’t get through an interview process then the problem is you! Not your color. Stop looking for a scapegoat. Consider that maybe you’re just a douche?.

How sad you see everything through your racist perspective. It is up to the manager to hire the best. The best qualified, the best fit, the best in competence. As a rep you make the team better by being the better rep. The Manager makes you a better rep through coaching and his experiences. When a company starts hiring to complete a check list it begins its own failure. It make take a while, but making a square peg fit in a round hole rarely works. It may be the territory, or it may be you...but if a company is to make a profit, it needs the best and most qualified people working together as a team. Not someone always screaming about race or orientation.

Hahahaha. That’s funny Tommyboy or Jimbo! Best qualified = White! Through coaching and your experiences? Let’s be real, some of your boys aren’t qualified to be Dog Catcher.

Hahahaha. That’s funny Tommyboy or Jimbo! Best qualified = White! Through coaching and your experiences? Let’s be real, some of your boys aren’t qualified to be Dog Catcher.
You've talked yourself into thinking you are a perpetual victim. Someone did that to you, the question you have to ask yourself is why

I’ve canceled dozens of interviews after finding out I’d be “the only one” in my district. F that. If you just do, one interview like that for practice. Only interview if you have a solid referral and ask if that DM is “open” to breaking the mold. I’m through with these people. Can’t wait for the changing Demographics so I can level the playing field.
You are the definition of a coward. The only thing holding you back is yourself.

How sad you see everything through your racist perspective. It is up to the manager to hire the best. The best qualified, the best fit, the best in competence. As a rep you make the team better by being the better rep. The Manager makes you a better rep through coaching and his experiences. When a company starts hiring to complete a check list it begins its own failure. It make take a while, but making a square peg fit in a round hole rarely works. It may be the territory, or it may be you...but if a company is to make a profit, it needs the best and most qualified people working together as a team. Not someone always screaming about race or orientation.

amen to that. It’s the new Pfizer where inclusiveness and diversity are more important that quality reps.

How sad you see everything through your racist perspective. It is up to the manager to hire the best. The best qualified, the best fit, the best in competence. As a rep you make the team better by being the better rep. The Manager makes you a better rep through coaching and his experiences. When a company starts hiring to complete a check list it begins its own failure. It make take a while, but making a square peg fit in a round hole rarely works. It may be the territory, or it may be you...but if a company is to make a profit, it needs the best and most qualified people working together as a team. Not someone always screaming about race or orientation.
WTF are you talking about? Please never again say "Best and most qualified" on this site. Our home office is stuffed with mediocre sycophants. They in turn hire their cronies from Wyeth. And on and on it goes. I think your panties are in a bundle because it appears that in the future, everyone from the mid level manager and above look or act the same, and you're now feeling that your livelihood threatened.

As a 12 year vet, I'm actually offended that youre trying to imply that we used to only hire and promote the best or most qualified. Thats a blatant lie.

You can always tell the biggest loser in the room, pointing to his failures because of his race…..

How is that different from dismissing someone’s qualifications to lead based on race or gender?

You 3-4 minorities move up the ranks and people jump on here to cry about it. If those same 3-4 leadership positions went to white males, nobody would say boo about it. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Better start graduating more than 13% from colleges and universities, and more than 56% from high school then. Oh that's right, that's someone else's fault too

Fake stats. Has nothing to do with a rapidly declining 23% White Male demographic controlling 92% plus leadership positions. They control who “Best Fit” is. Frankly I’m sick of it and so is the Majority Minority. We’ll never forget.

You mean you are the only one they will hire, regardless of qualifications - right? Making up less than 5% of the educated population, but holding a much greater percent than that in jobs requiring education. You claiming to be a victim has long died.

I am a minority and no I haven’t canceled interviews due to white males however the person who posted the above remark is the reason for racism in this industry. This asshole actually believes that most black people are uneducated and unqualified. Listen to me you idiot. I will run educational circles around you. You are a complete Moron and a racist to honestly believe that minorities are only hired to fill quotas. That really makes me wanna puke. But Many of the white males that are doing the interviews think the same way so I understand the OP’s concern and this idiot above me validated the OP’s statement.

Fake stats. Has nothing to do with a rapidly declining 23% White Male demographic controlling 92% plus leadership positions. They control who “Best Fit” is. Frankly I’m sick of it and so is the Majority Minority. We’ll never forget.
There is absolutely nothing in workforce mobility that has anything to do with education attainments. Your statement is what is considered to be a logical fallacy. Have a nice life building your foundation on emotionally charged lies.

And for the record. I am very active in my community trying to help minorities move up and out of poverty. It's people like you who instill this perpetual victimhood that keeps them down.

There is absolutely nothing in workforce mobility that has anything to do with education attainments. Your statement is what is considered to be a logical fallacy. Have a nice life building your foundation on emotionally charged lies.

And for the record. I am very active in my community trying to help minorities move up and out of poverty. It's people like you who instill this perpetual victimhood that keeps them down.

Nothing is worst than “White Savior” syndrome. Stay in your community. You’re probably scoping out what you can steal and takeover. Let’s keep East, East and West, West.

Nothing is worst than “White Savior” syndrome. Stay in your community. You’re probably scoping out what you can steal and takeover. Let’s keep East, East and West, West.
I'm not white. I'm scoping out people who dont want to be modified to always need government services. It's all about control for people like you. If everyone develops self worth and reaches their potential, no one would listen to you.

Better start graduating more than 13% from colleges and universities, and more than 56% from high school then. Oh that's right, that's someone else's fault too

Oh yes, its always someone else's fault and never theirs. That's their MO. Blame everyone but themselves, then stick their hands out for taxpayer money!

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