What to expect from a panel interview

It’s rampant at Pfizer. I am a proponent of equality for all and value diversity at all levels. However, when far less skilled, less experienced and incompetent employees are promoted into a position of leadership, the company is destined to fail. It doesn’t do anyone any good to have incompetent inexperienced people regardless of sex, race, religion in a leadership position.

just put the right person in the job and stop discriminating against experienced competent employees.
If you are referencing Xelajanz division & the last 4 DMs hires in the past 6 months ALL being reps with no development, training, Ops position or HQ rotation or secondments then YES i understand your concern (2 of those 4 reps to DMs were only just hired the past 24 months!)
Also the 3 Operational Managers hired in March???????

All cases, 100% without a doubt the most talented & best canidate did not get the job.
That Division is like IM/PC now where anybody can get promoted to DM without any qualifications or prior experience.

New VP hired last year is doing this because 20% turnover the reps easy out on exit survey is "leaving due to career opportunities w other divisions or companies." It is an easy clean out not to burn bridges.
Also if you are good looking & play your sexual cards w VP & RDs then your lack of experience, development, training & skills is no longer an issue. (Ask insiders what nickname was in marketing all those years)