California says yes to union

Phlebs in southern cal voted union in...more to follow

Phlebs in southern cal just voted themselves a fast track to a new career at Carl's Junior. Too bad they will only be able to serve and not afford the new all American burger with a hot dog and chips on it. It will be amusing to watch what happens to these people.

Getting rid of Phlebs as you suggest eventually means getting rid of sales and managers. Since there will be no one to draw patients the volumes will drop. . Phlebs are more valuable than sales, they bring more to the table anytime! Without Phlebs how do you think you will generate numbers? You need them to draw to grow your book so you may want to learn the fast food terminology. You already seem to know what's on the menu.

Getting rid of Phlebs as you suggest eventually means getting rid of sales and managers. Since there will be no one to draw patients the volumes will drop. . Phlebs are more valuable than sales, they bring more to the table anytime! Without Phlebs how do you think you will generate numbers? You need them to draw to grow your book so you may want to learn the fast food terminology. You already seem to know what's on the menu.
It takes a village.

You can count on some tension in the village once the union and non union villagers have to work together under different work rules and pay scales.

Very true, it will be worse than it is now. Everbody outside of sales thinks we are primadonna's but the truth is sales needs a union just as much. Sales needs a real leader to support reps with the right comp plan and well defined work responsiibilities. Too many managers go rogue and say "oh you are the KAE today, tomorrow you are an SME and the next day you are an SDE" But still paid the same and the workload gets ridiculous while people at the top line their pockets staying within budget because they wont back fill positions

Everyone who knows anything about unions knows that unions set the the standards. For instance, a union wage is the base that must be paid by all other employers who want quality employees.

While it may not be their first rodeo, it sure seems that losing an election to the union is like getting knocked off the horse.

They don't lose often nor are they use to being told what to do. That will all change now! They are not used to people or now entities standing up to their bully ways. While it is not their first rodeo, the tables have turned and the playing field will now be leveled because the employees will have a platform to stand up for themselves.

Heads should roll over this.

Heads should have rolled a long time ago. Just like Labcorp to only be reactive and act when the game is already over. How about listenting to the thousands of people who leave and give their reasons for leaving and act then and change for the better.. Nope! business as usual and if it doesnt affect the budget, they dont care. Well, now they have to after they lost many great employees. I have said this many times, labcorp is a pound foolish and a penny wise organization. They never see the big picture, very conservative short sighted company with a secret boys club intact here. Any good CEO would Eradicate the losers at the top of each division and department and start over. Maybe just maybe they will instill a culture of patient and employee satisfaction and that starts with a REAL MANAGEMENT training program conpany wide! Not this cronyism that goes on here. Joke!