Can't wait to see how this whole thing plays out. Can't wait to see how many reps walk
Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.
This is the stupidest, most asinine argument for CADX not getting their approval. There are so many holes in this statement it is not even worth debating. You are obviously disgruntled and upset because you were NOT hired. I am very curious to know what you do now and who do you work for? This drug will get approved and it will be available as first line pain management were PO is not an option
This is the stupidest, most asinine argument for CADX not getting their approval. There are so many holes in this statement it is not even worth debating. You are obviously disgruntled and upset because you were NOT hired. I am very curious to know what you do now and who do you work for? This drug will get approved and it will be available as first line pain management were PO is not an option
This company will laugh all the way to the bank. You people have no clue and are completely jealous. If you missed the opportunity, too bad for you!!! Go sell your high tech whatever the f*!& and have fun. This product will revolutionize the category and it really doesn't matter that you feel is is "basic". There is absolutley no reason for it to not get approval...even with the FDA being what it is today. You obviously haven't done your research. It is not big pharma and that is a GOOD thing. If you haven't noticed, those companies are laying off by the thousands each month. With no R&D to worry about, the company will be able to focus on a very proven, streamlined product that will benefit thousands and reduce hospital costs. Now, go to some other board where your bitching may be appreciated, and the misery loves company holds true. Sorry buddy, but not buying into your line of BS here, and I am not too cool for this challenge!
This won't have the strong uptake due to cost...fentanyl worked great for me post in and fast out. I've had multiple surgeries and everytime before I go out the door, I get fentanyl. Sometimes I get a double shot if I have the right nurse.
It will be approved on the 12th, haters go away you are boring everyone
$132K base, $3K sign-on, negotiated vacation package (4 weeks + 4 floaters), I got my car already picked out for the $600/month lease option and I am ready to roll in less than 2 2weeks. I am on vacation now with my current company, getting ready for pay-day. Whooo hoooo
$132K base, $3K sign-on, negotiated vacation package (4 weeks + 4 floaters), I got my car already picked out for the $600/month lease option and I am ready to roll in less than 2 2weeks. I am on vacation now with my current company, getting ready for pay-day. Whooo hoooo
To the person that posted their offer - you are such an immature idiot
Scios=Why would you expect more?, You are an idiot to think an X-Scios-J&J would not list their offer.
First of all, it is quite obvious you are an x-Scios employee that didn't make the cut because you seem to know so much about "Scios" employees. You can sense the jealousy in your writing. You are pathetic because we all know you wanted this job and you didn't get the job. Get over it and stop with the jealousy. If there are some Scios folks onboard it is because they were stellar reps and did a great job. The person that posted the offer is an idiot, but could have come from someplace else. It is ignorant to think that so many Scios reps are coming onboard with cadence because that isn't reality. Many turned down the offers and many have moved on to other opportunities and still many tried to get the job and ended not get an offer. Go cry me a river some where else you big baby.