Bye bye Sumitomo

There are far too many employees here currently and have been cut in March who are Directors, Sr. Directors, Exec. Directors and VPs that 1.) Have less than 10 years of work or pharma experience and/or 2.) 85-100% of their pharma industry experience are the Vants or Sunovion or BBI/SMPO. It’s partially why we are in this predicament.

There are so few left shouldering the workload and are being asked to do everything.

Bottom line unless you re in oncology or regenerative health you have no future here. No one can predict when the next round of layoffs will be all that we know is they will continue until the company is lean as lean can be. For those in sales you all better be looking if you aren’t already. Unfortunately I am watching what was a fantastic top notch company to work for literally crumble into pieces. Hold out and hope for some kind of severance or find a new position that will guarantee continued income. But don’t be fooled by the fact that you have time here. You don’t.

Bottom line unless you re in oncology or regenerative health you have no future here. No one can predict when the next round of layoffs will be all that we know is they will continue until the company is lean as lean can be. For those in sales you all better be looking if you aren’t already. Unfortunately I am watching what was a fantastic top notch company to work for literally crumble into pieces. Hold out and hope for some kind of severance or find a new position that will guarantee continued income. But don’t be fooled by the fact that you have time here. You don’t.
Great points and completely agree. There’s a lot of insufferable happy-talk going internally that one has to wade through, but it’s because they can’t to lose more staff. Do not be the one person left in your area handling most of the work and killing yourself while most everyone else have been mentally checked-out and stop caring months ago

Seriously folks you better be looking for a new place to land. The disconnect is horrendous. The pretending everything is wonderful is a joke. Telling us business as usual keep focused when we are getting our a** kicked is concerning. Reminding us that we signed a NDA and everything is owned by the company tells me there are way more that have left or in the process of leaving. Wait until the next town hall sure it will be doom and gloom as always.

Seriously folks you better be looking for a new place to land. The disconnect is horrendous. The pretending everything is wonderful is a joke. Telling us business as usual keep focused when we are getting our a** kicked is concerning. Reminding us that we signed a NDA and everything is owned by the company tells me there are way more that have left or in the process of leaving. Wait until the next town hall sure it will be doom and gloom as always.

Seriously folks you better be looking for a new place to land. The disconnect is horrendous. The pretending everything is wonderful is a joke. Telling us business as usual keep focused when we are getting our a** kicked is concerning.
But if leadership for a team or dept give a talk and give off a good feel or vibe in the meeting, many will sadly fall for whatever spin. There isn’t much logic or critical thinking involved

But if leadership for a team or dept give a talk and give off a good feel or vibe in the meeting, many will sadly fall for whatever spin. There isn’t much logic or critical thinking involved
Completely agree - it’s like millions now falling for 4 more years of the current disaster….use and fool until you can’t, then deny and blame others

Completely agree - it’s like millions now falling for 4 more years of the current disaster….use and fool until you can’t, then deny and blame others
Don’t you in house peeps get it. SMPA cutting major sales divisions every year now……. Without reps, there are no jobs for you in house. Don’t walk but run away now or you‘’ll be shot down very soon.

That survey was a joke. If they get high ratings then it is fixed.
Each of the affiliates started hiring remote employees for G&A, Tech Ops, R&D teams in 2020, and SMPA kept that practice going in 2023. Many of the newer “remote” employees are very excited to be making Boston or CA salary ranges while living in wherever low cost of living no income tax state location they live in. Don't be surprised if you see a lot of good scores from them.

The company is on fire, but pandemic remote work has disappeared everywhere, so you have more than a few who are fake loving it here.

You've earned that swagger LMFAO. She is a joke.
Seriously that was so scripted and demeaning. Swagger? Really? RAH RAH they told us what they needed to encourage us so we think this place is the best place to be. How long will they stay away from MSPEC? The numbers they posted don’t look good for us. Specialty is killing it while I haven’t made bonus in quarters. My days are numbered here.

Seriously that was so scripted and demeaning. Swagger? Really? RAH RAH they told us what they needed to encourage us so we think this place is the best place to be. How long will they stay away from MSPEC? The numbers they posted don’t look good for us. Specialty is killing it while I haven’t made bonus in quarters. My days are numbered here.
Anyone who believes this place has a future beyond 18-24 months is living a pipe dream. They need suckers to keep the place afloat until then so they use whatever lip service possible.

They are putting specialty reps on plans.... unless this is some deranged regional director's ideal of motivation. Donny Birjah need to be investigated asap.This company is nose diving. This is NOT the place to be.