BSX reps talking about reliability

Jobless !!! Don't think so, not when I've been Kicking the shit out of you BSX losers for years. My record beats your when it comes to over performance. Hire BSX reps if you want mediocrity and laziness, if you want to hire reps who take share look at STJ.

Still can't find an answer from you in your previous posts. Let's just assume you were happy selling products on a recall and didn't really give a shit about patients or customers, along with every other BSX rep happy to take their EA. Sorry that should say ARE happy selling failing products...!

Riata recall boy I can't even read your full post as it's so mindless. I'm done. You're a tard. Lets assume u could care less about pts and the truth and as u put it "it's all about the $". The fact u keep saying how great u r tells me u suck.

Great. Fuck off and sell you pos products. Asshole

Well said Riata boy. That GED has served u well. U have mastered the 4 letter words!!! Soon you can move on to big words such as recall, criminal activity, lawsuits, layoffs, unemployment (that one may be too long for you). And let me tell you NO ONE deserves it more!!!!! :)

Ps I received a couple more Riata pics. I do feel for the patients. They have no idea what's going on. You guys suck.

Well said Riata boy. That GED has served u well. U have mastered the 4 letter words!!! Soon you can move on to big words such as recall, criminal activity, lawsuits, layoffs, unemployment (that one may be too long for you). And let me tell you NO ONE deserves it more!!!!! :)

Ps I received a couple more Riata pics. I do feel for the patients. They have no idea what's going on. You guys suck.

Good to see you remembered all the spelling you learned at BSX induction.!
You care so much for patients you work for a company that specializes in Recalls. Genius

Recent gen chg bsx device with implanted Riata. Induction into vf succesful device charges but can't deliver sock due to short in the HV lead. Pt rescued externally. Lead the fluroed to reveal externalized conductors. How many of these patients are out there? If this patient had needed a rescue shock at home he would be dead. How many people have to be hurt before you issue recommendations? These r not made up stories about fictional patients. These are real people who trusted you to take care of them.

Recent gen chg bsx device with implanted Riata. Induction into vf succesful device charges but can't deliver sock due to short in the HV lead. Pt rescued externally. Lead the fluroed to reveal externalized conductors. How many of these patients are out there? If this patient had needed a rescue shock at home he would be dead. How many people have to be hurt before you issue recommendations? These r not made up stories about fictional patients. These are real people who trusted you to take care of them.

Ipads are quite horrible to type on.
That said I notice that the only defense STJ makes is to slam my typos. I am sure the patient would rather typos over leads that may kill them.
that was my dramatic pause for STJ to ask how many BSX or MDT cans have advisories.
Now that you got that off your chest. Do you have a lead problem STJ? And what should doctors and patients be doing about it?........

No reply expected since we know you have none that make sense. Here is what we have heard so far.
1) Cosmetic
2) 8Fr problem, not affecting 7 fr leads
3) MDT is lying
4) Optim makes a difference.
real answers
1) Cosmetic--- No one in the industry wraps conductors in silicone to make them look pretty. If your conductors are outside of the insulation, you have a problem.
2) 8fr- yes you have more 8 fr failures than 7fr. It make sense since these are older leads. That said, there are 7fr failures on MAUDE, and even if there were not, don't the 94000 patients with 8 fr leads deserve your recomendations, and honesty?
3) MDT is lying- Hum? To me it seems that MDT and BSX are doing what little they can to protect patients from ignorance. Telling a DR that your competitor has a problem is not an easy talk. Most of the time this conversation leaves your doctor thinking less of you.
4) Optim makes a difference- perhaps... but isnt the fundemental problem that your conductors are in channels that let them move too much? The optim may hold them in but if they are rubbing together and shorting when they are outside of the silicone, why wont the rub together more if held inside the optim?

One quick observation from the previous poster from me (not STJ). This comment is in no way meant to detract from the comments at all, only to keep us focussed on the nature of the problem.

The leads are deteriorating from the inside - YES - but it has not been conclusively shown that they are 'shorting' as you imply. YET. The numbers look good when these things are interrogated, and this is the basis for the 'Only Cosmetic' argument.

That being said - I can't believe anyone would buy the cosmetic argument - at least it should slow down a docs desire to use Durata until time and experience supports the cosmetic-only case.

One quick observation from the previous poster from me (not STJ). This comment is in no way meant to detract from the comments at all, only to keep us focussed on the nature of the problem.

The leads are deteriorating from the inside - YES - but it has not been conclusively shown that they are 'shorting' as you imply. YET. The numbers look good when these things are interrogated, and this is the basis for the 'Only Cosmetic' argument.

That being said - I can't believe anyone would buy the cosmetic argument - at least it should slow down a docs desire to use Durata until time and experience supports the cosmetic-only case.

Clueless. Shorting cans and leads for years now. 2 here in my town alone. A man in a coma now due to this. You have no clue what you are talking about.

I would not have taken the time to write the long post if there had not been two incidents with documentation that showed open circuits or "shorting" conductors. When the insulation is allowed to rub together over and over there is bound to be breakdown. I know stj did not issue worst case scenario information but the worst case is what is happening. Keep in mind that these cables are surrounded by conductive fluid when outside the insulation.

Please post pictures or direct me to a site that has pictures and that others can add to that site. This will bring down the whole non issue that stj is afraid to face. Whoever has the knowledge to create a single site will singlehandedly crush the Jude. Pls do so for the patients and their families.

Remember it's always about the patient. They need their Rx at max output not 1.2 j.

Source: SJM November 2011 PPR

When talking about externalized conductors, to quote SJM: “This failure mechanism has only been observed on our Riata® and Riata® ST silicone family of defibrillation leads and has not been seen on our Riata® ST Optim® and Durata® family of leads which employ the Optim® lead insulation material.” – SJM November 2011 PPR, p. 11.

Source: MAUDE database
Search Criteria: “Durata inside abrasion” , ALL YEARS

Results of search indicate that two such Durata reports were received in MAUDE from St. Jude as indicated via Manufacturer Narrative, i.e. the leads were returned to SJM, SJM analyzed the leads, and a SJM report was issued on each Durata lead.
1. MDR Report Key: 2157205 Date: 7/12/2011
2. MDR Report Key: 1679680 Date: 5/11/2010

Note: The data cut off point for the SJM November 2011 PPR was 6/30/2011. 2157205 was returned to SJM for analysis on 5/13/2011. 1679680 was returned to SJM for analysis on 4/26/2010.