BSX reps talking about reliability

I addressed the fact.. It's all about the MONEY.!
Listen, success for you isn't success for me. I'm sure you're happy with 15% Market share, that's why I've been kicking your lazy ass and that's why you want to talk about Riata. Go for it just know that all your Drs are laughing at you because you have no record on reliability. BTW just off to the pool in Orlando...

Actually I don't believe for a second u work for any of the companies. Youre too much of a douche. Btw are you in the pool with coach Sandusky?

BSX standard issue. The stuff used to remove glue.....
Apparently BSX are the worlds biggest user. Keep trying to talk about quality Assholes everybodys laughing at you

How are you explaining shorted leads and devices to your docs? Have they seen the December letter. Let's start simple as I know you work for St junk.

How are you explaining shorted leads and devices to your docs? Have they seen the December letter. Let's start simple as I know you work for St junk.

Easy. My Dr's have seen the letter, they don't have any shorted leads.
How many devices do your Centres have on an Advisory?

What.Wait.....! Oh that's right Every single one.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Easy. My Dr's have seen the letter, they don't have any shorted leads.
How many devices do your Centres have on an Advisory?

What.Wait.....! Oh that's right Every single one.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how many leads have you xrayed. BTW not suprisingly you never reviewed the actual failures in our communications. So let me break this down. I personally know of 5 Riata/Durata failures in one small area and we havent actively looked for the failures. 2 have shorted cans. So if you think this is an anomaly you are crazy. So I dont believe you have advised your physicians properly. You probably dont realize this but the vast majortiy of failures occur with normal electrical performance. It is not until the patient needs the therapy that this issue typically presents. That my friend is scary. Does it worry you that one of your patients may have this failure at any time and not get the therapy they need? Its happening quite often. Can you sleep comfortably knowing this?

how many leads have you xrayed. BTW not suprisingly you never reviewed the actual failures in our communications. So let me break this down. I personally know of 5 Riata/Durata failures in one small area and we havent actively looked for the failures. 2 have shorted cans. So if you think this is an anomaly you are crazy. So I dont believe you have advised your physicians properly. You probably dont realize this but the vast majortiy of failures occur with normal electrical performance. It is not until the patient needs the therapy that this issue typically presents. That my friend is scary. Does it worry you that one of your patients may have this failure at any time and not get the therapy they need? Its happening quite often. Can you sleep comfortably knowing this?

How about you answer this. How many products have you sold/ are selling that are on an advisory?
I guess you never slept.

I sincerely hope that all of these alleged failures are being reported. So far this site has " documented" at least 10 more cases including alleged pt injury. The Maude data base numbers are not reflecting this.

My physician asked st Jude abut this issue, they flew in an engineer who told them it was only an 8 fr issue.
Last week they were saying it's only cosmetic.

If anyone remembers the fidelis path this dejavu

How about you answer this. How many products have you sold/ are selling that are on an advisory?
I guess you never slept.

I know of more stj failures in my territory than ALL failed gdt devices combined. That's what I know. You have no recalls because you communication nothing!!!!!! Your argument is extremely week. Have you checked your stock price and the new report out in what your docs think? I do feel for you because your family will suffer or your companies decisions. You shouldn't follow blindly.

I know of more stj failures in my territory than ALL failed gdt devices combined. That's what I know. You have no recalls because you communication nothing!!!!!! Your argument is extremely week. Have you checked your stock price and the new report out in what your docs think? I do feel for you because your family will suffer or your companies decisions. You shouldn't follow blindly.

Answer the original question. Or are you too ashamed.?
You sell product that's on an advisory and you have done for years. You can't get a job anywhere else so you stuck around on your lazy ass getting your EA.
That's why you're trying to stir the shit now.
BTW don't worry about me, if the sh1t hits the fan, my sales record will get me a job before you any day of the week..!

Answer the original question. Or are you too ashamed.?
You sell product that's on an advisory and you have done for years. You can't get a job anywhere else so you stuck around on your lazy ass getting your EA.
That's why you're trying to stir the shit now.
BTW don't worry about me, if the sh1t hits the fan, my sales record will get me a job before you any day of the week..!

You know how many offers from stj I've turned down? Now stj is kicked out due to reliability???? I'm wise and always knew grass is never greener. Now I look like a genioua and never took a guarantee. Rip

Its very interesting to me that, STJ reps keep going to the number of devices on advisory. I would think that even they can see the irony in that. The entire thread is asking STJ why they are not advising their drs what to do. Bsx MDT both have issued advisories to tell their physicians about potential product failures and how to help their patients if they see these issues. STJ is so proud of hiding their problems and they keep pointing out this arrogance every time they ask how many advisories our products have. We have man advisories and our patients and drs know that we will tell them when we have trouble, even if it mean a loss of business short term. STJ your continued lies of omission are hurting patients. Next time u ask us about our advisories, as yourself " how many advisories have I had where I don't have a fix ready on the day of communication.". How many patients suffer while you work on a fix and then get it approved by the FDA? I understand the business case for why you do what you do, I just don't understand how you can ethically continue to put profits ahead of patients.

You know how many offers from stj I've turned down? Now stj is kicked out due to reliability???? I'm wise and always knew grass is never greener. Now I look like a genioua and never took a guarantee. Rip

You're great at answering questions nobody asked.!
Is it because you are ASHAMED of how you have behaved when selling shit on a recall day in day out.?
Obviously it is otherwise you'd answer the questions I asked.
World class Assholes

You're great at answering questions nobody asked.!
Is it because you are ASHAMED of how you have behaved when selling shit on a recall day in day out.?
Obviously it is otherwise you'd answer the questions I asked.
World class Assholes

Shithead how did u get your GED???? I answered u days ago. I do not repeat myself. So how'd u like the Bernstein report?? Was AWESOME!!! I got some nice pics if shorted cans I'd love to show you. Also you are kicked out in my accounts. The criminal behavior is being exposed. Better work on that resume. If you need help let me know.

Shithead how did u get your GED???? I answered u days ago. I do not repeat myself. So how'd u like the Bernstein report?? Was AWESOME!!! I got some nice pics if shorted cans I'd love to show you. Also you are kicked out in my accounts. The criminal behavior is being exposed. Better work on that resume. If you need help let me know.

Help from a serial under-performer, like every BSX rep.? I doubt it

Shithead how did u get your GED???? I answered u days ago. I do not repeat myself. So how'd u like the Bernstein report?? Was AWESOME!!! I got some nice pics if shorted cans I'd love to show you. Also you are kicked out in my accounts. The criminal behavior is being exposed. Better work on that resume. If you need help let me know.

Just looked, can't see a single answer. Help me out here..

hopeless soon to be jobless.

Jobless !!! Don't think so, not when I've been Kicking the shit out of you BSX losers for years. My record beats your when it comes to over performance. Hire BSX reps if you want mediocrity and laziness, if you want to hire reps who take share look at STJ.

Still can't find an answer from you in your previous posts. Let's just assume you were happy selling products on a recall and didn't really give a shit about patients or customers, along with every other BSX rep happy to take their EA. Sorry that should say ARE happy selling failing products...!