BSX reps talking about reliability

You seem to do a lot of STJ changeouts for 5% MS....
You're so full of shit, it's you who has the 5%..!

I bet you are a bitter newbie that thought he'd get a shot and now this thing is falling apart and there is no hope. You seem much too ignorant to be a successful rep. You spout ignorance and make rediculous statements. The thing is I am telling the truth and you make wild rediculous statements following anything I say. I bet you also are lonely and have no friends because you are annoying as hell. You see there are many phys leaving stj due to mounting legitimate issues. So it's not a surprise to see stj losing cases. Sorry it's just the facts. So keep guessing and making ignorant remarks. It doesn't change what's happening to u or your company. Go get some help optim boy.

I bet you are a bitter newbie that thought he'd get a shot and now this thing is falling apart and there is no hope. You seem much too ignorant to be a successful rep. You spout ignorance and make rediculous statements. The thing is I am telling the truth and you make wild rediculous statements following anything I say. I bet you also are lonely and have no friends because you are annoying as hell. You see there are many phys leaving stj due to mounting legitimate issues. So it's not a surprise to see stj losing cases. Sorry it's just the facts. So keep guessing and making ignorant remarks. It doesn't change what's happening to u or your company. Go get some help optim boy.

Don't need any help pencil dick. Taking your business just fine..!

I bet you are a bitter newbie that thought he'd get a shot and now this thing is falling apart and there is no hope. You seem much too ignorant to be a successful rep. You spout ignorance and make rediculous statements. The thing is I am telling the truth and you make wild rediculous statements following anything I say. I bet you also are lonely and have no friends because you are annoying as hell. You see there are many phys leaving stj due to mounting legitimate issues. So it's not a surprise to see stj losing cases. Sorry it's just the facts. So keep guessing and making ignorant remarks. It doesn't change what's happening to u or your company. Go get some help optim boy.

I guess there are more physicians leaving BSX. Dickwad......

"Sales of pacemakers and defibrillators, cardiovascular products and neuromodulation products declined."
"St. Jude said Nov. 1 that it would fire 500 more people than first anticipated as it reorganizes its product divisions into two new operating units. The company also reduced its 2012 sales forecast in October for three of its units including cardiac rhythm management, its biggest."

Shocking - As sales decline, STJ lowers expectations in Nov, fires more people, then two months later states results will be on the high end of the reduced expectations. SOP for Starks!

Hey tard can u read? U beat lowered expectations, sales are down in CRM, u r laying off 500 more than previously expected (including CRM), and u r again lowering expectations. Meanwhile u r admitting u have serious flaws w Durata production and begging FDA to take it easy on you. Lmao. Get back to Brady class optim boy. Btw does tachy now include fluoro training????

Haven't got time pencil dick. Too busy doing implants. Everybody loves Durata

U poor moron. The whole world is laughing at u and your company. U have about 3 canned replies. How boring. Hey make sure u measure how much optim u r using there optim boy! Hey does it even matter since its biodegradable?????? Lmao!!!

U poor moron. The whole world is laughing at u and your company. U have about 3 canned replies. How boring. Hey make sure u measure how much optim u r using there optim boy! Hey does it even matter since its biodegradable?????? Lmao!!!

Keep laughing dipshit. It must be the only fun you have, given that you've had 7 years bad luck when it comes to sales. Keep confusing recalls with quality and you'll be fine living in that BSX dreamworld. You're too fucking dumb to realise everybody has been laughing at you.

Keep laughing dipshit. It must be the only fun you have, given that you've had 7 years bad luck when it comes to sales. Keep confusing recalls with quality and you'll be fine living in that BSX dreamworld. You're too fucking dumb to realise everybody has been laughing at you.

that why BSC is about to skull fuck you stupid STJ reps ... we have better products and more are coming down the pipeline soon ..... we have been down for years but we weren't knocked out .... we are getting back on our feet and will be kicking the shit out of you .... we learned from our mistakes you guys keep making the same ones. good luck fuck face

that why BSC is about to skull fuck you stupid STJ reps ... we have better products and more are coming down the pipeline soon ..... we have been down for years but we weren't knocked out .... we are getting back on our feet and will be kicking the shit out of you .... we learned from our mistakes you guys keep making the same ones. good luck fuck face

Nice. These guys are pathetic liars. Hell they had issues w Riata before we had issues w Prizm and we all know what happened to us. They built everything they have on our backs. Every indication for every implant is stolen from us. We are finally taking back what is ours. These st junk punks are doing back to the bottom where they belong.

Nice. These guys are pathetic liars. Hell they had issues w Riata before we had issues w Prizm and we all know what happened to us. They built everything they have on our backs. Every indication for every implant is stolen from us. We are finally taking back what is ours. These st junk punks are doing back to the bottom where they belong.

Sounds like someone has anger issues...watching a little too much MMA are we?

Re: ask the coach if he needed insulation

2005,6,7,8,9,10,11. The years of GDT/BSX recalls.! Get it yet? I'm away in the Caribbean during the summit. Hope you get along there, after all you've lost all your business over the years so you won't be needed in any of your accounts. You could even ask Ellenbogen for an autograph. That's with an E just in case you've never heard of him.
You're obviously so completely shit at your job I'm beginning to feel sorry for you. You really think you lost your DR cases to VR's because of DAVID? Dude the competition took them all......seriously man get help!

Just re-reading this thread. Pity the BSX guys on the end of the early exchanges in this...!

Re: ask the coach if he needed insulation

Nope. There's more than one BSC rep on here moron. I was obviously right.

Nobody ever doubted that there was more than 1 BSX rep on here, after all it's not as if you actually sell anything. I suspect you're hoping to learn something from the STJ reps, who despite being, on the whole, total slime balls still give you a buttfucking everyday..
Still maybe one day they'll have a massive issue with their leads..! Wait.....What

Usual Quarterly results...
Another great day for BSX douche bag reps, 1000 jobs to go. Maybe if you would have stuck to selling instead of bitching about STJ you may have had a chance. Karma sucks doesn't it dickweed.!
Maybe that share buy back will help, unlikely though seeing that you'll be getting your pick slip and a 'fuck-off ' from HR.