Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Cost

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Wow. I didnt think that anyone really bought this argument. Innovation? Puh-lease! We are looking for mega-blockbusters only. Between Novartis, Merck, Pfizer, and GSK, I read somewhere that the industry spent between 150-200 BILLION in R&D in a 10 year period in the 90s. I used to be with Pfizer, and according to info that i got from our annual reports and town hall meetings, we averaged about 7 Billion a year.
Everyone knew that we werent looking for innovation, we were looking for something to take the place of Lipitor and Viagra when they went off patent. So what was our strategy? Adding another drug TO Lipitor.

We are a profitable industry. Please stop buying the company line and wave the "without us, there'd be no new meds" flag.

Where exactly does innovation come from?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"When retired federal auditor Stuart Addison went to the pharmacy, he had the pharmacist fill his prescriptions with generic drugs. "My motivation is to keep the prices down," Addison said, noting that his insurance plan helped pay for his prescriptions. "My pocketbook isn't directly affected; but, in the long run, I'm helping to keep insurance premiums down." Generic drugs save consumers an estimated $8 to $10 billion a year at retail pharmacies (according to the Congressional Budget Office). Even more billions are saved when hospitals use generics.

"FDA-approved generic drugs are bioequivalent and therapeutically equivalent to their brand-name counterparts," says Buehler. "People can use them with total confidence."

A big "FU" from the FDA!

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Five Years After Reported a Problem, FDA Agrees Generic Version of Wellbutrin XL Is Not Equivalent and Is Pulled Off Market – Important Lessons about Generics

White Plains, New York -- October 4, 2012 [Updated 10/11/12]– Are all generic drugs therapeutically equivalent to their brand name counterparts? Until yesterday, the FDA, and many others, adamantly said they were. In an unprecedented move Wednesday afternoon, the FDA admitted that a generic version of the popular antidepressant Wellbutrin XL 300 mg, marketed since 2006 as Budeprion XL 300 mg by Teva Pharmaceuticals, is not an equivalent drug, prompting Teva to stop shipping the product. has warned consumers of a problem with Budeprion XL since it tested it in 2007 – a problem the FDA had gone out of its way to deny.

“It is important that the FDA has finally owned up to the error it made with this product, but thousands of Americans have suffered in the meantime,” said Dr. Cooperman. “While most generic drugs are probably fine, it is important to understand that generics are not tested for safety or efficacy. Consumers will be the first to know if there is a problem – not their doctors, pharmacists, nor the FDA.”

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Five Years After Reported a Problem, FDA Agrees Generic Version of Wellbutrin XL Is Not Equivalent and Is Pulled Off Market – Important Lessons about Generics

White Plains, New York -- October 4, 2012 [Updated 10/11/12]– Are all generic drugs therapeutically equivalent to their brand name counterparts? Until yesterday, the FDA, and many others, adamantly said they were. In an unprecedented move Wednesday afternoon, the FDA admitted that a generic version of the popular antidepressant Wellbutrin XL 300 mg, marketed since 2006 as Budeprion XL 300 mg by Teva Pharmaceuticals, is not an equivalent drug, prompting Teva to stop shipping the product. has warned consumers of a problem with Budeprion XL since it tested it in 2007 – a problem the FDA had gone out of its way to deny.

“It is important that the FDA has finally owned up to the error it made with this product, but thousands of Americans have suffered in the meantime,” said Dr. Cooperman. “While most generic drugs are probably fine, it is important to understand that generics are not tested for safety or efficacy. Consumers will be the first to know if there is a problem – not their doctors, pharmacists, nor the FDA.”

Yeah, based on this study I'm sure that health plans all around the country are putting branded drugs back atop the tiers, and dropping generics down to "prior auth" territory.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Yeah, based on this study I'm sure that health plans all around the country are putting branded drugs back atop the tiers, and dropping generics down to "prior auth" territory.

It's not a study, just an admission of fact from the FDA. Besides, when the only thing that matters is being cheap, why would therapeutical equivalence even matter? It certainly doesn't to the socialists that frequent this site.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

The morons here are the ones that haven't even read the results of the study yet feel free to comment anyway.

The study does not say that Pharma shouldn't make money selling drugs that they have developed WHEN THEY ARE INNOVATIONS. The Study points out that 38 of the 46 drugs in the "sample cabinet" are not INNOVATIONS they are simply branded drugs that Pharma has developed and are paying people like you to push on informed Docs. It even says that in practices where "Academic Detailing" you guys get your asses kicked.

The other 8 drugs should be sold and marketed and the profits used to develop other drugs.

Every penny spent by the Docs on the 38 branded drugs instead of the Generic equivalents are, by definition, a waste of money and is STOLEN from the US Health Care System. So, 36 / 48 is 83% which is the % of the drugs in the "sample cabinet" that are legitimate and we have already calculated that over 62% of the costs of the drugs in that "sample cabinet" are legitimate.

The exact truth IS NOT that the Pharma business model is illegitimate but the EXACT TRUTH is that the majority IS ILLEGITIMATE and IMMORAL.

Taking the profit from drugs that actually make a difference in a patients health and life for a price that is rationally related to what it should cost is moral and ethical. Sending 90,000 well paid parasites out into the market to influence the least informed Docs into spending more than twice what they could have and got the same results in plain and simple theft.

So, if we take the numbers from the study as a starting point then 62% of the revenue of Pharma should go away and with it, about 73% of the Pharma Sales Reps jobs. Well, parasites, it's happening with the Affordable Care Act aka "Obama Care".

Now, all of Fed Govt spending is subject to regulation and that is about 50% of all US Health Care spending. So, in all the Fed Govt healthcare programs the schedule will not allow prescribing branded drugs when generics are available. Then, when insurance companies that control the spending in the other half of the US Healthcare economy see how well Obama Care works for reducing and controlling spending on drugs, just see the results of the study in you don't believe it, then they will follow. In a few short years, there will be no market for trying to sell branded drugs to Docs because the insurance will not pay for them.

Pharma backed Obama Care because it delays the inevitable and also expands the Pharma market to more patients. They sold you guys down the river? hahahaha

And I really get a laugh out of the uber-business man who talks shit about free markets and capitalism when the healthcare market is already the most heavily regulated industry in the history of the world. I can't wait until that moron's ass hits the street. He'll be a door-to-door Bible and text book salesman for Glenn Beck University.

Extremely well put. But it provides proof that you dont work here, because it IS so well put.

The ACA is a game changer, and the high paid sample droppers from 1990s that are now execs here are too ignorant to know it. Unlike any time in the past health insurance plans and the new kids on the block (ACOs) are going to be pushing generics over branded. And dont even get me started on the Fed's healthcare plans, Medicaid and Medicare. We can bitch and moan and spew the corporate speak about innovation all we want. Its a done deal.

Next, let's look at our access. I started 20 years ago, and the difference between amount of customer face time between now and then is tremendous. For the last 15 years, the medical industry has successfully cast us as evil....and in many cases, we have earned their scorn. Faked studies, trials with changed end-points, suppressed data, SERIOUS promotion of off-label indications for pediatrics and geriatrics, under-cover paying off of KOLs and those that develop treatment protocols, spending thousands of dollars on non-medical perks and entertainment for high prescribing doctors. I've seen and read it all. Its no wonder that our "access" is often limited to cattle feed lunches where the docs come in for a minute, smile and wave and sign, and bolt.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"lunches where the docs come in for a minute, smile and wave and sign, and bolt."

We must be fairly successful during that minute otherwise you leftist morons wouldn't be so upset. Just imagine what we might accomplish with 2 minutes.

You can claim that pharmaceutical companies fake trials and are only interested in the bottomline, but are you really comfortable with government running our healthcare? Obamacare is an absolute JOKE and thankfully most Americans realize that, which is why it is still so unpopular. If Obamacare is a done-deal as you think, then America is a done-deal.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Frankly - they (MDs) think our job is to feed their staff - and we think it's so we can vomit a brand team message - of which nobody cares about. Far as that goes - it would be far better for the MDs to schedule a mandatory presentation (just like the time share condos do) before their staff can be fed. It works for the time share business anyway...

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Frankly - they (MDs) think our job is to feed their staff - and we think it's so we can vomit a brand team message - of which nobody cares about. Far as that goes - it would be far better for the MDs to schedule a mandatory presentation (just like the time share condos do) before their staff can be fed. It works for the time share business anyway...

If that's what your customers think, then frankly you aren't doing your job. And don't make broad generalizations based on your own personal failures.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"lunches where the docs come in for a minute, smile and wave and sign, and bolt."

We must be fairly successful during that minute otherwise you leftist morons wouldn't be so upset. Just imagine what we might accomplish with 2 minutes.

You can claim that pharmaceutical companies fake trials and are only interested in the bottomline, but are you really comfortable with government running our healthcare? Obamacare is an absolute JOKE and thankfully most Americans realize that, which is why it is still so unpopular. If Obamacare is a done-deal as you think, then America is a done-deal.

You people have no clue whats coming, do you? PLEASE read some industry journals other than pharma exec, Voice, and Medical Marketing and Media. All this banal blather about our value is falling on deaf ears. I will say it slowly once full-time pharma the near future. Rave against obamacare all you wish. The medical profession has been at odds with US for about a decade now, but its going to come to a head in 2014 when Obamacare moves into action. Do ya ever attend grand rounds or log on to medical symposia as a guest? I have NEVER seen such antipathy towards us as I have in the past few years. They (Med School folks, hospital admins, Medical clinic directors, health plans) really dont care WHAT we think about that antipathy, either. They know that in order to stay in business, we are gonna keep pumping billions into R&D, so its not like we can boycott THEM, like they do to us!

Continue to rail all you wish, but i suggest that we all spend out brain cells on getting a new career, because we are going to go the way so many of our former colleagues have: working for CSOs or small, 1 product Japanese companies.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

If that's what your customers think, then frankly you aren't doing your job. And don't make broad generalizations based on your own personal failures.

Another dumb fuck clueless admin midget micro mass minded manger speaking there...

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

If that's what your customers think, then frankly you aren't doing your job. And don't make broad generalizations based on your own personal failures.

How many focus panels have you participated in with Key Opinion Leaders, PIs, and speaker bureau docs where we sought their opinion about us and how to meet their needs?

I've been to 4 or 5, and have seen summary/take-away reports of several more. That other post is close to spot-on. It seems to be a constant refrain that the industry no longer provides value, or that we are evil/ unethical, and that all they want from us are samples, lunch, or funding. Google it fer yerself, big guy. Type in "relationship between pharmaceutical reps and physicians", or different search phrases along those lines. Up will pop reports in JAMA and Medscape, and a slew of quotes from editorials, books, presentations, and article.

If you, your Highness and Guru of Salesmanship, are one of reps/ managers that buck the trend in the way they feel about us, then get some fortitude and start your own pharma company consulting business. We sure could use some of your magic!

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

You people have no clue whats coming, do you? PLEASE read some industry journals other than pharma exec, Voice, and Medical Marketing and Media. All this banal blather about our value is falling on deaf ears. I will say it slowly once full-time pharma the near future. Rave against obamacare all you wish. The medical profession has been at odds with US for about a decade now, but its going to come to a head in 2014 when Obamacare moves into action. Do ya ever attend grand rounds or log on to medical symposia as a guest? I have NEVER seen such antipathy towards us as I have in the past few years. They (Med School folks, hospital admins, Medical clinic directors, health plans) really dont care WHAT we think about that antipathy, either. They know that in order to stay in business, we are gonna keep pumping billions into R&D, so its not like we can boycott THEM, like they do to us!

Continue to rail all you wish, but i suggest that we all spend out brain cells on getting a new career, because we are going to go the way so many of our former colleagues have: working for CSOs or small, 1 product Japanese companies.

I agree and I have already stated that if ObamaCare is a done deal then so it is a done deal for the destruction of America. Losing our pharmaceutical jobs will probably be the least of our worries. Obama has managed to destroy almost every other sector in the business world, why should we think our industry will be any different.

Hats off to that fundamental transformation.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

I agree and I have already stated that if ObamaCare is a done deal then so it is a done deal for the destruction of America. Losing our pharmaceutical jobs will probably be the least of our worries. Obama has managed to destroy almost every other sector in the business world, why should we think our industry will be any different.

Hats off to that fundamental transformation.

"IF" Obamacare goes through? Done deal, Baby. Lets be clear, though, Big Pharma field force as we know it needs to change. The business model is broken. We need less of us (there, I said it!) and more med liaisons, NP/PA/CDEs, etc to work with our customers to help them help their patients.

Come on, we get very little time anymore, and have to use an approved message, and cant hand out fresh peer-reviewed articles from the library. So how are we helping them? And coincidentally, thats exactly what Ive been hearing for the last 10 years. We dont DO anything for our customers any more. Our products are mature, so what new info are we sharing with them?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

There are plenty of reasons to say "IF", but I am not going to argue that point with you. What can't be denied, is when Obamacare is implemented, my employment status will be of little concern. Allowing the federal government to force individuals to buy insurance as a requirement of merely being alive is the most dangerous precedent in my lifetime. Once you throw out The Constitution, where do you draw the line? What are the limitations on the federal government? There are no limits... It's a free-for-all and just make it up as you go along. What else can the government force me to buy as a condition of living? If Obamacare is not stopped, America will cease to be a Constitutional Republic.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

The new job for Pharma Reps should be looking at is becoming a patient navigator. Although...I don't know how many of those are really going to be available...I'm sure the requirements will be lessened as the need will require - and maybe then - Pharma Reps can turn their worldly experience into something useful other than finger popping their pie holes.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

There are plenty of reasons to say "IF", but I am not going to argue that point with you. What can't be denied, is when Obamacare is implemented, my employment status will be of little concern. Allowing the federal government to force individuals to buy insurance as a requirement of merely being alive is the most dangerous precedent in my lifetime. Once you throw out The Constitution, where do you draw the line? What are the limitations on the federal government? There are no limits... It's a free-for-all and just make it up as you go along. What else can the government force me to buy as a condition of living? If Obamacare is not stopped, America will cease to be a Constitutional Republic.

"Allowing the federal government to force individuals to buy insurance as a requirement of merely being alive is the most dangerous precedent in my lifetime. Once you throw out The Constitution, where do you draw the line? "

The requirement for all individuals to purchase health insurance was first widely proposed by Conservatives and published in a series of studies by he Heritage Foundation. When Romney implemented it in MA it was basically seen, at the time, as a triumph for conservative principles. And it only "throw out the Constitution" to people like you. SCOTUS said it was ok except for one small part - forcing states to implement it or lose Federal Medicaid Funds. And many Republican Governors like Scott in Florida, Brewer in AZ and Christi in NJ are trying hard to implement it. I guess that Obama must be "black mailing" them or something huh?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"Allowing the federal government to force individuals to buy insurance as a requirement of merely being alive is the most dangerous precedent in my lifetime. Once you throw out The Constitution, where do you draw the line? "

The requirement for all individuals to purchase health insurance was first widely proposed by Conservatives and published in a series of studies by he Heritage Foundation. When Romney implemented it in MA it was basically seen, at the time, as a triumph for conservative principles. And it only "throw out the Constitution" to people like you. SCOTUS said it was ok except for one small part - forcing states to implement it or lose Federal Medicaid Funds. And many Republican Governors like Scott in Florida, Brewer in AZ and Christi in NJ are trying hard to implement it. I guess that Obama must be "black mailing" them or something huh?

Bad idea then and a bad idea now, doesn't matter if they have a R or D after their names.. Back then however, it was just a postulated thought on how to pay for such a monster.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"Allowing the federal government to force individuals to buy insurance as a requirement of merely being alive is the most dangerous precedent in my lifetime. Once you throw out The Constitution, where do you draw the line? "

The requirement for all individuals to purchase health insurance was first widely proposed by Conservatives and published in a series of studies by he Heritage Foundation. When Romney implemented it in MA it was basically seen, at the time, as a triumph for conservative principles. And it only "throw out the Constitution" to people like you. SCOTUS said it was ok except for one small part - forcing states to implement it or lose Federal Medicaid Funds. And many Republican Governors like Scott in Florida, Brewer in AZ and Christi in NJ are trying hard to implement it. I guess that Obama must be "black mailing" them or something huh?

Romneycare in Massachusetts was unprecedented in its mandate just like Obamacare. Who cares what SCOTUS said. It is a dangerous precedent which leads to a federal government with no bounds. If they can require this, what stops them from requiring anything else. NOTHING. This is a post-constitutional government with no bounds. This is not a D or R issue, this is a personal liberty issue.

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