Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Cost

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Can you read? Can you explain label to a Doc?

Only a moron Rep would claim that, "This was a qualitative study in which data could be observed but not measured." when they counted (can you understand that is the same as measured) the number of drugs in a "sample cabinet" and the prices of those drugs. And the fact that many Pharmas offer free drug programs is a makes no difference in the overall sense. In the study, all 38 drugs that were branded and could have been replaced with Generics, would have to be the same price as Generics every where all the time to invalidate the study.

And what you don't get is that it matters not that it was only in one clinic in a rural setting. If 1 Doc write 1 script for 1 branded drug that cost $1 dollar more that a generic any where anytime that is, by definition, a screwed job to the US Healthcare System.

And that is you guys' job.

And then the "hatred and jealousy" part. Hatred yes, obviously. But it goes deeper than that as you are parasites who make a living at others expense. A pretty good one at that. Jealousy, how could anyone be jealous of someone like you who drives around in a Ford Taurus all day doing a job that they know the people that they are going to call on think that they are lower than pond scum. Dr's and nurses would break their Hypocrite so as to not waste their piss on you to put you out if you were on fire.

And as more of these studies come out it will not be just Healthcare professionals that wish you dead but everyone else will as well.

Good luck feeling good about yourselves going forward.

I did not claim it was a qualitative study, the study IS A QUALITATIVE STUDY. If you would actually read the study, then you would know that the study identified the fact that it was a qualitative as a shortcoming. This is not debatable.
As far as proving that branded meds cost more than generics, did we really need a study to prove that? Seriously, what's next, a landmark study to prove the sky is blue?
Lastly, this study was published in 2011 and this is the first time ANYONE has ever heard of it. I look forward to more such groundbreaking studies.

Nobody forces docs to prescribe branded meds, it is called free choice. Most of the things that are forced on us, that try to control free choice, comes from government. I really try very hard to understand why anyone would be opposed to free people using their God given, inalienable right of free will.... at least what little remains. BTW, these concepts do no originate with Glenn Beck... go study the history of this country. Have you ever read John Locke or Alexis de Tocqueville? I suspect not... for you, history started the day you were born.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

I did not claim it was a qualitative study, the study IS A QUALITATIVE STUDY. If you would actually read the study, then you would know that the study identified the fact that it was a qualitative as a shortcoming. This is not debatable.
As far as proving that branded meds cost more than generics, did we really need a study to prove that? Seriously, what's next, a landmark study to prove the sky is blue?
Lastly, this study was published in 2011 and this is the first time ANYONE has ever heard of it. I look forward to more such groundbreaking studies.

Nobody forces docs to prescribe branded meds, it is called free choice. Most of the things that are forced on us, that try to control free choice, comes from government. I really try very hard to understand why anyone would be opposed to free people using their God given, inalienable right of free will.... at least what little remains. BTW, these concepts do no originate with Glenn Beck... go study the history of this country. Have you ever read John Locke or Alexis de Tocqueville? I suspect not... for you, history started the day you were born.

You wrote:

"Lastly, this study was published in 2011 and this is the first time ANYONE has ever heard of it."

From the summery of the article as published online and posted above:

"May 20, 2013 — A new report suggests that improved health care and significant reductions in drug costs might be attained by breaking up the age-old relationship between physicians and drug company representatives who promote the newest, more costly and often unnecessary prescription drugs."

From the JABFM using the link that I suppled above:

"Current Issue May - June 2013 Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Lessons Learned from a Pharma-Free Practice Transformation"

You wrote:

"I did not claim it was a qualitative study, the study IS A QUALITATIVE STUDY. If you would actually read the study, then you would know that the study identified the fact that it was a qualitative as a shortcoming. This is not debatable."

From the study as posted above:

"The new analysis explored the necessary steps that a private clinic can take to help address this concern, including QUANTIFYING the clinic-industry relationship, anticipating clinician and staff concerns, finding new ways to provide up-to-date information, and educating patients and the public." (I capitalized it here in case you couldn't find it.)

You wrote:

"[this] is the first time ANYONE has ever heard of it."

From the study as posted above:

"A new report suggests that improved health care and significant reductions in drug costs might be attained by breaking up the age-old relationship between physicians and drug company representatives who promote the newest, more costly and often unnecessary prescription drugs.

This system, which has been in place for decades, at one time benefited doctors . . . "

And it was published in the JABRM which is, "the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine ( JABFM ) which is the official peer-reviewed journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)." and the "The American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) is the second largest medical specialty board in the United States."

You wrote:

"As far as proving that branded meds cost more than generics, did we really need a study to prove that? Seriously, what's next, a landmark study to prove the sky is blue?"

From the study as posted above:

"The new analysis explored the necessary steps that a private clinic can take to help address this concern, including quantifying the clinic-industry relationship, anticipating clinician and staff concerns, finding new ways to provide up-to-date information, and educating patients and the public."

So you are either not intelligent enough to actually read what is posted here or not used to people actually practicing the "free will" that you like to preach about and following up and checking what you say or, you are just a very bad liar. I suspect a little of both.

That claim is proved in this post.

And this is why no one listens to your ranting about history or business or economics because they are so obviously stupid. That is why I refer to them as being from Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or Fuax News. For some people, like you, these are credible sources of information but it is obvious that you wouldn't know that if it were presented to you. You know why, I just used these series of posts to give you a chance to display your abilities and I just wiped it's ass with your face, publicly.

You are a fool and don't even know that everyone is laughing at you.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

If anyone is interested in TRUTH, here is a link to this so-called study.

You can clearly read: The publication date... August 2011 · Vol. 60, No. 08: E1-E6

You can also read this: Study limitations. This qualitative study occurred in a single rural family practice with a small number of study participants and may not be universally applicable across all practice locations, sizes, and specialties. Furthermore, qualitative studies in general do not offer rigorous statistical findings seen with other scientific methods.

This study is a qualitative study, which means it can NOT produce quantitative results.

Also, this journal peer-reviews 85% of its published work. I would be absolutely shocked if this was a peer-reviewed study.

Just like the guy who upholds this study as some landmark study, both are quite pathetic.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"And this is why no one listens to your ranting about history or business or economics because they are so obviously stupid."

Yes... Isn't it obvious how stupid Freedom is? Adam Smith, John Locke, Alexis de Tocqueville.... so obviously stupid.

If only government could control more of my life, then I could reach Utopia. Isn't government control so obviously smart?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

If anyone is interested in TRUTH, here is a link to this so-called study.

You can clearly read: The publication date... August 2011 · Vol. 60, No. 08: E1-E6

You can also read this: Study limitations. This qualitative study occurred in a single rural family practice with a small number of study participants and may not be universally applicable across all practice locations, sizes, and specialties. Furthermore, qualitative studies in general do not offer rigorous statistical findings seen with other scientific methods.

This study is a qualitative study, which means it can NOT produce quantitative results.

Also, this journal peer-reviews 85% of its published work. I would be absolutely shocked if this was a peer-reviewed study.

Just like the guy who upholds this study as some landmark study, both are quite pathetic.

You can't even get your articles straight - 2 different studies in 2 different publications with different titles, different methodologies and the first paper is even cited in the 2nd study published later and the do have 3 authors in common. Your claims about this study iare simply stupid. But let's examine what would have to be true have occurred.

The article in the first post above entitled, "Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Lessons Learned from a Pharma-Free Practice Transformation" published in the May-June edition of JABFB claims in writing in the article to be quantitative. And using these quantitative facts it makes all of the findings that I have posted here. This study was actually PUBLISHED in the Journal of a professional medical organization that claims to be the 2nd largest in the country. So if it wasn't peer reviewed then the editors let a group of tenured researchers, many of them licensed and board certified MD's publish a lie. But we know it isn't a lie because we can read the paper where it explains in detail the methodology used to get the quantitative data that they then published.

According to you, the "truth" can be found in an earlier paper published bu some of the same authors from a related study. If your "truth" here is factual then you've just detected of the the grossest examples of academic fraud found in the last few years.

Form the facts presented here the only thing that we can prove is that you are a moron and the biggest amount of freedom that you have is that you are free of too much intelligence. You are a fool.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

For this project, interviews were conducted between September 1 and December 1, 2005. Questions asked of clinicians and nonclinical staff centered around the value of drug detailer visits to patients and the clinic, PERCEIVED staff benefits of visits to the staff, and losses if the clinic became pharma-free. Providers also were asked to evaluate QUALITATIVELY the usefulness of sampled medicines. Responses to interviews were summarized by inter- viewers and presented to the provider group to identify common THEMES and CONCERNS from pro- viders and staff. In particular, the provider group sought to understand the relative value and risks of continued interactions with industry representa- tives.

During the individual and group interviews, four themes emerged. The physicians were concerned about (1) the practice culture of seeing detailers, (2) the effect they had on staff morale, (3) sample expectations of patients and physicians, and (4) be- ing current on new drugs.

Please explain again how you QUANTITATIVELY evaluate themes, concerns and perceptions???

The only quantitative aspect of this study involves ONLY THE MOST OBVIOUS which is that branded meds are more expensive than generics.... BRILLIANT!!!

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

For this project, interviews were conducted between September 1 and December 1, 2005. Questions asked of clinicians and nonclinical staff centered around the value of drug detailer visits to patients and the clinic, PERCEIVED staff benefits of visits to the staff, and losses if the clinic became pharma-free. Providers also were asked to evaluate QUALITATIVELY the usefulness of sampled medicines. Responses to interviews were summarized by inter- viewers and presented to the provider group to identify common THEMES and CONCERNS from pro- viders and staff. In particular, the provider group sought to understand the relative value and risks of continued interactions with industry representa- tives.

During the individual and group interviews, four themes emerged. The physicians were concerned about (1) the practice culture of seeing detailers, (2) the effect they had on staff morale, (3) sample expectations of patients and physicians, and (4) be- ing current on new drugs.

Please explain again how you QUANTITATIVELY evaluate themes, concerns and perceptions???

The only quantitative aspect of this study involves ONLY THE MOST OBVIOUS which is that branded meds are more expensive than generics.... BRILLIANT!!!

- Publicly demonstrating by repeated postings that one didn't know that Feudalism was a Medieval Economic System in repeated posts - Standard

- Publicly humiliating ones self by posting that having a Ford Taurus as a company car in a attempt to show that they have, "a great job" - next level

- Publicly humiliating oneself that they have discovered the "truth" about a Study published in a Peer Reviewed Journal published the organization representing the Second Largest groups of Specialist in the Country when actually they have found that "truth" by confusing an study published earlier in another journal and then repeatedly posting that as an argument against the latest study - almost there.

- Then, finally having been convinced, by repeated humiliation in a public forum, of the fact that they are quoting and critiquing the wrong study; then "cherry pick" quotes from the most recent article that was described as both "qualitative" and "quantitive" by the authors in the article while then critiquing a part of the study that was clearly qualitative by asking "Please explain again how you QUANTITATIVELY evaluate themes, concerns and perceptions???" when it is obvious to everyone but him that no claims or illusions of quantitativeness on the part of anyone was indicated; then mischaracterizing the quantitate part of the study by writing "The only quantitative aspect of this study involves ONLY THE MOST OBVIOUS which is that branded meds are more expensive than generics.... BRILLIANT!!!" when the quantitate part of the study not only clearly showed that generics were less expensive but also the extent to which, in a clinical setting, those generics can be substituted for overpriced branded products and the total costs that these overpriced, unneeded branded drugs screwed the US Healthcare system out of - PRICELESS.

You don't have a very good track record so far but I am willing to admit that you have finally stumbled on a "truth" (as they say, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day.") so let's go with it. You wrote, "The only quantitative aspect of this study involves ONLY THE MOST OBVIOUS which is that branded meds are more expensive than generics.... BRILLIANT!!!" So let's take this, the facts from the study and combine them with an analysis based on a few assumptions and see where we land, "Shall we?"

For a "sample cabinet" of drugs":

# Drugs Cost Total
Pharma Drugs 46 $90 $4140
Generics 38 $22 $836
Pharma Drugs with no generic substitute 8 $90 $720

So the total cost of the "sample cabinet" filled with Pharma Drugs is $4140
And the total cost of the "sample cabinet" filled with Generics plus Pharma drugs that can't be replaced by Generics is $836 + $720 = $1556.

So the percentage increase in the cost of the drugs in the "sample cabinet" due to your efforts is ($4140 - $1156) / $4140 = 62%

Then, let's calculate what it costs the US Healthcare System to pay for you parasites:

The study says that there are 90,000 Pharma Reps in the US. And if we estimate that your costs are $300,000 / yr (that includes salary, bene's, travel, sales promos, gifts, speaker programs etc) then the total cost is 90,000 x $300,000 = $27B / yr.

So the US Health Care System spends $27 B / yr so that we pay 62% more for our drugs.

So, if we take the numbers from the study as a starting point then 62% of the revenue of Pharma should go away and with it, about 73% of the Pharma Sales Reps jobs and so should 73% of the 90,000 Pharma Rep jobs citied in the study so after the reductions we should have about 24,300.

What can we conclude about Pharma's history of developing new drugs?

In the study it was found that 73% of the drugs in the cabinet had Generic replacements. And, it takes what, about 15-20 years to bring a new drug to the market? So for at least 10-15 years before that period Pharmas were using their profit to develop and license drugs that they KNEW would be only treatments for drugs already treated by Generics then, for the next 15-20 years they still failed to develop new drugs while continueing to manipulate the medical system in order to get Docs to spend more on their branded drugs rather than write scripts for Generics that would have had the same effects. The only trade-offs will be, over a period of time, a significant reduction in Pharma revenues and profits and since Pharma has used those profits over they last 30-40 years to mostly develop branded drugs to compete with generics the US market will not lose any drug development from which we will benefit if we were to use generics instead.

Then your derision of the qualitative portion of the study seems to indicate that you think that these results should be questioned. Do you really think that asking the questions in a different way to a larger group of Dr's and Nurses would change the results? Do you really think that more, many, most, of them have a higher opinion of Pharma Reps function?

But then, what about the concepts of "free market" and "free will" that you keep bringing up? Do you pay significantly more for your car before you "shop" around. What if the only information that was readily available was from the salesmen at car lots?

I think that we can all agree that as result of practicing those concepts everyone is to allow everyone to pay the lowest price that they can. And study seems to agree. "Part of what allows the change, the researchers said, is that information on new medications is now available in many other forums. These may have less bias and be more evidence-based than the material traditionally provided by the pharmaceutical industry, which wanted to sell the latest product. In the Madras clinic, the physicians replaced information previously supplied by drug reps with monthly meetings to stay current on new medications, based on peer-reviewed, rather than promotional literature. "In the past 5-10 years there's been more of a move toward what we call 'academic detailing,' in which universities and other impartial sources of information can provide accurate information without bias," said Daniel Hartung, assistant professor in the OSU College of Pharmacy. "This is being supported by some states and the federal government, and it's a move in the right direction."

And even the ACA, or as people like you like to call it "Obama Care" does not limit free will it only limits the amount of tax dollars that can be spent in Fed Govt funded Healthcare programs so that less expensive Generics will be prioritized. If a patient is prescribed a generic by a Dr but wants to pay for the increased costs then they can by all means, exercise thier free will and go to the free market and buy them with non-tax payer money.

Much of this post have simply been cut and pasted from other posts in this thread. But after your many silly posts filled with useless drivel it was constructed to summarize them after you admitted that the study was factually correct.

What I found interesting was the information cited in the sources in the article.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

We conducted a long term study and the results are final.... 100% of double blinded, study of people interviewed agreed. THE SKY IS BLUE.

For a "sample cabinet" of drugs":

# Drugs Cost Total
Pharma Drugs 46 $90 $4140
Generics 38 $22 $836
Pharma Drugs with no generic substitute 8 $90 $720

So the total cost of the "sample cabinet" filled with Pharma Drugs is $4140
And the total cost of the "sample cabinet" filled with Generics plus Pharma drugs that can't be replaced by Generics is $836 + $720 = $1556.

So the percentage increase in the cost of the drugs in the "sample cabinet" due to your efforts is ($4140 - $1156) / $4140 = 62%

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Self-identified CafePharma genius proclaims Branded meds as 62% more expensive than generics. Hailed as hero by socialists across America.

Next, he sets-out to prove ice is colder than water.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

This Memorial Day weekend, I have but one regret.... Only a 4-day week to use my superior power of persuasion to brainwash and/or force my physicians to prescribe my highly expensive branded meds.

This just in.... 4-day week represents a 20% reduction from the normal 5-day week.

I should submit this finding to a peer-reviewed journal.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Self-identified CafePharma genius proclaims Branded meds as 62% more expensive than generics. Hailed as hero by socialists across America.

Next, he sets-out to prove ice is colder than water.

Once again, you are mistaken. That conclusion was from a study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine and the "socialists across America" that you speak of are the members of the 2nd largest speciality group in America.

And I am sure that they would be heartened by the fact that you seem to be saying that your existence as a non-value-add parasite is as obvious of a fact as that ice is colder than water.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Here is a thought... Since everyone is hung up on low price generic products. Why aren't the Physicians driving low priced cars like a ford fiesta? Healthcare seems to be the only business where there is should be no choice and that low pricing is a right. We live in a society where we buy $2.00 bottles of water and the last time I checked water is free!!!

Yes branded products are more expensive, so what!!! Many of those products have advantages over the older therapies, but again no rep is that good to convince a Physician to use something that is not good for the patient. By the way Pharma companies have so many incentives to the patient that the newer drugs may cost less that generics. Check company websites if you don't believe me.

The bottom line is that variety whether it's soda pop, automobiles, or prescription drugs is open to any company that feels they can make money .

All of the breakthrough branded drugs in last 20years have allowed baby boomers to live longer with their chronic conditions. Previously, hypertension and cholesterol would have killed them early on. The breakthroughs in Cancer therapy have allowed people to live longer.
This has burdened the federal program Medicare in particular because when they did their projections way back then life expectancy was much lower. Now there are way more people in the system that were not forecasted to be alive. And not enough people working to offset the shortfall.

There is no easy fix for any of this. People can point fingers at drug reps all they want but they are so far down the list of issues with healthcare that even talking about it is a waste of air.

Move on to really important issues like legalizing weed. I guess if everyone is baked no one will care that Gasoline is $5.00 a gallon. And big macs are$8.00. ( I forgot there are choices with hamburgers too !!)

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Once again, you are mistaken. That conclusion was from a study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine and the "socialists across America" that you speak of are the members of the 2nd largest speciality group in America.

And I am sure that they would be heartened by the fact that you seem to be saying that your existence as a non-value-add parasite is as obvious of a fact as that ice is colder than water.

Damn it, today is a day off and offices are closed. I can't wait for tomorrow. I will work 50% harder to makeup for lost time and opportunities. I will convince 2 more doctors per day that my branded meds are far superior than cheap-ass generics... And they will be totally powerless to resist because some will be eating a sandwich that I bought them for lunch. I can't be stopped. I practically hypnotize them. The docs are so smart and they are far more educated than me, yet they are powerless to resist prescribing more expensive branded meds after talking with me. If you don't believe branded meds are more expensive, there is actually a peer-reviewed study that proves it. They actually added the cost of their branded meds then compared it to the total cost of generics and discovered that branded meds are 62% more expensive. That office is obviously far too intelligent to be influenced by anybody. If only other offices understood how to complete this advanced mathematical equation, then they too could overcome the evil influence of pharmaceutical reps. Alas, this only a dream. Situations like this demand for more government control. Only government can prevent this criminal activity from happening to powerless physician offices.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Last week I checked the value of samples in an oncology Office:

Branded: $180,250
Generic: $0

Thus, all generics must be free, or they had none...answer was NONE (No help for cancer patients here)

I questioned three of the physicians and 2 nurses (similiar to the Madris office, thus, highly qualitative) All agreed that most generic products were cheaper, but most caused more harm than good, and many patients couldn't take them, and additionally, most pharma companies provide about 65% of drugs at no cost, or most co-pays are under $100 and the companies fund co-pay help too, whereas, the generic oncolytics were usually hundreds $$ per month and almost no copay help.

So, my study proved that pharma is very important for patients, at least in the oncology setting and reps provide the service of helping navigate the system for better outcomes for all.

I submitteed this article to my printer and have decided to form the Americian Capitalist Society of Physicians and Pharma Medicine. And my publication will be named The Americian Journal of Physicians and Pharma Medicine.

This article is currently being reviwed, by my peers, aka counterparts.

Much like the the OP likes to point out, we had a substantial population studied of N=8 (myself included and my two counterparts). Thanks for all who assisted.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

I would like to participate in your Quantitative study. How can I volunteer my services? Thank you for conducting such invaluable research.

In the meanwhile, I will be devising evil plans to further increase my market share with my customers who have far superior intellect and education but inexplicably can't help but be fooled into writing more expensive branded meds. It is as if when I feed them a sandwich, I have mind-control... any resistance is futile.

Reminder... Only 4 working days this week, which is a 20% reduction from the normal 5-day. Must increase productivity to makeup for lost time.

Perhaps I will publish my findings as well.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

If morons like you ran the world, there would be no Lipitor. It is because Lipitor made $15 billion that it will fuel the next innovation. According to your logic, the only reason Lipitor made $15 billion is because some pharma rep. forced doctors to prescribe it.... so while Lipitor was branded, you were the moron bitchin' about it, but now that its generic you think its great?!? You morons make no sense.

Wow. I didnt think that anyone really bought this argument. Innovation? Puh-lease! We are looking for mega-blockbusters only. Between Novartis, Merck, Pfizer, and GSK, I read somewhere that the industry spent between 150-200 BILLION in R&D in a 10 year period in the 90s. I used to be with Pfizer, and according to info that i got from our annual reports and town hall meetings, we averaged about 7 Billion a year.
Everyone knew that we werent looking for innovation, we were looking for something to take the place of Lipitor and Viagra when they went off patent. So what was our strategy? Adding another drug TO Lipitor.

We are a profitable industry. Please stop buying the company line and wave the "without us, there'd be no new meds" flag.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

If you were the sole owner of Pfizer what would you have done to maintain the company? Laid off 2-3000 more reps, research and mid level mgt? Cut your salary? or go with the add on drug? What would investors see as offering you their money as an investment?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Wow. I didnt think that anyone really bought this argument. Innovation? Puh-lease! We are looking for mega-blockbusters only. Between Novartis, Merck, Pfizer, and GSK, I read somewhere that the industry spent between 150-200 BILLION in R&D in a 10 year period in the 90s. I used to be with Pfizer, and according to info that i got from our annual reports and town hall meetings, we averaged about 7 Billion a year.
Everyone knew that we werent looking for innovation, we were looking for something to take the place of Lipitor and Viagra when they went off patent. So what was our strategy? Adding another drug TO Lipitor.

We are a profitable industry. Please stop buying the company line and wave the "without us, there'd be no new meds" flag.

Isn't it great... The guy who hates me-too drugs, upholds Lipitor as the greatest thing since sliced bread. And Lipitor is what exactly? Wait.... Wait.... Ironic-pause.... Lipitor is a ME-TOO DRUG. Please excuse me while I go outside and puke with laughter!!!