Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co
I did not claim it was a qualitative study, the study IS A QUALITATIVE STUDY. If you would actually read the study, then you would know that the study identified the fact that it was a qualitative as a shortcoming. This is not debatable.
As far as proving that branded meds cost more than generics, did we really need a study to prove that? Seriously, what's next, a landmark study to prove the sky is blue?
Lastly, this study was published in 2011 and this is the first time ANYONE has ever heard of it. I look forward to more such groundbreaking studies.
Nobody forces docs to prescribe branded meds, it is called free choice. Most of the things that are forced on us, that try to control free choice, comes from government. I really try very hard to understand why anyone would be opposed to free people using their God given, inalienable right of free will.... at least what little remains. BTW, these concepts do no originate with Glenn Beck... go study the history of this country. Have you ever read John Locke or Alexis de Tocqueville? I suspect not... for you, history started the day you were born.
Can you read? Can you explain label to a Doc?
Only a moron Rep would claim that, "This was a qualitative study in which data could be observed but not measured." when they counted (can you understand that is the same as measured) the number of drugs in a "sample cabinet" and the prices of those drugs. And the fact that many Pharmas offer free drug programs is a makes no difference in the overall sense. In the study, all 38 drugs that were branded and could have been replaced with Generics, would have to be the same price as Generics every where all the time to invalidate the study.
And what you don't get is that it matters not that it was only in one clinic in a rural setting. If 1 Doc write 1 script for 1 branded drug that cost $1 dollar more that a generic any where anytime that is, by definition, a screwed job to the US Healthcare System.
And that is you guys' job.
And then the "hatred and jealousy" part. Hatred yes, obviously. But it goes deeper than that as you are parasites who make a living at others expense. A pretty good one at that. Jealousy, how could anyone be jealous of someone like you who drives around in a Ford Taurus all day doing a job that they know the people that they are going to call on think that they are lower than pond scum. Dr's and nurses would break their Hypocrite so as to not waste their piss on you to put you out if you were on fire.
And as more of these studies come out it will not be just Healthcare professionals that wish you dead but everyone else will as well.
Good luck feeling good about yourselves going forward.
I did not claim it was a qualitative study, the study IS A QUALITATIVE STUDY. If you would actually read the study, then you would know that the study identified the fact that it was a qualitative as a shortcoming. This is not debatable.
As far as proving that branded meds cost more than generics, did we really need a study to prove that? Seriously, what's next, a landmark study to prove the sky is blue?
Lastly, this study was published in 2011 and this is the first time ANYONE has ever heard of it. I look forward to more such groundbreaking studies.
Nobody forces docs to prescribe branded meds, it is called free choice. Most of the things that are forced on us, that try to control free choice, comes from government. I really try very hard to understand why anyone would be opposed to free people using their God given, inalienable right of free will.... at least what little remains. BTW, these concepts do no originate with Glenn Beck... go study the history of this country. Have you ever read John Locke or Alexis de Tocqueville? I suspect not... for you, history started the day you were born.