
Pfizer is a corrupt entity. Your CEO (veterinarian) is now advocating yearly boosters as a way to maintain the monetary influx. Let's vaccinate (even though it really isn't a vaccine) everyone including young children. Wait! How about babies as soon as they are born!

Pfizer is a corrupt entity. Your CEO (veterinarian) is now advocating yearly boosters as a way to maintain the monetary influx. Let's vaccinate (even though it really isn't a vaccine) everyone including young children. Wait! How about babies as soon as they are born!

Vaccinated livestock? A lot of vulnerable chickens out there. Gotta pay for that stake in b+l somehow.

What a Surprise the new Variant was detected in NYC. No shit, it’s been here for at least a month or more. Are we sick and tired of this shit show fear mongering by the media. Just gotta live with COVID period

The unvaccinated are packing in hospitals. The virus has long term side effects we don’t yet fully understand. More younger people are getting seriously ill now.

The hospital bills and death toll from the virus are piling up. Data shows that it’s the unvaccinated who are being hardest hit at this time.

I say make your decision and live with it on whether you get vaccinated or not but don’t spread your lies which you know will sway the weak minded to pass up on the vaccine. Think about it. Why are these preachers against vaccination so vocal about a personal medical decision that is between you and your doctor? What is there motive to get you to risk your life? What is the evidence of their vaccination status?

You’ve all heard stories of online bullies who goad a young teen into committing suicide. Who are these people without medical degrees who would goad you into making a medical decision that puts your life at risk?

Hopefully nobody is listening.

The doc in S Africa who discovered it thinks its a good thing that its mild and appears that its burning itself out. So what to they do over here? Throw the panic button.

Maybe you’re right but since when did anecdotal evidence and quotes from doctors in a 2nd or 3rd world country constitute scientific evidence of anything?

How do you know you’re not the baby feeding on propaganda from China or Russia?
I don't need anyone from Russia or China to tell me that everyone in Florida would be dead or in the hospital if what your company is saying was true.

No one from Russia or China educated me on the many ways that airborne respiratory viruses can be treated. This is basic common sense.

Maybe you’re right but since when did anecdotal evidence and quotes from doctors in a 2nd or 3rd world country constitute scientific evidence of anything?

Seriously? Almost everything in the media is anecdotal and quotes
'our hospitals are full'
'all our ICU patients are unvaccinated'
'Omicron could work around past infection'
All the studirs are unpublished and not peer reviewed
It seems like the 'evidence' is being cherry picked to back up the current propaganda push

Seriously? Almost everything in the media is anecdotal and quotes
'our hospitals are full'
'all our ICU patients are unvaccinated'
'Omicron could work around past infection'
All the studirs are unpublished and not peer reviewed
It seems like the 'evidence' is being cherry picked to back up the current propaganda push
ICU's are DESIGNED to be at or near capacity during peak flu season. They are far and away the most expensive furnishings in any hospital. Most of that equipment is leased from capital equipment companies, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Hospitals use consulting companies to determine exactly how many ICU beds they need based on a very complex set of algorithms (time and distance to trauma centers, demographics ect). No hospital will just have extra ICU rooms sitting idle for prolonged periods or hire staff to run them unless they are expected to be on rotation. No administrator can justify eating that type of money, margins are tight enough as it is. Many hospitals have to file as 501C's just to be able to keep running.

2018 saw 300,000 flu deaths, the past 2 years (20-21) combined have seen upwards of 750,000 (they aggregate those 2 years together for some reason in all the reporting)

This is rare but not unprecedented.

ICU's are DESIGNED to be at or near capacity during peak flu season. They are far and away the most expensive furnishings in any hospital. Most of that equipment is leased from capital equipment companies, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Hospitals use consulting companies to determine exactly how many ICU beds they need based on a very complex set of algorithms (time and distance to trauma centers, demographics ect). No hospital will just have extra ICU rooms sitting idle for prolonged periods or hire staff to run them unless they are expected to be on rotation. No administrator can justify eating that type of money, margins are tight enough as it is. Many hospitals have to file as 501C's just to be able to keep running.

2018 saw 300,000 flu deaths, the past 2 years (20-21) combined have seen upwards of 750,000 (they aggregate those 2 years together for some reason in all the reporting)

This is rare but not unprecedented.

Where did you get the flu numbers? The CDC website has much lower 'estimates' than you.

Where did you get the flu numbers? The CDC website has much lower 'estimates' than you.
These have been identified as endemic within the US population

A(H1N1) Subclade 6B1A
A(H3N1) Subclades 3C2a1, 3C2a2, 3C2a3, 3C2a4
B(Victoria) Subclades V1A1, V1A2, V1A3

Query those totals per incident rate. The CDC reports only the dominant strain given for each year.

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