
Then why have you never met anyone harmed by the vaccine Fox Watcher? Not just this vaccine but any vaccine ever? The rates are so low, there's virtually no chance it you ever will.

Instead of avoiding the discussion, please sound off on why no one at any conservative media outlet has come up with a single documented case of someone harmed by this vaccine.

I'm wait while you research through InfoWars and StormFront looking

Just name a single case...

VAERS website
More deaths since vaccine launch than in last 30 years of reporting

Pharma owns the FDA and politicians. Of course it’s safe, dummy!

After we run out of humans to vaccinate, who and/or what else can we inoculate to ensure Pfizer stays afloat (I mean to flatten the curve, decrease hospitalizations, prevent deaths, eradicate the virus, help reelect people, etc…)?

“Leaky experimental rushed to market so-called vaccine”….unsafe & ineffective. How about booster shots for everyone to ramp up their waning protection?

How many people do you know who’ve gotten the shots and are having to take blood thinners? Blood clots? Heart issues? Atrial Fibrillation?

Fully vaccinated can’t seem to be protected enough and even some vaxxed are still getting COVID.

Argument of the unvaxxed only spreading COVID is a LIE! Vaxxed folks outweigh disproportionately unvaxxed population, and Pandemic still goes on. BREAKTHROUGHS from vaxxed is spreading COVID. CDC stop counting breakthroughs from vaxxed….Why?

COVID vaccine adverse events and deaths are catastrophically impacting humanity worldwide. CDC states you can transmit COVID being fully vaccinated (wait you now need a booster to be fully vaccinated?).

Boosters? Mix & Match with other shots? Children vax with EUA shots? Employer Vaccines Mandates?

Shorten your lifespan with a weakened immune system by taking COVID EUA jabs. Time for another COVID booster?

Quid Pro Quo

If as much effort was spent trying to convince Americans to lose 15 pounds over the last 12-months instead of trying to get these people vaccinated what effect would that have on life expectancy?

The whack jobs are loose again.

‘I know many people who been sick, hospitalized and died from this virus. Not knowing or seeing something personally in a nation of 350 million doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

You mustn’t be in sales otherwise you’d know some doctors who are seeing it for sure.

Also, people are using the VAERS database in ways it wasn’t designed for the first time during this pandemic. A whack job I know was telling me about reports of 600,000 AEs due to vaccines in VAERS. He never did the math to figure out that 600,000 is a statistical 0. It’s a blip.

We know in our business that if someone gets vaccinated then trips over their cat on the stairs and get a concussion, it gets reported as an AE.

People are ridiculous these days.

The unvaccinated are packing in hospitals. The virus has long term side effects we don’t yet fully understand. More younger people are getting seriously ill now.

The hospital bills and death toll from the virus are piling up. Data shows that it’s the unvaccinated who are being hardest hit at this time.

I say make your decision and live with it on whether you get vaccinated or not but don’t spread your lies which you know will sway the weak minded to pass up on the vaccine. Think about it. Why are these preachers against vaccination so vocal about a personal medical decision that is between you and your doctor? What is there motive to get you to risk your life? What is the evidence of their vaccination status?

You’ve all heard stories of online bullies who goad a young teen into committing suicide. Who are these people without medical degrees who would goad you into making a medical decision that puts your life at risk?

Hopefully nobody is listening.

Sharing observations does not require a medical degree. People with medical degrees have provided terrible medical advice on numerous occasions. A substantial instance of bad medical advice provided by a large number of physicians is the use of opioid medications and their overall stance on pain management, isn't it? Once upon a time I visited a doctor and I could have been prescribed any narcotic I had asked for as long I had a follow-up visit and paid in cash. What a great doctor that was. Lastly, pushing medical advice on people you have never consulted with can lead to bad outcomes i.e. physicians (real or actors) telling everybody the vaccines are safe for everybody on a TV commercial without stating the potential side effects and contraindications.

Sharing observations does not require a medical degree. People with medical degrees have provided terrible medical advice on numerous occasions. A substantial instance of bad medical advice provided by a large number of physicians is the use of opioid medications and their overall stance on pain management, isn't it? Once upon a time I visited a doctor and I could have been prescribed any narcotic I had asked for as long I had a follow-up visit and paid in cash. What a great doctor that was. Lastly, pushing medical advice on people you have never consulted with can lead to bad outcomes i.e. physicians (real or actors) telling everybody the vaccines are safe for everybody on a TV commercial without stating the potential side effects and contraindications.

I hope the unschooled are reading this because this post shows zero credibility.

It has to be an interloper not connected even remotely to the medical profession or any understanding of the people in it to post such dribble.

I’ve called on hundreds of physicians and many more nurses, NPs and PAs over several states in my career. I can honestly say based on that sample that your gross generalizations about the professionals in the field are complete lies and fabrications.

You generalize what a few bad seeds may have done to an entire profession that works diligently to save people both good and bad.

You talk about TV doctors when most people follow the recommendations of their own personal providers. Intelligent people don’t rely on Dr Phil or Fauci without consulting their own first.

You’re a joke. I can’t think of anything worse for one’s health than taking medical advice from an ignoramus who puts that ignorance on full display from under a cloak of anonymity. You know what you can do with your misguided, Ill-informed and uneducated observations.

I hope the unschooled are reading this because this post shows zero credibility.

It has to be an interloper not connected even remotely to the medical profession or any understanding of the people in it to post such dribble.

I’ve called on hundreds of physicians and many more nurses, NPs and PAs over several states in my career. I can honestly say based on that sample that your gross generalizations about the professionals in the field are complete lies and fabrications.

You generalize what a few bad seeds may have done to an entire profession that works diligently to save people both good and bad.

You talk about TV doctors when most people follow the recommendations of their own personal providers. Intelligent people don’t rely on Dr Phil or Fauci without consulting their own first.

You’re a joke. I can’t think of anything worse for one’s health than taking medical advice from an ignoramus who puts that ignorance on full display from under a cloak of anonymity. You know what you can do with your misguided, Ill-informed and uneducated observations.

Stop pushing your vaccines on people that don't want or need it. It is really that simple.

But that’s the problem, people do listen to the media, Fauci ( lied to Congress under oath) and follow blindly
If a medical professional or scientists speaks out with a dissenting opinion, they are immediately labeled as a quack and discredited.
When has a physician asked you for study data and your reply is ‘I’ll send it to you over the next 6 months’?

Another problem with the mandate (other than being completely un-American and unlawful) is the hypocrisy. I am not antivaccine. However, I want to wait until more is known. To be completely honest, I do not feel that I need to get vaccinated for COVID. I certainly would not vaccinate my children (not a problem since I do not have any) with any of the COVID vaccines because there is definitely too much unknown. Those are my beliefs and I have the right to do as I see fit when it comes to my health or the health of the family in this context.

If the mandate is deemed legal, I will have to either get vaccinated, tested weekly, or lose my job. First, I like my job and the people I work with. Second, I have to undergo weekly tests but those vaccinated do not? Why? A fully vaccinated person can get infected and pass it on to me, so why don’t they have to be tested weekly? Lastly, and most importantly, COVID does not pose an imminent danger or threat in the workplace nor is it a grave danger. The number of confirmed cases (which is much lower than reality because testing wasn’t available early on) v. the number of deaths (stating a cause of death can be extremely subjective) does not suggest that COVID is an imminent threat, nor does it suggest that people in the workplace are in grave danger from dying of COVID. Also, based on the numbers, those who do die from COVID are elderly and retired.

If you want to see what a real epidemic looks like, look at how obese our society is (especially your children). When I was a kid, I was outside playing whatever and playing sports all summer long. There may have been 1 or 2 obese kids in my class that were made fun of, but now, I can’t believe how many kids that I see that are morbidly obese. I rarely see kids outside playing or riding their bikes over the summer. Furthermore, I can’t believe how many kids I see drinking extra-large coffees or those sugary coffee frozen drinks every morning before school (elementary, jr. high, and high school kids). All that sugar and caffeine is not good for an adult yet alone a kid.

This country’s priorities are completely F’d up.

Another problem with the mandate (other than being completely un-American and unlawful) is the hypocrisy. I am not antivaccine. However, I want to wait until more is known. To be completely honest, I do not feel that I need to get vaccinated for COVID. I certainly would not vaccinate my children (not a problem since I do not have any) with any of the COVID vaccines because there is definitely too much unknown. Those are my beliefs and I have the right to do as I see fit when it comes to my health or the health of the family in this context.

If the mandate is deemed legal, I will have to either get vaccinated, tested weekly, or lose my job. First, I like my job and the people I work with. Second, I have to undergo weekly tests but those vaccinated do not? Why? A fully vaccinated person can get infected and pass it on to me, so why don’t they have to be tested weekly? Lastly, and most importantly, COVID does not pose an imminent danger or threat in the workplace nor is it a grave danger. The number of confirmed cases (which is much lower than reality because testing wasn’t available early on) v. the number of deaths (stating a cause of death can be extremely subjective) does not suggest that COVID is an imminent threat, nor does it suggest that people in the workplace are in grave danger from dying of COVID. Also, based on the numbers, those who do die from COVID are elderly and retired.

If you want to see what a real epidemic looks like, look at how obese our society is (especially your children). When I was a kid, I was outside playing whatever and playing sports all summer long. There may have been 1 or 2 obese kids in my class that were made fun of, but now, I can’t believe how many kids that I see that are morbidly obese. I rarely see kids outside playing or riding their bikes over the summer. Furthermore, I can’t believe how many kids I see drinking extra-large coffees or those sugary coffee frozen drinks every morning before school (elementary, jr. high, and high school kids). All that sugar and caffeine is not good for an adult yet alone a kid.

This country’s priorities are completely F’d up.

please provide the data and scientific rationale for not getting vaccinated. not your opinions Fox Watcher, but the data. bottom line, your reasons are political, not factual.

better go back to Prager for a Master's Degree

please provide the data and scientific rationale for not getting vaccinated. not your opinions Fox Watcher, but the data. bottom line, your reasons are political, not factual.

better go back to Prager for a Master's Degree

Says the Purdue Pharma- oh, sorry- Pfizer sales rep. Not buying what you are selling, bro.

please provide the data and scientific rationale for not getting vaccinated. not your opinions Fox Watcher, but the data. bottom line, your reasons are political, not factual.

better go back to Prager for a Master's Degree

So true. Nothing but feelings in the post.

Why not be factual and data driven then say you don’t want it versus talking up stuff about your feelings?

Or, be true to your feelings and just say you’re scared? It’s ok to be afraid. Then go to talk to your doctor about it.

I know a guy afraid of anesthesia for surgery and he’s always telling some random stories about people who woke up or died during surgery like that is justification to never get surgery even when it’s necessary to live. He’s just afraid and trying to make it sound rational.

Did have a hcp’s husband have issues after getting the Moderna vax. Both arms started to lose strength and then started to lose mass. Th pics she showed me were crazy. Big, burly guy and within weeks his arms were “gone”. All the tests showed nothing causing it. Only thing he did was get the vax. He’s a contractor so works with his hands. Had to file for disability while his son took over the hands on side of the business.
I’m a vaccine supporter for the most part, but it was sad how it affected him and the whole family.

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