
please provide the data and scientific rationale for not getting vaccinated. not your opinions Fox Watcher, but the data. bottom line, your reasons are political, not factual.

better go back to Prager for a Master's Degree

fact - read the CDC website - does not prevent transmission or infection, reduces severity of symptoms
Fact - mRNA has been around a long time but never used successfully, long term affects?
Fact - I know people think VAERS is bogus but it’s there for a reason. More vaccine related death and disability after Covid shots than in last 30 years total
Fact - Pfizer and Moderna have already made a combined 93B off these shots with more to come from boosters

it’s not about public health, certainly not science, it’s about $$

please don’t take this post down, no politics or opinions, only FACTS

So true. Nothing but feelings in the post.

Why not be factual and data driven then say you don’t want it versus talking up stuff about your feelings?

Or, be true to your feelings and just say you’re scared? It’s ok to be afraid. Then go to talk to your doctor about it.

I know a guy afraid of anesthesia for surgery and he’s always telling some random stories about people who woke up or died during surgery like that is justification to never get surgery even when it’s necessary to live. He’s just afraid and trying to make it sound rational.

Confirmed Cases: 47,916,623

Deaths from COVID: 773,779

Deaths from COVID within age groups:

0-17: 621

18-29: 4,547

30-39: 13,451

40-49: 32,805

50-64: 141,783

65-74: 175,430

75-84: 200,202

85+: 204,973

Data via the CDC website.

According to the CDC website, every 40 seconds a person has a heart attack in the U.S. Also, according to the CDC website, every 36 seconds a person dies from cardiovascular disease in the U.S. Why not focus on decreasing the number of heart attacks so that we can make more room in the hospitals for people with COVID?

To answer your question, no, I am not afraid of the vaccines. I simply do not see the need to get vaccinated. Personally, I am not worried about contracting COVID or dying from it. It is good to get sick from time to time.

What have I learned by waiting to get vaccinated? I learned that the efficacy of the vaccines decreases over time and that if I am truly afraid of COVID that I will need at least one booster shot. I learned that the only proven method for not contracting COVID is through proper distancing, not the vaccines. I learned that even if you are vaccinated that you can still contract and transmit the virus. I learned that the vaccines are not as “safe” as being advertised. I learned that the vaccines MAY decrease the risk of serious illness and hospitalizations for those 65 and older. I learned that comparing COVID to Polio is like comparing the taste of an apple to an orange.

Everything I just stated may sound insensitive and that is okay because I am not running for office. Depending on how quickly you read, from the time you started reading this post to now one or more people just had a heart attack and one or more people just died from cardiovascular disease.

Chances of dying from the virus- 1 in 100K
Chances of getting myocarditis from the vxcne: between 1 and 2 in 100K. Someone explain why this is OK

Things don't seem to add up... Do they? Your proportions seem off as well.

The CDC has a website. Check out the numbers for yourself. Since the VAERS system is full of phony data created by aliens I won't tell you about their website.

In another 27 seconds someone in the U.S. will die from cardiovascular disease and in another 31 seconds someone is going to have a heart attack.

Here’s something that adds up
Over 93 billion dollars made by Pfizer and Moderna off the shots, with much more to follow from the booster push
Wasn’t the development funded to some extent by Operation Warp Speed?
People think it’s free just because you don’t pay when you get it, tax dollars at work!

Things don't seem to add up... Do they? Your proportions seem off as well.

The CDC has a website. Check out the numbers for yourself. Since the VAERS system is full of phony data created by aliens I won't tell you about their website.

In another 27 seconds someone in the U.S. will die from cardiovascular disease and in another 31 seconds someone is going to have a heart attack.

You’re mixing stats. They are mutually exclusive of the other as people die for thousands of preventable reasons. Every one requires a unique approach to prevention and not every one is communicable through the air or spreads at a logarithmic rate.

Your stats are also conveniently wrong. You make it seem like CV disease and heart attacks are all preventable and not a part of simply getting old.

What percentage of deaths and hospitalizations are in the unvaccinated group currently?

Good question. The answer would have to be begin from the time that shots were widely distributed to now and compared to the vaccinated during the same time frame. The data can’t be compared to stats pre-vaccine.

So, who’s the researcher out there?

You’re mixing stats. They are mutually exclusive of the other as people die for thousands of preventable reasons. Every one requires a unique approach to prevention and not every one is communicable through the air or spreads at a logarithmic rate.

Your stats are also conveniently wrong. You make it seem like CV disease and heart attacks are all preventable and not a part of simply getting old.

Yes, I agree that COVID is preventable. All one has to do is practice distancing, which is the only proven method for preventing COVID.

Those are not my stats; they came from the CDC website.

Instead of saying "you make it seem...." it would be more accurate to say, "I perceived...." because you did.

A majority of cardiovascular disease occurs, in adults and children, because individuals choose to eat unhealthy foods (foods that are also highly addictive) and they do not exercise regularly. It should be noted that obesity increases the likelihood of disease and the chances of hospitalization and death from COVID (paraphrased from the CDC website).

Money does not need to be spent to prevent COVID, but people don’t distance themselves from others when in public. The response to those facts is spending trillions of dollars on vaccines that lose potency over time and pushing to mandate them on people, including children and age groups that have a miniscule to nonexistent chance of dying from COVID. Why not declare a victory against the virus or at least focus on those who are most at-risk of dying? Are we entering into another 20-year war that we have very little to no chance of winning? I perceive a hidden agenda from some key policy makers in our government regarding COVID.

So you are recommending a mandate on distancing? Because we had this thing called 15 days to stop the spread and unfortunately the Kung Flu still spread like crazy. How to you plan to roll out your distancing plan?

So you are recommending a mandate on distancing? Because we had this thing called 15 days to stop the spread and unfortunately the Kung Flu still spread like crazy. How to you plan to roll out your distancing plan?

I don't propose any mandates. Do whatever makes you feel safe. If you are one of the entities promoting vaccines then share all the facts and adhere to the rules and regulations you put in place or have to adhere and comply with. If you feel as though a side effect or potential adverse event is a blip then state it because what you feel is a blip others may perceive as a threat. Furthermore, lift the lawsuit ban if the vaccines are so safe for everybody.

Since there has never been a successful vaccine for a coronavirus in the past, our country should have been focused on treatments for coronavirus. Which certain doctors have proven exist, but were using FDA approved drugs or therapies for other indications. All off label, and all off patent, so no one makes any money off this. But, allowing people to get and recover from covid using treatments would benefit the population but make NO ONE any money, so you see where that goes.
Now we are all waiting for our 4th booster for the new variant! I can't wait to get back to normal! Just have to wait for all these variants to go away! Should be soon now.

Confirmed Cases: 47,916,623

Deaths from COVID: 773,779

Deaths from COVID within age groups:

0-17: 621

18-29: 4,547

30-39: 13,451

40-49: 32,805

50-64: 141,783

65-74: 175,430

75-84: 200,202

85+: 204,973

Data via the CDC website.

According to the CDC website, every 40 seconds a person has a heart attack in the U.S. Also, according to the CDC website, every 36 seconds a person dies from cardiovascular disease in the U.S. Why not focus on decreasing the number of heart attacks so that we can make more room in the hospitals for people with COVID?

To answer your question, no, I am not afraid of the vaccines. I simply do not see the need to get vaccinated. Personally, I am not worried about contracting COVID or dying from it. It is good to get sick from time to time.

What have I learned by waiting to get vaccinated? I learned that the efficacy of the vaccines decreases over time and that if I am truly afraid of COVID that I will need at least one booster shot. I learned that the only proven method for not contracting COVID is through proper distancing, not the vaccines. I learned that even if you are vaccinated that you can still contract and transmit the virus. I learned that the vaccines are not as “safe” as being advertised. I learned that the vaccines MAY decrease the risk of serious illness and hospitalizations for those 65 and older. I learned that comparing COVID to Polio is like comparing the taste of an apple to an orange.

Everything I just stated may sound insensitive and that is okay because I am not running for office. Depending on how quickly you read, from the time you started reading this post to now one or more people just had a heart attack and one or more people just died from cardiovascular disease.

because heart attacks are not transmissible from person to person, genius

I guess we will all need to become human pin cushions. Boosters for every new variant, which will at this rate be once a month. I think the earth needs a restart with a massive Asteroid killing all and start from scratch. Sad but completely necessary.

I guess we will all need to become human pin cushions. Boosters for every new variant, which will at this rate be once a month. I think the earth needs a restart with a massive Asteroid killing all and start from scratch. Sad but completely necessary.

Can we spend a couple trillion sending up vaccines to inject the asteroid with before it hits earth?

I don't propose any mandates. Do whatever makes you feel safe. If you are one of the entities promoting vaccines then share all the facts and adhere to the rules and regulations you put in place or have to adhere and comply with. If you feel as though a side effect or potential adverse event is a blip then state it because what you feel is a blip others may perceive as a threat. Furthermore, lift the lawsuit ban if the vaccines are so safe for everybody.

Boosters = BS= Money.

Things don't seem to add up... Do they? Your proportions seem off as well.

The CDC has a website. Check out the numbers for yourself. Since the VAERS system is full of phony data created by aliens I won't tell you about their website.

In another 27 seconds someone in the U.S. will die from cardiovascular disease and in another 31 seconds someone is going to have a heart attack.

CDC? Hahahaha. They’re nothing more than a self- serving, bureaucratic, political institution that takes its orders from the hierarchy that funds them. Their narrative is dictated on an hourly basis, and Fauci, parrots it as needed.
Hundreds of thousands of “ immigrants” crossing our borders isn’t contributing to more Covid, among others diseases, in the US. Haven’t heard a word about it from the cdc.

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