Bone Growth Stimulator - your advice?

Looks like DonJoy is starting to panic because they cant talk about their own product. Nothing new. One of our reps is former DJ and the only thing they are taught in sales training is how to nitpick at Orthofix, Biomet and SN data since they have none of their own to present.

OFIX is the one that is panicking with the spinal stim reps that they are losing to DJ. Double my income as a DJ distributor or stick with orthofix to hopefully see something worked out with the comp plan in 2013? And don't go off about the non-compete. There are so many ways around that now, especially with them bringing on RS medical to sell in everyone's territory. It's just sad that the management has an excellent track record with fiscal management, which they are demonstrating well right now, but lack the ability to manage their employees better.

hey- do you mean that OFIX is bringing on RS Medical? That is news to me- just wanted clarification- thanks

BGS is on the downslope of it's product life cycle. To jump from OFIX to DJ would be stupid for a few reasons. First, do u really want to sell an inferior product from what your use too and sold against for yrs. Why go backwards? Second, start looking at using your experience and relationships and start networking into a product or industry that is at the beginning or mid-point of it's life cycle. BGS was a great run....realize it, understand it and use those experiences to move forward, not backwards. You either position yourself for your future or u wake up one day wondering why you didn't. To do anything rash jumping to one of the other BGS companies for the almighty dollar is when people get burned and screw themselves over. Stay where ur at and start planning for your FUTURE beyond BGS.

This report summarises the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of Exogen bone growth stimulator, a low-intensity ultrasound treatment (LIUS) for the acceleration of bone healing, on the basis of the currently available evidence.

The quality of evidence available for the current review was variable. Only low-level patient case series and registry evidence was available regarding fractures exhibiting non-union. In the case of non-union, no direct comparisons with active interventions such as surgery have been undertaken.


On the basis of the evidence currently available, it is not possible to conclude that LIUS is consistently more efficacious than other treatments of fresh fractures. We identified only two high quality, randomised, placebo-controlled studies (Kristiansen et al, 1997;Emami et al, 1999) conducted in distal radius and tibial fractures, respectively. The results of these studies are contradictory.

With respect to the treatment of fractures exhibiting non-union, only poorly controlled patient registry or case series data are currently available. It is concluded that this represents minimally acceptable, low-level evidence to support the efficacy of LIUS for treatment of non-unions.


We recommended that on the basis of the evidence available on low intensity ultrasound treatment for acceleration of bone fracture healing, public funding should not be supported for this procedure.


hey DJ moron, please go back to your own board and continue your emami speak. O-fx kills you in the field because you have no clinical trial to support your product. and you make claims against the competitors' data? incredible. you do realize that you have not one single clinical trial to support your own product, yes? just one company paper that shows 60% success with two different patients having to have AMPUTATIONS!

Anybody that goes around posting the nasty truth about what a POS Exogen is, should be given free rein in my book....
Exogen reps do nothing but trash talk Orthofix, its 95% of their gig.

This report summarises the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of Exogen bone growth stimulator, a low-intensity ultrasound treatment (LIUS) for the acceleration of bone healing, on the basis of the currently available evidence.

The quality of evidence available for the current review was variable. Only low-level patient case series and registry evidence was available regarding fractures exhibiting non-union. In the case of non-union, no direct comparisons with active interventions such as surgery have been undertaken.


On the basis of the evidence currently available, it is not possible to conclude that LIUS is consistently more efficacious than other treatments of fresh fractures. We identified only two high quality, randomised, placebo-controlled studies (Kristiansen et al, 1997;Emami et al, 1999) conducted in distal radius and tibial fractures, respectively. The results of these studies are contradictory.

With respect to the treatment of fractures exhibiting non-union, only poorly controlled patient registry or case series data are currently available. It is concluded that this represents minimally acceptable, low-level evidence to support the efficacy of LIUS for treatment of non-unions.


We recommended that on the basis of the evidence available on low intensity ultrasound treatment for acceleration of bone fracture healing, public funding should not be supported for this procedure.


OK so you dont like the outcome - dont get your panties all in a wad
The nasty truth hurts - doesnt it S&N koolaid drinkers

Just google Emami Exogen
and start reading.....
how Exogen ever made it to market is amazing
what a placebo!

Yeah this is an orthofix gossip site - but you need to know the SCIENCE too

You EStim reps are SOOO stupid. Keep showing that study to doctors, while showing NO studies on your own product. Its one flawed study, but there are so many level 1 JBJS studies to show while you still show zero studies.

You EStim reps are SOOO stupid. Keep showing that study to doctors, while showing NO studies on your own product. Its one flawed study, but there are so many level 1 JBJS studies to show while you still show zero studies.

are there really any studies out there are not flawed. S&N dominated the long bone market because surgeons prefer the product and S&N has a very good reputation

Surgeons prefer the drop-your pants suction applied by Exogen reps, insurance preferred the drop-your-pants pricing. Reputation? My ass.

Some of You people are not only cheaters, you are sick. We also know that some of you stalk active duty military employees who are in post op, to use your product on non-indicated uses. That will be catching up with you as well.

Orthofix, Inc. Agrees to Plead Guilty to Felony
June 7, 2012
$42 million global resolution to resolve investigation into the marketing and sale of bone growth simulators

As part of the settlement, Orthofix has also agreed to enter into an expansive corporate integrity agreement with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. That agreement provides for procedures and reviews to be put in place to avoid and promptly detect conduct similar to that which gave rise to this matter.
In addition to these charges and this resolution against Orthofix, the Orthofix investigation has to date resulted in a number of felony charges against executives, employees and contractors of Orthofix, including the following:
•A former Orthofix Vice-President of Sales, Thomas Guerrieri, pleaded guilty on April 9, 2012, to paying kickbacks to induce a doctor and a physician’s assistant to prescribe Orthofix products;
•A former Orthofix Regional Sales Director, Mitchell Salzman, pleaded guilty on Dec. 14, 2011, to making a false declaration to a federal grand jury about Orthofix conduct;
•A former Orthofix Territory Manager, Derrick Field, pleaded guilty on March 22, 2012, to falsifying patients’ medical records to fraudulently induce Medicare to pay for Orthofix bone growth stimulators;
•A former Orthofix Territory Manager, Michael McKay, pleaded guilty on May 11, 2012, to falsifying patients’ medical records to fraudulently induce Medicare to pay for Orthofix bone growth stimulators; and
•A physician’s assistant, Michael Cobb, pleaded guilty on April 19, 2012, to accepting kickbacks from Orthofix in return for ordering Orthofix bone growth stimulators.
The investigation is ongoing.

Orthofix, Inc. Agrees to Plead Guilty to Felony
June 7, 2012
$42 million global resolution to resolve investigation into the marketing and sale of bone growth simulators

As part of the settlement, Orthofix has also agreed to enter into an expansive corporate integrity agreement with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. That agreement provides for procedures and reviews to be put in place to avoid and promptly detect conduct similar to that which gave rise to this matter.
In addition to these charges and this resolution against Orthofix, the Orthofix investigation has to date resulted in a number of felony charges against executives, employees and contractors of Orthofix, including the following:
•A former Orthofix Vice-President of Sales, Thomas Guerrieri, pleaded guilty on April 9, 2012, to paying kickbacks to induce a doctor and a physician’s assistant to prescribe Orthofix products;
•A former Orthofix Regional Sales Director, Mitchell Salzman, pleaded guilty on Dec. 14, 2011, to making a false declaration to a federal grand jury about Orthofix conduct;
•A former Orthofix Territory Manager, Derrick Field, pleaded guilty on March 22, 2012, to falsifying patients’ medical records to fraudulently induce Medicare to pay for Orthofix bone growth stimulators;
•A former Orthofix Territory Manager, Michael McKay, pleaded guilty on May 11, 2012, to falsifying patients’ medical records to fraudulently induce Medicare to pay for Orthofix bone growth stimulators; and
•A physician’s assistant, Michael Cobb, pleaded guilty on April 19, 2012, to accepting kickbacks from Orthofix in return for ordering Orthofix bone growth stimulators.
The investigation is ongoing.

What is horrifying is that most of the rep's are now working for other medical device companies.

Another rep just plead quilty last week. Are these people in jail or out of jail? How come TG has not gone to jail? I feel he is most responsible for this nightmare. He promoted these programs.