Sounds like 1:00, and 1:06 up there need to stop bickering about technology and get off their asses and sell. Anyone outside of the corporate mongoloids at training programs understands that the doctors don't give half a shit about bone-stims. They try them out, sometimes are convinced by their results, and then either become a consistent orderer or a 1-3 a year guy. Just sell the shit, bust your ass, treat the patients like gold so you get some positive feedback, and you'll make money. (My experience, at least, in the SW USA)
But can we SSSSTTTOOOPPPPP with the bullshit PEMF vs CMF vs LIpUS bickering? If you can sell like a professional, it shouldn't matter... I could take all of your docs peddling a duracell battery soldered to a coat hanger.
The gospel according to John, thanks be to god.
What a waste of a post. Is it "possible" that we do both? Is it possible to be out there selling in the real world and posting responses on this board? WTF else is there to do on this board besides read rumors and crack jokes. So what if I'm passionate. Get a clue.