Boehner-Palin... two mental giants

As much as I love to see the r*****s like Palin, Boner, Sessions, do the stupid things they do and say, I am glad they are featured on Fox. Thanks to them, the dems are going to lose a lot fewer seats than they might if repubs had quality people.

agreed...and Palin was paid how much for that speaking gig at UC? She is so Faux News material! TMZ is entertainment news with more truth in it's content.

If Sissy means cultured, with a hot wife and 3 really nice cars (trading in the SAAB for a Jag next month) then yes I am a sissy.

If sissy means going on a nice vacation and paying cash for things, yup I am sissy. Or, finishing school for my kids, horse back riding lessons, private school, yes I am sissy.

Old money, what can I say?

Thanks for the compliment.

No, you sound like an ass! And, most people I know who are from old money don't try so hard, and they certainly would not be wasting their time here making comments about people who drive trucks! OMG, I guess you have never met any of the old money good old boys...The Bush Clan for one. LOL...I don't think you're a sissy. i think you are an insecure boy who thinks his description of his life- hot wife, 3 "really" nice cars, vacationing with cash, finishing school, horse back riding, private school...get a grip and a life "OLD MONEY" wannabe but without a clue what that means. Peace you heir you! LOL!!!

No, you sound like an ass! And, most people I know who are from old money don't try so hard, and they certainly would not be wasting their time here making comments about people who drive trucks! OMG, I guess you have never met any of the old money good old boys...The Bush Clan for one. LOL...I don't think you're a sissy. i think you are an insecure boy who thinks his description of his life- hot wife, 3 "really" nice cars, vacationing with cash, finishing school, horse back riding, private school...get a grip and a life "OLD MONEY" wannabe but without a clue what that means. Peace you heir you! LOL!!!

Mehh....granted I don't have as much money as the Bushes...

Either way, enjoy that truck "cowboy." Let me you have those cattle catchers off the front of it, with tow package? Or maybe a winch system?

Gotta love trucks. My service people who show up to my house have them.

You are so wrong. Having 'one' of everything means NO competition and NO choice. Do you subscribe to cable TV? Have you noticed that since government "regulation" about 10 years ago that rates have more than doubled? When one entity is the only game in town there will be no where to turn when things get expensive and quality goes down. And I GUARANTEE you it will. If you don't have any friends in England to speak with about this topic I suggest you find some. I SO wish that people like you who have it so backward could just go and live in one half of the country so we don't all have to crash and burn with your stupid ideas. Then the reasonable people who use HISTORY and FACTS to back our opinions could live in prosperity without you.

no hun, its deregulation that is coupled with jacked up prices. you have choices, several companies with the same jacked up deregulation comes to mind

P.S. Single payer systems around the globe are bankrupt. Socialism has FAILED IN EVERY COUNTRY that has tried to implement exceptions. Same for communisim. China has dabbled in free enterprise for a decade and now adults that previously never even rode in a car currently own cars. People own nice homes who once lived in one room with no hot water. This isn't hearsay...a member of my family is married to someone from China. These are the facts. Don't ignore history. When 90% of the population sits on the cart and expects the other 10% to go to work and pay for it, it will collapse. The working 10% will eventually give up and want to ride on the cart too. Take a look at Greece. How do you think we are going to pay the bill for all this "free" health care?

take a look at Austria for one, tool!

Everything the government gets involved in goes bankrupt and becomes fraudulent and inefficient. Ever heard of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae? Franklin Raines was cooking the books and getting $90 million over 6 years in bonus money. There's your government regulation for you. Please just leave the U.S. You don't want freedom apparently so you don't deserve to have it.

freddie and fannie were just keeping up with the rest of the fraud in the subprime market...not what you want from agency that is to be in the oversight business, however, it is the private sector that led the way

Move the retirement age for SS to 70, it doesn't matter. SS is not meant to support you. My standard of living currently costs me around 9 grand a month (Don't worry I net 16 grand a month). Anyways, smart financial planning will help you ensure you will not have to rely on the whopping 1200 bucks a month you get (or whatever it will be when I am 70, I am 30 now).

My grandfather retired at 65, but remained a consultant for a company and makes another 50 grand a year in income as a 1099, and maybe works 50 hours a month...

Plan your life better, make better decisions, and the social security retirement age is not relevant.

Smart. I hope to have my SS irrelevant when I retire and I will forgo the payments.

If Sissy means cultured, with a hot wife and 3 really nice cars (trading in the SAAB for a Jag next month) then yes I am a sissy.

If sissy means going on a nice vacation and paying cash for things, yup I am sissy. Or, finishing school for my kids, horse back riding lessons, private school, yes I am sissy.

Old money, what can I say?

Thanks for the compliment.

In following this thread, I have to agree with the other poster - you sound like an Ass, and an insecure wanna be. Hopefully, you are just using this description of yourself to get a rise out of other posters. I suspect this is the case as it is too over the top narcissistic to be real.

However if you are serious, I suggest you spend some time in thoughtful prayer or read a book like the Purpose Driven Life. It may help you with your priorities in life. In any case - may God Bless You.

Ok people don't like the idea of single payer, but consider how much could be saved if the doctor only had ONE form to fill out, ONE billing office for payment, One set of criteria for reimbursement, ONE call for prior auths, ONE drug formulary and benefit plan, instead of the dozens that they have t deal with now. Nothing is perfect, but this plan is a step in the right direction to control costs, errors, and fraud

Single payer equals government monopoly... The government is supposed to be anti-monopoly, remember The Sherman Antitrust Act? Probably not because most liberals think history started the day they were born... I guess the government is anti-monopoly unless of course they are the monopoly. Name one instance where a monopoly was a good thing.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

F-150 driver here, I do some of the same things, difference is, I worked for mine, didn't get it from dad. You should try work, it is rewarding. You still sound like a sissy boy.

Hey genius. Where do you think they make all those parts for your F150? Good job buying American pal. Oh and for every guy who drives and oversized truck and walks around anonymous boards calling people sissies...well the bigger the car the smaller the ...