Boehner-Palin... two mental giants

Don't know if you folks heard this.....but Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah (republican) motioned to have an amendment added to the employment bill that would have REQUIRED new applicants for unemployment benefits to take a piss test for drugs before getting any payments!


Man on man. What a mega-asshole, eh? As if people who lose their jobs don't feel bad enough in this economy. Hatch wants to kick them when their down by forcing them to take a piss test!!!

If anyone should be FORCED to take a piss test it should be all members of congress who got us into this economic pickle in the first place! They turned their heads the other way as Wall Street criminals ran off with our loot. And did congress punish them for their acts of financial fraud? Hell no! They REWAREDED them with massive taxpayer handouts and zero interest BILLION dollar loans!!! HAH!

Orrin Hatch is lower than whale shit! He should be ashamed of himself for demanding those who lost their jobs to take piss tests!!! My gawd!!! What an animal!!!

I'd like to see chronic welfare mothers sterilized.

Don't know if you folks heard this.....but Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah (republican) motioned to have an amendment added to the employment bill that would have REQUIRED new applicants for unemployment benefits to take a piss test for drugs before getting any payments!


Man on man. What a mega-asshole, eh? As if people who lose their jobs don't feel bad enough in this economy. Hatch wants to kick them when their down by forcing them to take a piss test!!!

If anyone should be FORCED to take a piss test it should be all members of congress who got us into this economic pickle in the first place! They turned their heads the other way as Wall Street criminals ran off with our loot. And did congress punish them for their acts of financial fraud? Hell no! They REWAREDED them with massive taxpayer handouts and zero interest BILLION dollar loans!!! HAH!

Orrin Hatch is lower than whale shit! He should be ashamed of himself for demanding those who lost their jobs to take piss tests!!! My gawd!!! What an animal!!!

You know you would not pass - that is why you are so pissed off (so to speak)

It's all about money with your types, regardless of the absurdity of the comment. Also if Palin was just a citizen, she would not have the slobbering drooling followers giving her the money.

Damn you voted for a dumbass president that has spent more money than any president all for handouts and you talk about us being about money. The difference between us is we like to earn our money, you sit on your ass on the front porch waiting for the mailman to bring your gov. check. And what is this about slobbering drooling followers????? Did you see all you morons fainting at the sight of ODUMMY? bawhahahahaha! Hey did you get your free car yet, or free gas, or how about that free house you were are jumping aroun like a bunch of drunk monkeys? HOW'S THAT HOPEY CHANGY THING GOING FOR YA???

Don't know if you folks heard this.....but Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah (republican) motioned to have an amendment added to the employment bill that would have REQUIRED new applicants for unemployment benefits to take a piss test for drugs before getting any payments!


Man on man. What a mega-asshole, eh? As if people who lose their jobs don't feel bad enough in this economy. Hatch wants to kick them when their down by forcing them to take a piss test!!!

If anyone should be FORCED to take a piss test it should be all members of congress who got us into this economic pickle in the first place! They turned their heads the other way as Wall Street criminals ran off with our loot. And did congress punish them for their acts of financial fraud? Hell no! They REWAREDED them with massive taxpayer handouts and zero interest BILLION dollar loans!!! HAH!

Orrin Hatch is lower than whale shit! He should be ashamed of himself for demanding those who lost their jobs to take piss tests!!! My gawd!!! What an animal!!!

Hey mental giant, go find an Orrin Hatch thread to whine o.k. sissy treehugger.

Ok people don't like the idea of single payer, but consider how much could be saved if the doctor only had ONE form to fill out, ONE billing office for payment, One set of criteria for reimbursement, ONE call for prior auths, ONE drug formulary and benefit plan, instead of the dozens that they have t deal with now. Nothing is perfect, but this plan is a step in the right direction to control costs, errors, and fraud

You are so wrong. Having 'one' of everything means NO competition and NO choice. Do you subscribe to cable TV? Have you noticed that since government "regulation" about 10 years ago that rates have more than doubled? When one entity is the only game in town there will be no where to turn when things get expensive and quality goes down. And I GUARANTEE you it will. If you don't have any friends in England to speak with about this topic I suggest you find some. I SO wish that people like you who have it so backward could just go and live in one half of the country so we don't all have to crash and burn with your stupid ideas. Then the reasonable people who use HISTORY and FACTS to back our opinions could live in prosperity without you.

P.S. Single payer systems around the globe are bankrupt. Socialism has FAILED IN EVERY COUNTRY that has tried to implement exceptions. Same for communisim. China has dabbled in free enterprise for a decade and now adults that previously never even rode in a car currently own cars. People own nice homes who once lived in one room with no hot water. This isn't hearsay...a member of my family is married to someone from China. These are the facts. Don't ignore history. When 90% of the population sits on the cart and expects the other 10% to go to work and pay for it, it will collapse. The working 10% will eventually give up and want to ride on the cart too. Take a look at Greece. How do you think we are going to pay the bill for all this "free" health care?

Everything the government gets involved in goes bankrupt and becomes fraudulent and inefficient. Ever heard of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae? Franklin Raines was cooking the books and getting $90 million over 6 years in bonus money. There's your government regulation for you. Please just leave the U.S. You don't want freedom apparently so you don't deserve to have it.

Palin doesn't want or need his job due to your wacked out liberal obsession with her. She laughing all the way to the bank and making a ton of money being a regular citizen. Keep up the good work because Bristol wants a new Mercedes.

Saw Palin on the "Factor". Bill O asked her a question regarding how she would handle the border and the 12 million illegals here. Palin is the most stupid quasi public wanna be politician in the country. Even Bill O said she was giving a headache with her lunatic answers. So just remember goobers, r***** grizzlies are still r*****s

Saw Palin on the "Factor". Bill O asked her a question regarding how she would handle the border and the 12 million illegals here. Palin is the most stupid quasi public wanna be politician in the country. Even Bill O said she was giving a headache with her lunatic answers. So just remember goobers, r***** grizzlies are still r*****s

Palin on her worst day would be better than what this Bozo is doing to the country. Get used to super high taxes (that is IF you can find a job), shitty little cars, energy shortages (brownouts) and a Czar for every sector of your life telling you what you can and can not do, while HE and his select corporate chieftains live high off the hog. You will only be able to read about liberty in ... wait that will be wiped out too, not PC to remind people what they used to have.

First,the comment about no good American cars is crap!Apparently the Chinese like American since the hottest car selling in China is the Buick Enclave.Also when you buy a foreign car other than Benz or BMW better hope those breaks work!!!As for SS the rich are the first to apply!When asked why they state "I paid in like everyone else"even though they are worth millions.And to the snappy Mr. know-it all alot of people have paid enough into SS over the years that they are getting 2-3k amonth besides 401K etc.You talk big now but when retirement comes you will be glad SS is their.Inless the Repubtards keep raising the age of retirement.Then they will have more money to fund their wars and pet projects.You just keep drinking that cool-aid and following those morons that tell you you had it better under Bush!!

First,the comment about no good American cars is crap!Apparently the Chinese like American since the hottest car selling in China is the Buick Enclave.Also when you buy a foreign car other than Benz or BMW better hope those breaks work!!!As for SS the rich are the first to apply!When asked why they state "I paid in like everyone else"even though they are worth millions.And to the snappy Mr. know-it all alot of people have paid enough into SS over the years that they are getting 2-3k amonth besides 401K etc.You talk big now but when retirement comes you will be glad SS is their.Inless the Repubtards keep raising the age of retirement.Then they will have more money to fund their wars and pet projects.You just keep drinking that cool-aid and following those morons that tell you you had it better under Bush!!

1) Chinese like Buicks beause they don't know any better.

2) My 2 German cars and 1 Swedish car don't have "breaks." They have "brakes." What state school did you go to?

3) The rich are just as entitled to Social Security. They paid into it.

4) If I care about the measly amount of money social security pays me on top of my 401k I am an idiot. You are assuming I haven't invested in real estate, commodities, etc. I wouldn't expect someone in your presumably lower middle class strata to understand how to invest. It is okay, I prefer people like you to stay lower middle class. I always need someone to fix my drains, etc.

5) Dems and Repubs alike have pet projects. For every Ted Stevens I can show you a Robert Byrd.

Palin on her worst day would be better than what this Bozo is doing to the country. Get used to super high taxes (that is IF you can find a job), shitty little cars, energy shortages (brownouts) and a Czar for every sector of your life telling you what you can and can not do, while HE and his select corporate chieftains live high off the hog. You will only be able to read about liberty in ... wait that will be wiped out too, not PC to remind people what they used to have.

Palin and the other r*****s, like the Texas school board are the ones who are rewriting history, any those who can't understand what is going on are to be pitied.
Taxes need to be higher, but idiots like Regan and Bush convinced a whole generation that tax cuts for wealthy are good for the masses. Just read what the tax rates were from 1913-2010, when this country had surpluses, could fund necessary programs, had a strong defense, etc. And American business and labor were the envy of the world. The historians have it right.

1) Chinese like Buicks beause they don't know any better.

2) My 2 German cars and 1 Swedish car don't have "breaks." They have "brakes." What state school did you go to?

3) The rich are just as entitled to Social Security. They paid into it.

4) If I care about the measly amount of money social security pays me on top of my 401k I am an idiot. You are assuming I haven't invested in real estate, commodities, etc. I wouldn't expect someone in your presumably lower middle class strata to understand how to invest. It is okay, I prefer people like you to stay lower middle class. I always need someone to fix my drains, etc.

5) Dems and Repubs alike have pet projects. For every Ted Stevens I can show you a Robert Byrd.

No fool, it's because everyone except you knows that some American cars, and Ford F-series trucks are world-class. Only the truly ignorant would deny that. And speaking of brakes, maybe you should direct your hate-mail to Lexus brand and imports in general

No fool, it's because everyone except you knows that some American cars, and Ford F-series trucks are world-class. Only the truly ignorant would deny that. And speaking of brakes, maybe you should direct your hate-mail to Lexus brand and imports in general

F-series are fine for those sort of people that buy trucks.

The embarasment of Ohio, John Boner, today made a speech in which he supports raising retirement age to 70, and means testing medicare and social security benefits. Now for all of you goobers who are so worried about your children and grandchildren, this should please you to the extreme.
The other mental giant Palindrone, gave a speech at UC Stanislaus, and remarked that her icon Ronald Reagan went to Eureka college in California, apparently not knowing that Reagan was from Illinois and went to Eureka College in Illinois. This poor dummy once again proves that she cannot read.

Boner is now complaining about the financial reform bill. This fool is so out of touch with the public, it will be amazing if he keeps his role as minority leader. What a dolt.

Oh, so you are the arts and croissants crowd that Lumpy is always ridiculing. You sound like a sissy

If Sissy means cultured, with a hot wife and 3 really nice cars (trading in the SAAB for a Jag next month) then yes I am a sissy.

If sissy means going on a nice vacation and paying cash for things, yup I am sissy. Or, finishing school for my kids, horse back riding lessons, private school, yes I am sissy.

Old money, what can I say?

Thanks for the compliment.

If Sissy means cultured, with a hot wife and 3 really nice cars (trading in the SAAB for a Jag next month) then yes I am a sissy.

If sissy means going on a nice vacation and paying cash for things, yup I am sissy. Or, finishing school for my kids, horse back riding lessons, private school, yes I am sissy.

Old money, what can I say?

Thanks for the compliment.

F-150 driver here, I do some of the same things, difference is, I worked for mine, didn't get it from dad. You should try work, it is rewarding. You still sound like a sissy boy.