Don't know if you folks heard this.....but Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah (republican) motioned to have an amendment added to the employment bill that would have REQUIRED new applicants for unemployment benefits to take a piss test for drugs before getting any payments!
Man on man. What a mega-asshole, eh? As if people who lose their jobs don't feel bad enough in this economy. Hatch wants to kick them when their down by forcing them to take a piss test!!!
If anyone should be FORCED to take a piss test it should be all members of congress who got us into this economic pickle in the first place! They turned their heads the other way as Wall Street criminals ran off with our loot. And did congress punish them for their acts of financial fraud? Hell no! They REWAREDED them with massive taxpayer handouts and zero interest BILLION dollar loans!!! HAH!
Orrin Hatch is lower than whale shit! He should be ashamed of himself for demanding those who lost their jobs to take piss tests!!! My gawd!!! What an animal!!!
I'd like to see chronic welfare mothers sterilized.