Boehner-Palin... two mental giants

Why should anyone listen to delusional rants and fearmongering. For chrissakes, quit being a teabagger and get a government job and STFU with your whining

You can add Lindsey Graham to the list of politicians who hate the tea-baggers. He issued a statement criticizing the bagger movement for being leaderless, rudderless, and unfocused, therefore unsustainable. When will the bagging goobers just go back to drinking beer and smoking pot and complaining about everything they are too stupid to comprehend?

You can add Lindsey Graham to the list of politicians who hate the tea-baggers. He issued a statement criticizing the bagger movement for being leaderless, rudderless, and unfocused, therefore unsustainable. When will the bagging goobers just go back to drinking beer and smoking pot and complaining about everything they are too stupid to comprehend?

I am a teabagger, drink expensive wine ( not beer ) have 3 European cars, never done drugs, have a college degree from a first tier school and am far from stupid. I make a lot of money because I am obviously intelligent enough to do so. The best part is, I am 30 years old, so every year my money keeps adding up, so I can afford to give the teaparty a thousand here a thousand there. It doesn't matter to me. And there are tons more like me. The teaparty movement has tried to be reduced to a bunch of hicks. The same could be said for the union trash that controls the liberals, you know, those Schlitz drinking pool hall people that wear those oh so classy "Union Local #838828 Join the Brotherhood" t shirts.

If the teaparty movement were not a threat to liberals, they wouldn't be on blogs like this or huffingtonpost making such a big deal about the movement. Obviously it has been effective. If it weren't effective, just ignore it, obviously by your logic it will fizzle out due to lack of support right?

Of course guys like Graham try to minimize the teaparty movement. Guys like Graham are the exact type of politicians the teaparty would rather see out of office in the next election.

I am a teabagger, drink expensive wine ( not beer ) have 3 European cars, never done drugs, have a college degree from a first tier school and am far from stupid. I make a lot of money because I am obviously intelligent enough to do so. The best part is, I am 30 years old, so every year my money keeps adding up, so I can afford to give the teaparty a thousand here a thousand there. It doesn't matter to me. And there are tons more like me. The teaparty movement has tried to be reduced to a bunch of hicks. The same could be said for the union trash that controls the liberals, you know, those Schlitz drinking pool hall people that wear those oh so classy "Union Local #838828 Join the Brotherhood" t shirts.

If the teaparty movement were not a threat to liberals, they wouldn't be on blogs like this or huffingtonpost making such a big deal about the movement. Obviously it has been effective. If it weren't effective, just ignore it, obviously by your logic it will fizzle out due to lack of support right?

Of course guys like Graham try to minimize the teaparty movement. Guys like Graham are the exact type of politicians the teaparty would rather see out of office in the next election.

If goober baggers like you were buying American cars, maybe the auto industry wouldn't be in such trouble. That's the thing about baggers, it's all about them. Also, if you are a 30 year bagger, I think that you should probably go on a diet and lose that big pot-belly that is always so prominent at bagger meetings. And as long as Palindrone and the Beckster are your leaders, normal folks have nothing to fear from baggers taking control. Reid is now likely to be reelected thanks to bagger support for Angle.

If goober baggers like you were buying American cars, maybe the auto industry wouldn't be in such trouble. That's the thing about baggers, it's all about them. Also, if you are a 30 year bagger, I think that you should probably go on a diet and lose that big pot-belly that is always so prominent at bagger meetings. And as long as Palindrone and the Beckster are your leaders, normal folks have nothing to fear from baggers taking control. Reid is now likely to be reelected thanks to bagger support for Angle.

You responded to my post. I don't drive American cars because they are shit and you know it. With my kind of money I am supposed to look at Cadillac? Pshhhh. As if...

Plus I won't drive a car made by the UAW anyways even if I would lower my standards and drive an American car. Why support the unions by buying one of their cars if that money is just going to support Obama.

You responded to my post. I don't drive American cars because they are shit and you know it. With my kind of money I am supposed to look at Cadillac? Pshhhh. As if...

Plus I won't drive a car made by the UAW anyways even if I would lower my standards and drive an American car. Why support the unions by buying one of their cars if that money is just going to support Obama.

Yeah dude, like kraut and jap cars aren't made by unions. It is fairly obvious that Boner and Palin are both douchebags, and the anti-union rhetoric fits in that category

Yeah dude, like kraut and jap cars aren't made by unions. It is fairly obvious that Boner and Palin are both douchebags, and the anti-union rhetoric fits in that category

Yes my Euro cars are made by unions, but not American unions.

I always ask myself this. Say I start a business and hire 100 people. What is in it for me to allow my workers to form a union?

Forgot to add, many "Jap" (wonderful racial slur by the way) are made here in America by non-union labor.

Yeah, people who buy kraut, jap and gook cars are the same ones who will by chink cars from China, and then bitch about how bad the economy is, and why doesn't someone do something about it. Just keep on killing the middle class which built by union labor and watch how your kids will struggle.
That is the one irrefutable fact, conservatives are greedy, short-sided, partisan to their own viewpoint and the biggest cry babies when they don't get their way

Yeah, people who buy kraut, jap and gook cars are the same ones who will by chink cars from China, and then bitch about how bad the economy is, and why doesn't someone do something about it. Just keep on killing the middle class which built by union labor and watch how your kids will struggle.
That is the one irrefutable fact, conservatives are greedy, short-sided, partisan to their own viewpoint and the biggest cry babies when they don't get their way

Union labor may have built this country but their day is long over. Why would I buy a Chinese car? The reason I buy European cars is they are well built, pretty and a high price tag, which I can easily afford.

So if I take your comments about all conservatives, may I do the converse by your comments and say "All liberals are racist bigots." It doesn't help our cause to use words like Jap, Chink, etc.

I get this feeling this person posting this shit is about 13 years old and living in his mom's basement.

Union labor may have built this country but their day is long over. Why would I buy a Chinese car? The reason I buy European cars is they are well built, pretty and a high price tag, which I can easily afford.

So if I take your comments about all conservatives, may I do the converse by your comments and say "All liberals are racist bigots." It doesn't help our cause to use words like Jap, Chink, etc.

I get this feeling this person posting this shit is about 13 years old and living in his mom's basement.

Not TRUE !!! I am 40 and living in my Mom's basement.

Union labor may have built this country but their day is long over. Why would I buy a Chinese car? The reason I buy European cars is they are well built, pretty and a high price tag, which I can easily afford.

So if I take your comments about all conservatives, may I do the converse by your comments and say "All liberals are racist bigots." It doesn't help our cause to use words like Jap, Chink, etc.

I get this feeling this person posting this shit is about 13 years old and living in his mom's basement.

Sounds like the poster is getting to you about your attitude for American cars and products. Your disdain for unions may also question your patriotism, remember the slogan "Buy American", it helped make this country strong. Buying American products, cars, drugs, steel, is a great way to re-distribute the wealth, maybe you ought to try it.

Sounds like the poster is getting to you about your attitude for American cars and products. Your disdain for unions may also question your patriotism, remember the slogan "Buy American", it helped make this country strong. Buying American products, cars, drugs, steel, is a great way to re-distribute the wealth, maybe you ought to try it.

I don't care about redistributing wealth.

American cars didn't get half way decent UNTIL they faced competition.

I buy what I like.

I hope you and other douchebags lose your job and benefits when people just like you buy either imports, or from a good American competitor.

1st of all I own my own business along with the job I have my poor welfare recipient, so my fincial situation is great. 2nd there are no good American competitors so I'll stick with my import. Hey if you a job my wife, myself, and my kids needs their IMPORTED cars washed and waxed.

1st of all I own my own business along with the job I have my poor welfare recipient, so my fincial situation is great. 2nd there are no good American competitors so I'll stick with my import. Hey if you a job my wife, myself, and my kids needs their IMPORTED cars washed and waxed.

Aaah, the arrogance of ignorance, you are truly worth our pity.

The embarasment of Ohio, John Boner, today made a speech in which he supports raising retirement age to 70, and means testing medicare and social security benefits. Now for all of you goobers who are so worried about your children and grandchildren, this should please you to the extreme.
The other mental giant Palindrone, gave a speech at UC Stanislaus, and remarked that her icon Ronald Reagan went to Eureka college in California, apparently not knowing that Reagan was from Illinois and went to Eureka College in Illinois. This poor dummy once again proves that she cannot read.

To the RNCC, pleae replace the idiot Steele with the idiot Palin, it will make our job sooooo much easier.

To the RNCC, pleae replace the idiot Steele with the idiot Palin, it will make our job sooooo much easier.

Palin doesn't want or need his job due to your wacked out liberal obsession with her. She laughing all the way to the bank and making a ton of money being a regular citizen. Keep up the good work because Bristol wants a new Mercedes.

Palin doesn't want or need his job due to your wacked out liberal obsession with her. She laughing all the way to the bank and making a ton of money being a regular citizen. Keep up the good work because Bristol wants a new Mercedes.

It's all about money with your types, regardless of the absurdity of the comment. Also if Palin was just a citizen, she would not have the slobbering drooling followers giving her the money.

Don't know if you folks heard this.....but Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah (republican) motioned to have an amendment added to the employment bill that would have REQUIRED new applicants for unemployment benefits to take a piss test for drugs before getting any payments!


Man on man. What a mega-asshole, eh? As if people who lose their jobs don't feel bad enough in this economy. Hatch wants to kick them when their down by forcing them to take a piss test!!!

If anyone should be FORCED to take a piss test it should be all members of congress who got us into this economic pickle in the first place! They turned their heads the other way as Wall Street criminals ran off with our loot. And did congress punish them for their acts of financial fraud? Hell no! They REWAREDED them with massive taxpayer handouts and zero interest BILLION dollar loans!!! HAH!

Orrin Hatch is lower than whale shit! He should be ashamed of himself for demanding those who lost their jobs to take piss tests!!! My gawd!!! What an animal!!!