I am a teabagger, drink expensive wine ( not beer ) have 3 European cars, never done drugs, have a college degree from a first tier school and am far from stupid. I make a lot of money because I am obviously intelligent enough to do so. The best part is, I am 30 years old, so every year my money keeps adding up, so I can afford to give the teaparty a thousand here a thousand there. It doesn't matter to me. And there are tons more like me. The teaparty movement has tried to be reduced to a bunch of hicks. The same could be said for the union trash that controls the liberals, you know, those Schlitz drinking pool hall people that wear those oh so classy "Union Local #838828 Join the Brotherhood" t shirts.
If the teaparty movement were not a threat to liberals, they wouldn't be on blogs like this or huffingtonpost making such a big deal about the movement. Obviously it has been effective. If it weren't effective, just ignore it, obviously by your logic it will fizzle out due to lack of support right?
Of course guys like Graham try to minimize the teaparty movement. Guys like Graham are the exact type of politicians the teaparty would rather see out of office in the next election.