
Why would I crawl back to this dump? BMS is paying me almost $50,000 more than I made at Salix. I have a new baseline salary now. If this blows up in a year, who cares, I'll land something new in the specialty and biologic space and still be making much more than Salix is paying. Plus, I'm going to work at a reputable organization with experienced, professional leaders. Not sleazy, sketchy morons like we have here.

Thats the trouble with you Salix long haulers. You are either blind to the fact there are other opportunities to make a lot more money or you lack the confidence to move on because you know how mediocre and talentless you really are. So you stay at Salix, a company run by lowlife dirtbags that doesn't value you.

This is truth! If you are at Salix you need to do a serious evaluation of why you are there. What is keeping you from doing the same amount of work for 30-40% more pay plus RESPECT from another company.

As has been shown by people from the home office (supposedly) posting on here. Salix does not value reps! Other companies not only value reps but highly value them!

You need to value your work and learn that other companies will paid you a fair wage for it.
Why would I crawl back to this dump? BMS is paying me almost $50,000 more than I made at Salix. I have a new baseline salary now. If this blows up in a year, who cares, I'll land something new in the specialty and biologic space and still be making much more than Salix is paying. Plus, I'm going to work at a reputable organization with experienced, professional leaders. Not sleazy, sketchy morons like we have here.

Thats the trouble with you Salix long haulers. You are either blind to the fact there are other opportunities to make a lot more money or you lack the confidence to move on because you know how mediocre and talentless you really are. So you stay at Salix, a company run by lowlife dirtbags that doesn't value you.

You might want to rethink your strategy there slugger, it doesnt quite work that way, so you better enjoy the higher salary while you have it. You will likely end up making less than you are now. And by the way- you probably complain at how expensive Xifaxan is- Have you asked how much your me too, 2nd to class pill is going to cost for therapy? Good luck with that....
This is truth! If you are at Salix you need to do a serious evaluation of why you are there. What is keeping you from doing the same amount of work for 30-40% more pay plus RESPECT from another company.

As has been shown by people from the home office (supposedly) posting on here. Salix does not value reps! Other companies not only value reps but highly value them!

You need to value your work and learn that other companies will paid you a fair wage for it.

Other companies highly value reps because the hiring manager told you so?? Dont worry things will change quickly when you arent able to meet their unrealistic launch goals - its already happening with the other indication for your “new” drug. shouldnt that be a sign?
Other companies highly value reps because the hiring manager told you so?? Dont worry things will change quickly when you arent able to meet their unrealistic launch goals - its already happening with the other indication for your “new” drug. shouldnt that be a sign?

So funny. BMS is listed as one of the top companies in the world to work for according to Forbes and US News and World Report. It's also a top notch R&D organization worth nearly 150 billion. The SVP running the division is an MD and she was formerly a professor at Brown University and a surgeon. Her intellectual credentials alone stand head and shoulders above the failed, fat former child actor we work for.

Salix goals are totally unrealistic and leadership treats us like ass. Salix basically has two products and no R&D or pipeline. The culture is beyond toxic. We are led by an imbecile who never carried a bag, led a district or region, or stood toe to toe with a physician in a conversation. What JC lacks in experience and intellect he makes up for with insecurity, threats and intimidation. And he plays favorites right out in the open and nobody bats an eye. Our parent company, BHC, was listed as one of the top pharma companies likely to go bankrupt in five years. Look at the turnover here and tell me again how wonderful it is to work at Salix. Netflix did a friggin documentary about how awful Valeant is. The BHC name change means nothing as many of the same creeps are still running the show.

At BMS, I'm getting a massive pay increase, better car, better benefits, a real stock award (instead of the lousy 4K we get here) and a chance to launch a new product with a new team. The manager who hired me has decades of successful experience with several blockbuster brands and he is a polished professional. Look around. Many of the most tenured and successful Salix people are joining BMS for this launch. Maybe it lasts a year. Who knows. My resume will now show that I have real specialty experience with a true biologic product. Not just a couple of overpriced poop meds.
You might want to rethink your strategy there slugger, it doesnt quite work that way, so you better enjoy the higher salary while you have it. You will likely end up making less than you are now. And by the way- you probably complain at how expensive Xifaxan is- Have you asked how much your me too, 2nd to class pill is going to cost for therapy? Good luck with that....

Salix sucks "slugger." The salary, bonuses and stock are a joke for the majority of us. I get that you are a mediocre loser with no confidence so you stay here with the rest of the bottom tier talent who can't get out no matter how many times they interview. The number of people in our region who interviewed for these BMS spots is insane. Three in our district alone. Yeah, Salix is so awesome.

You can stay here and rot and laugh at all of JC and MMs stupid inane jokes at the next POA. Nod your head in agreement with everything they say no matter how idiotic. Then go back to your hotel room, (after a cheap cafeteria style buffet) look in the mirror and do some introspection. You are miserable and stuck and you know it.
lolololol well another one bites the dust, one more quit Last Friday and one more leaves today! See Ya Salix! No worries though Jabba the Coyle can hire a couple more young Naive short skirt wearing superstar and pay them a whopping 70k and he will be happy. Get a freaking clue Salix the turnover rate is unreal they just keep leaving for better opportunities, oh well bury your head while selling 2-3k Diarrhea drugs that Jabba and Knowles act like is curing Cancer! It’s not fools its diarrhea, take some Pepto and save a couple grand
So funny. BMS is listed as one of the top companies in the world to work for according to Forbes and US News and World Report. It's also a top notch R&D organization worth nearly 150 billion. The SVP running the division is an MD and she was formerly a professor at Brown University and a surgeon. Her intellectual credentials alone stand head and shoulders above the failed, fat former child actor we work for.

Salix goals are totally unrealistic and leadership treats us like ass. Salix basically has two products and no R&D or pipeline. The culture is beyond toxic. We are led by an imbecile who never carried a bag, led a district or region, or stood toe to toe with a physician in a conversation. What JC lacks in experience and intellect he makes up for with insecurity, threats and intimidation. And he plays favorites right out in the open and nobody bats an eye. Our parent company, BHC, was listed as one of the top pharma companies likely to go bankrupt in five years. Look at the turnover here and tell me again how wonderful it is to work at Salix. Netflix did a friggin documentary about how awful Valeant is. The BHC name change means nothing as many of the same creeps are still running the show.

At BMS, I'm getting a massive pay increase, better car, better benefits, a real stock award (instead of the lousy 4K we get here) and a chance to launch a new product with a new team. The manager who hired me has decades of successful experience with several blockbuster brands and he is a polished professional. Look around. Many of the most tenured and successful Salix people are joining BMS for this launch. Maybe it lasts a year. Who knows. My resume will now show that I have real specialty experience with a true biologic product. Not just a couple of overpriced poop meds.

Salix sales goals and forecasts haven't been reasonable since 2015.....

We've had quarters where fewer than 10 reps in a tower of 97 hit their objective. Sales Operations should be gutted and rebuilt.
I created this thread. I am not employed by BHC. I've been studying BHC for a while. I have the least amount of respect for the entire BHC sales (I hesitate to type team) team. You are irrelevant losers. You are definitely being paid more than you are worth. Yet, here you are griping about how much you are being paid. What do you actually do day in and day out? You promote (many times illegally) overpriced mediocre products. You are willing to work under a greedy slob of a CEO. Many of you work from 9-3:30 M-F and cry about your base salary. Only a completely untalented useless person would work here.

Liar liar, pants on fire.
Damn goals are once again looking unattainable and favoring the favored territories, NYC, Florida, San Antonio, so Cal!!!! How does Jabba and the RDs think this is right? Damn I wish I would have gotten a BMS Job!!!
Damn goals are once again looking unattainable and favoring the favored territories, NYC, Florida, San Antonio, so Cal!!!! How does Jabba and the RDs think this is right? Damn I wish I would have gotten a BMS Job!!!

The usual suspects. San Antonio pulls in scripts from across the Midwest and Mid Atlantic because of one giant group that has their own pharmacy and owns GI practices around the country. Pulling scripts from Chicago to Texas seems fair. NYC will always win thanks to favored nation status for Spinelli and Adair. Jabba and the RDs don’t give a flying F about how it punishes reps and managers in those affected areas because the scripts roll up to them anyway. Assholes.
The usual suspects. San Antonio pulls in scripts from across the Midwest and Mid Atlantic because of one giant group that has their own pharmacy and owns GI practices around the country. Pulling scripts from Chicago to Texas seems fair. NYC will always win thanks to favored nation status for Spinelli and Adair. Jabba and the RDs don’t give a flying F about how it punishes reps and managers in those affected areas because the scripts roll up to them anyway. Assholes.
something fishy for sure with these goals

Coyle and the RDs have a rich history of handing 20+ percent goal increases to the people they want out and 2 percent to those they favor. Ask DC how he went from being the top manager in the nation with multiple PClub wins behind him to last in the nation in less than a year. Coyle hoisted a 25+ percent consecutive quarterly goal increase on him pushing him to the bottom. Then he gifted his favorites like AS and AY with less than 2% increases moving them to the top. It’s the same names, districts and territories year in and out. Makes you feel so great working here doesn’t it?