
San Antonio wins every year because they have one of the largest GI groups in the nation that owns practices all over Texas, the Mid Atlantic and now, the Midwest. They have their own pharmacy fulfillment vendor and they don’t share physician level data. All the scripts get credited to the San Antonio team. They’ve been screwing the other Texas districts forever. It’s been like that for years. JC knows about it and does nothing. Because that would take actual work.

There is much more to it than that. San Antonio is getting credit for Rx’s that are generated from all over the country. Do you see the BioPlus data on the Non-Retail report? Any Rx that BioPlus fills from ANYWHERE in the country gets credited to San Antonio, so its not just Texas districts that are losing out- its anywhere that BioPlus has a presence. And yes, JC is aware of this, he just doesnt care...
If it’s not BMS it will be some other company that the best reps will jump to. The projected model of crediting scripts screws over the medium and smaller territories. Salix would rather continue to put the same people on stage for PC than to actually be transparent and give credit to where credit is due. The larger markets have huge groups of providers that are no see but do the clinical trials and the reps get the credit. All the resources go to these same territories. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out many of the PC winners are NOT working in the field based on their constant posts on social media in the middle of the workday. Meanwhile, the rest of us are killing ourselves pulling through every prescription we can knowing that it will be credited to a larger market. Salix used to be a great place to work that appreciated and rewarded the reps for what they did every day. Morale is at a record low. No one should be surprised when more reps jump ship for a company that will value and pay for their efforts. Time to update that resume and start networking.
If it’s not BMS it will be some other company that the best reps will jump to. The projected model of crediting scripts screws over the medium and smaller territories. Salix would rather continue to put the same people on stage for PC than to actually be transparent and give credit to where credit is due. The larger markets have huge groups of providers that are no see but do the clinical trials and the reps get the credit. All the resources go to these same territories. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out many of the PC winners are NOT working in the field based on their constant posts on social media in the middle of the workday. Meanwhile, the rest of us are killing ourselves pulling through every prescription we can knowing that it will be credited to a larger market. Salix used to be a great place to work that appreciated and rewarded the reps for what they did every day. Morale is at a record low. No one should be surprised when more reps jump ship for a company that will value and pay for their efforts. Time to update that resume and start networking.
If it’s not BMS it will be some other company that the best reps will jump to. The projected model of crediting scripts screws over the medium and smaller territories. Salix would rather continue to put the same people on stage for PC than to actually be transparent and give credit to where credit is due. The larger markets have huge groups of providers that are no see but do the clinical trials and the reps get the credit. All the resources go to these same territories. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out many of the PC winners are NOT working in the field based on their constant posts on social media in the middle of the workday. Meanwhile, the rest of us are killing ourselves pulling through every prescription we can knowing that it will be credited to a larger market. Salix used to be a great place to work that appreciated and rewarded the reps for what they did every day. Morale is at a record low. No one should be surprised when more reps jump ship for a company that will value and pay for their efforts. Time to update that resume and start networking.

If it’s not BMS it will be some other company that the best reps will jump to. The projected model of crediting scripts screws over the medium and smaller territories. Salix would rather continue to put the same people on stage for PC than to actually be transparent and give credit to where credit is due. The larger markets have huge groups of providers that are no see but do the clinical trials and the reps get the credit. All the resources go to these same territories. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out many of the PC winners are NOT working in the field based on their constant posts on social media in the middle of the workday. Meanwhile, the rest of us are killing ourselves pulling through every prescription we can knowing that it will be credited to a larger market. Salix used to be a great place to work that appreciated and rewarded the reps for what they did every day. Morale is at a record low. No one should be surprised when more reps jump ship for a company that will value and pay for their efforts. Time to update that resume and start networking.

You have some valid points; however it is possible to post on social media in the middle
of the workday and still be working in the field. I think that you are exaggerating just a bit don’t you?
If it’s not BMS it will be some other company that the best reps will jump to. The projected model of crediting scripts screws over the medium and smaller territories. Salix would rather continue to put the same people on stage for PC than to actually be transparent and give credit to where credit is due. The larger markets have huge groups of providers that are no see but do the clinical trials and the reps get the credit. All the resources go to these same territories. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out many of the PC winners are NOT working in the field based on their constant posts on social media in the middle of the workday. Meanwhile, the rest of us are killing ourselves pulling through every prescription we can knowing that it will be credited to a larger market. Salix used to be a great place to work that appreciated and rewarded the reps for what they did every day. Morale is at a record low. No one should be surprised when more reps jump ship for a company that will value and pay for their efforts. Time to update that resume and start networking.

There are many things wrong here, but I dont think that morale is at an all time low. We are coming off a Covid year where no one lost their job and most made some bonus $$’s - not ideal and it could be better , but it could also be worse. Its not the best place to work any longer , but the grass is not always greener, many pharma co’s have the same issues that we have.
you keep telling yourself that if it makes staying at this shithole better for you! Morale IS at an all time low and I can tell you many people are looking and or leaving for a lot of reasons!!! Yes the grass isn’t always greener you are right about that but damn I’ll take the challenges for what they are going to pay a bunch of us

seriously it’s the time to move on and let Jabba wallow in the mud he has created as a micro micro manager that doesn’t trust anyone and it’s because he has never even carried a Sales Bag!!!! F him.
you keep telling yourself that if it makes staying at this shithole better for you! Morale IS at an all time low and I can tell you many people are looking and or leaving for a lot of reasons!!! Yes the grass isn’t always greener you are right about that but damn I’ll take the challenges for what they are going to pay a bunch of us

seriously it’s the time to move on and let Jabba wallow in the mud he has created as a micro micro manager that doesn’t trust anyone and it’s because he has never even carried a Sales Bag!!!! F him.

Has anyone heard a count?
Goooooood Friday to me! I’m leaving today to go to UCB and they are paying 130 base plus some other incentives, my counterpart is leaving next week to go to Takeda and she is getting a fat raise as well!
What the hell are you sheep waiting for? You will never break 110-115 in this hell hole at best and put up with all the micro BS, metrics, BS data and reporting Crap and heavy heavy Favoritism for certain people and territories, get a clue and get out!!!!
I know three more that are leaving to a much better place and $$$$ this place doesn’t pay for Shit! We can’t stand our damn Manager so Excited to tell my manager to piss off!!!
Goooooood Friday to me! I’m leaving today to go to UCB and they are paying 130 base plus some other incentives, my counterpart is leaving next week to go to Takeda and she is getting a fat raise as well!
What the hell are you sheep waiting for? You will never break 110-115 in this hell hole at best and put up with all the micro BS, metrics, BS data and reporting Crap and heavy heavy Favoritism for certain people and territories, get a clue and get out!!!!

Takeda- Ha...... That move will be short lived, I see 3-4 companies for them in the next 18-24 months. Let the carousel begin.... Good luck with that one...
Goooooood Friday to me! I’m leaving today to go to UCB and they are paying 130 base plus some other incentives, my counterpart is leaving next week to go to Takeda and she is getting a fat raise as well!
What the hell are you sheep waiting for? You will never break 110-115 in this hell hole at best and put up with all the micro BS, metrics, BS data, and reporting Crap and heavy heavy Favoritism for certain people and territories, get a clue and get out!!!!

Congrats and good luck. I am putting my notice into vision care next week. Sounds like it is just as toxic, if not more so. Can't wait.
Takeda- Ha...... That move will be short lived, I see 3-4 companies for them in the next 18-24 months. Let the carousel begin.... Good luck with that one...

Laugh all you want. Takeda has been paying above the $130,000 range for more than ten years. If it lasts a year, I’ll be back on the street with a new baseline salary. Much better than this low rent POS paying low $80,000 for so called “specialty.” Salix is laughable.
Laugh all you want. Takeda has been paying above the $130,000 range for more than ten years. If it lasts a year, I’ll be back on the street with a new baseline salary. Much better than this low rent POS paying low $80,000 for so called “specialty.” Salix is laughable.

Have you not been keeping track of what has been going on at Takeda? You wont be back on the street for long. You might as well keep looking...
Laugh all you want. Takeda has been paying above the $130,000 range for more than ten years. If it lasts a year, I’ll be back on the street with a new baseline salary. Much better than this low rent POS paying low $80,000 for so called “specialty.” Salix is laughable.

So you were making 70k somewhere when Salix hired you? And 80K for GI??? You need to work on your negotiating skills.
A few more dropped today from the crappy ass joke called Jabba the Huts Salix!
How many more will leave and continue to leave before Jabba gets a clue and makes some changes here? Plenty of places that treat people better than Jabba and actually pay well to do their job!
A few more dropped today from the crappy ass joke called Jabba the Huts Salix!
How many more will leave and continue to leave before Jabba gets a clue and makes some changes here? Plenty of places that treat people better than Jabba and actually pay well to do their job!

Salix 2021 is a laughable joke. I remember when JT and Plesha were running the show. Carolyn was our CEO and everything we got was the absolute best. Top shelf booze and food at every meeting. Gifts in our rooms every night. PClub winners got an open tab everywhere we went and a $7,500 prepaid Visa for whatever we wanted. Salix back then was Dom Perignon and surf and turf. Salix 2021 is lousy bonus money, bottom of the barrel cars, Pabst Blue Ribbon and leftover rice at Mango’s.