
Salix 2021 is a laughable joke. I remember when JT and Plesha were running the show. Carolyn was our CEO and everything we got was the absolute best. Top shelf booze and food at every meeting. Gifts in our rooms every night. PClub winners got an open tab everywhere we went and a $7,500 prepaid Visa for whatever we wanted. Salix back then was Dom Perignon and surf and turf. Salix 2021 is lousy bonus money, bottom of the barrel cars, Pabst Blue Ribbon and leftover rice at Mango’s.

Unfortunately this post is pretty spot on.
Dont forget , we did get a pair of B&L sunglasses at a NSM several years ago.... I think that was the last NSM “gift” that we have received, sad.... but JTH doesnt give a crap, he will just hire newbies that think that he is great. We are Magnifica!! lol
Unfortunately this post is pretty spot on.
Dont forget , we did get a pair of B&L sunglasses at a NSM several years ago.... I think that was the last NSM “gift” that we have received, sad.... but JTH doesnt give a crap, he will just hire newbies that think that he is great. We are Magnifica!! lol

Those glasses were a joke. They were B&L knockoffs of their own Ray Ban brand. Cheap and useless. My kids didn’t even want them. Pre ValMart PClub was a “sky’s the limit” event. You could do any activity and eat and drink whatever you wanted. All paid for by Salix. Fast forward to my last Salix PClub. We had a cheap per diem allowance for meals and drinks that forced us to pay out of pocket a lot of the time. Silver lining alert: we did get to watch our VP of sales waddle around the pool with a trash bag filled with ice and Coors Light cans while he hollered vulgar, unfunny comments. That was inspiring.
Those glasses were a joke. They were B&L knockoffs of their own Ray Ban brand. Cheap and useless. My kids didn’t even want them. Pre ValMart PClub was a “sky’s the limit” event. You could do any activity and eat and drink whatever you wanted. All paid for by Salix. Fast forward to my last Salix PClub. We had a cheap per diem allowance for meals and drinks that forced us to pay out of pocket a lot of the time. Silver lining alert: we did get to watch our VP of sales waddle around the pool with a trash bag filled with ice and Coors Light cans while he hollered vulgar, unfunny comments. That was inspiring.

All True.
Those BMS offers are FAT! People are getting more than $160,000 base and sweet stock and bonus. That is serious. If you aren’t looking outside Salix you need to rethink.
Those BMS offers are FAT! People are getting more than $160,000 base and sweet stock and bonus. That is serious. If you aren’t looking outside Salix you need to rethink.

Unfortunately there arent many other sweetheart deals like this out there looking for GI reps. The last one like this was Synergy, it turned out OK for some , not so well for others.
Unfortunately there arent many other sweetheart deals like this out there looking for GI reps. The last one like this was Synergy, it turned out OK for some , not so well for others.

Takeda is paying huge for their GI specialty reps. Entivyo (?) for IBD. Small sales force in the infusion biologic space. You can look to some of the smaller startups for better pay and huge stock awards. The BMS opportunity is t the only thing out there.
Takeda is paying huge for their GI specialty reps. Entivyo (?) for IBD. Small sales force in the infusion biologic space. You can look to some of the smaller startups for better pay and huge stock awards. The BMS opportunity is t the only thing out there.

Takeda is a dumpster fire. It may actually be worse than here. At least we arent having layoffs...
Takeda is a dumpster fire. It may actually be worse than here. At least we arent having layoffs...

Takeda is starting GI specialty at $130,000 plus $60,000 target. Five weeks of vacation and better benefits and cars. They also offer annual 6%-10% (of base) profit share (TIP) from year one and an 8% (of base) lump sum additional deposit on top of the dollar for dollar match up to 6% in your 401K. Oops. Did I just reveal that I’m waiting on an offer from Takeda? Worth the risk. And the GI specialty team has seen ZERO layoffs since launching Entivyo.

Your best answer is “at least we aren’t having layoffs?” Really? Look at our leadership, non-existent pipeline and lackluster IC plan. We have so called specialty reps making less than $80,000 base. Our turnover rate is higher than other companies who layed off reps.

Nice try. I’m outta here.
I left Salix right before COVID and I hate that I stayed so many years. Please people respect yourself and your families. Don’t work for low pay and high pressure when there are so many other companies out there that start reps out at $130k base and often go up to $175k base. Do not believe the way you are being treated here is ok. I had my head in the sand for years not realizing how much other companies pay.
I left Salix right before COVID and I hate that I stayed so many years. Please people respect yourself and your families. Don’t work for low pay and high pressure when there are so many other companies out there that start reps out at $130k base and often go up to $175k base. Do not believe the way you are being treated here is ok. I had my head in the sand for years not realizing how much other companies pay.

It’s not just the low pay. It’s the insult of having to take direction from a bunch of flunkies who couldn’t succeed honestly at other companies so they brought their shady asses here. We have managers, directors and VP level people who were federally indicted, and some who were convicted/fined for the stunts they pulled with former employers. Listed by name in whistleblower cases. And here they are leading our team and the most important brand at BHC. Look it up.
Takeda is a dumpster fire. It may actually be worse than here. At least we arent having layoffs...

Takeda is EXPANDING their GI specialty team. Not laying off. And their biologic is a blockbuster. Reps are making six figures in bonus. You have no idea what you are talking about. Keep selling your lame poop pills. Buh bye.
Pharmaceutical sales representatives/managers are not exceptionally talented people. Every once in a while you might find an individual in the pharma sales realm that is talented. Most, if not every person here should be grateful to be making more than 50k per year. Paying you 50k per year is the high end of what your services are worth. The truth can be a bitch.
Pharmaceutical sales representatives/managers are not exceptionally talented people. Every once in a while you might find an individual in the pharma sales realm that is talented. Most, if not every person here should be grateful to be making more than 50k per year. Paying you 50k per year is the high end of what your services are worth. The truth can be a bitch.

Wow. Isn't are management just inspiring?!
Pharmaceutical sales representatives/managers are not exceptionally talented people. Every once in a while you might find an individual in the pharma sales realm that is talented. Most, if not every person here should be grateful to be making more than 50k per year. Paying you 50k per year is the high end of what your services are worth. The truth can be a bitch.

Thanks for weighing in Labat you skinny waste of space. Thanks to your drunken rants at meetings, everyone in leadership knows how you feel about the sales force. 100% replaceable at a lower cost. Guess what? Without your buddy Jabba, you'd be gone in an instant. And we are ALL praying that day comes sooner than later.
Pharmaceutical sales representatives/managers are not exceptionally talented people. Every once in a while you might find an individual in the pharma sales realm that is talented. Most, if not every person here should be grateful to be making more than 50k per year. Paying you 50k per year is the high end of what your services are worth. The truth can be a bitch.

I created this thread. I am not employed by BHC. I've been studying BHC for a while. I have the least amount of respect for the entire BHC sales (I hesitate to type team) team. You are irrelevant losers. You are definitely being paid more than you are worth. Yet, here you are griping about how much you are being paid. What do you actually do day in and day out? You promote (many times illegally) overpriced mediocre products. You are willing to work under a greedy slob of a CEO. Many of you work from 9-3:30 M-F and cry about your base salary. Only a completely untalented useless person would work here.
See ya in a year when your happenstance UC indication that cost 86k fails miserably and you come crawling back to this poop show

Why would I crawl back to this dump? BMS is paying me almost $50,000 more than I made at Salix. I have a new baseline salary now. If this blows up in a year, who cares, I'll land something new in the specialty and biologic space and still be making much more than Salix is paying. Plus, I'm going to work at a reputable organization with experienced, professional leaders. Not sleazy, sketchy morons like we have here.

Thats the trouble with you Salix long haulers. You are either blind to the fact there are other opportunities to make a lot more money or you lack the confidence to move on because you know how mediocre and talentless you really are. So you stay at Salix, a company run by lowlife dirtbags that doesn't value you.