Salix 2021 is a laughable joke. I remember when JT and Plesha were running the show. Carolyn was our CEO and everything we got was the absolute best. Top shelf booze and food at every meeting. Gifts in our rooms every night. PClub winners got an open tab everywhere we went and a $7,500 prepaid Visa for whatever we wanted. Salix back then was Dom Perignon and surf and turf. Salix 2021 is lousy bonus money, bottom of the barrel cars, Pabst Blue Ribbon and leftover rice at Mango’s.
Unfortunately this post is pretty spot on.
Dont forget , we did get a pair of B&L sunglasses at a NSM several years ago.... I think that was the last NSM “gift” that we have received, sad.... but JTH doesnt give a crap, he will just hire newbies that think that he is great. We are Magnifica!! lol