BMS and CSO Separation


Hello All,

I am not sure if everyone is experiencing the same thing, but our CSO team has definitely achieved "Step Child" Status.
Yes its a contract and that is how we plan our time. So I wish everyone well as they seek out new jobs, as it appears we can see the Finish Line. It looks as though we will cross that line at the end of the third quarter, maybe sometime into the fourth.
Good Luck.

P.S. Stranger things have happened, Dapa could get approved and some of us could help prop up the ship while they launch the new drug.


Most likely end of 3rd quarter, unless BMS has unmet pde's for the sanofi partnership. Stranger things have happened but it was my understanding back in march that this project ends in September.

All in all this was a good contract minus the timing of bonus payouts. 2.5 years is a good run given the current state of big pharma.

It is definitely going to wrap up soon. The way that BMS is holding up on hiring for all of the new positions they have- they obviously aren't looking to expand their head count. Cutting us is quick and painless.

Be smart guys- get a new job in the next couple of months. Don't let someone else control your fate.

I'm still surprised it's not ending in June - at the end of the 2nd quarter. If we have 'til September, they may make it offical at the beginning of September... which means just over 2 months left in the field. I will continue to do my job, but you bet I am going to be doing as much as I can to find something else as well.

Right now they owe us 2 bonuses (Q1 and Q2)... They'll probably drag payment out as long as they possibly can... knowing people may be leaving in the next few months and then they don't have to pay at all (so unethical). But outside of that, I agree, it's been a pretty good gig. Could be much worse as far as contracts go... better than unemployment too!

tick tock... tick tock...

It's so quiet that's all I hear... Aren't there any insiders out there who can let us know when the final deadline is? Are we really here through Q3? That seems to be the consenus, but we're all just guessing. Anything's possible and we're coming to the end of the second quarter... ??

Contract sounds like its sputtering out like all contracts do...little news...just keep the call number up...but start networking now!! and looking!! the economy still sucks but make the best of your free time.

tick tock... tick tock...

It's so quiet that's all I hear... Aren't there any insiders out there who can let us know when the final deadline is? Are we really here through Q3? That seems to be the consenus, but we're all just guessing. Anything's possible and we're coming to the end of the second quarter... ??

End of JUne!

End of JUne!

No National Sales Meeting
No DCEP training
No "Beat the Heat" Contest or equivalent

Yes, it appears the end is near, very near and end of June makes the most sense to me (i.e. work until the end of June, announcement July 1st that we are done, pay us for the month of July but get our stuff together and exit)... But everyone continues to think September is the finish line. We do have a Q3 call plan in place and maybe they need us for those Avapro calls? But if that's the case I'm surprised they've taken SAS out of the equation.

I feel like we're being strung along. I'm working and doing my job, but it is more and more difficult to be motivated. Frustrating, to say the least.

You'll never get any valid information here. There's very little activity on cafepharma regarding this contract. That's probably a good thing... Means people don't have as much to complain about, reps are working or spending their time doing something productive- like looking for a another job!

Would be nice to know something though. For now I just take it day by day.

You'll never get any valid information here. There's very little activity on cafepharma regarding this contract. That's probably a good thing... Means people don't have as much to complain about, reps are working or spending their time doing something productive- like looking for a another job!

Would be nice to know something though. For now I just take it day by day.

I agree, take it day by day. It looks like we only have about 7 days left.

It's been almost a month since the last post on the BMS contract... Obviously we're still here. Anyone heard anything? A while back they said Q3/September. Some think we're good until the end of the year.

I'm sure a lot depends on remaining PDEs required by Sanofi for Avapro & Plavix... But with so little time left before those go generic, I can't imagine the PDEs matter THAT much... Also, FDA meeting tomorrow on Dapa... If more studies are required and it's going to be a lot longer for Dapa, then I also think they'll cut us loose in September. Otherwise, we may actually stay on a while longer.

Any other ideas?

think in terms of quarters..but Silence on a contract is not a good sign

Thus, September... That's the END of the third quarter. If the FDA requires more long-term safety data on Dapa, I expect we'll be done then. Otherwise they might keep us around.

As for silence, the silence on this contract has been deafening for a long time. Doesn't mean anything to me anymore. Every RTAM may be different, but mine never communicates anything to us, probably because they don't know any more than we do!

Based on the Dapa news today, expect to be done in September.

Isn't ANYONE from this contract ever on these boards?! Of course, I only come here to see if there's news of our contract, because sadly, this is the only way to get ANY kind of information!!

I'm assuming BMS just doesn't know what they're doing right now... The only reason I can see them keeping the inVentiv reps is if they made some crazy deal with Sanofi that requires a zillion Avapro & Plavix PDEs. Otherwise, WHY would they keep us around any longer?! Many territories have 3 reps with all 3 products, plus the AZ reps with Onglyza... We are all tripping over each other. This seems odd at a time when most companies are "trimming the fat" and there is so little access. It's all been said before. I just don't get it. Wish someone out there could pass on something they've heard, even it it's just an unsubstantiated rumor!

Is it possible for them to not make good? Does BMS pay Ventiv for the bonuses this late, or is Ventiv holding the money? Come on, it's August already. Where is Q1 bonus??

Is it possible for them to not make good? Does BMS pay Ventiv for the bonuses this late, or is Ventiv holding the money? Come on, it's August already. Where is Q1 bonus??

It's both. Ventiv will blame it on BMS, but from the time inVentiv gets the "data", it takes them weeks or a month or more to run/sort a simple spreadsheet. To me, the worst part is the lack of communication. Some RTAMS don't communicate a single thing, at least not to the group. It's such a joke. I'll do my job, but where's the real motivation to SELL like it matters. So frustrating.

If anyone hears anything, please put it out here. Maybe the rest of us can at least learn something from CafePharma.

The truth is that Ventiv has no reason to pay us quickly. The worst case for them not paying us is what? We whine about it? They could care less about employee satisfaction or retention. Especially in this current job market they know that they can treat us like shit b/c where else are we going to go? And if we leave... even better- they get to keep our bonus.

An ethical company would payout every rep who completes the sales quarter. Thats what real pharma companies do. For example- if you worked for BMS and resigned after the end of Q2... you would get your commission for Q2 when it paid out 2 months later- even though you were no longer employed by BMS.

At ventiv- if you resign in the middle of August: you don't get paid out for Q1 or Q2. The inefficiency of the bonus system only allows them to keep your noney.

Lets face it folks- if any of us had a way out of this contract bullshit- we'd bounce. Ventive leadership knows this so they treat us like shit. The greedy management would rather screw us out of bonus money than treat us ethically.