Biogen Employees That Self-Posted Your Awards on LinkedIn - You're pretty F'd up!

Do you even work here???? That is absolutely not true. Go look at the teams that won President Club and Vice President's club They are team awards, not individual TBM awards. If the team did well, every TBM benefits regardless of their contribution.
I’d be happy to post the vial counts for you per TBM. This way you can see that several “winners” had 0 vials.

And I’m not an AL. I’m an ADRM who knows exactly where each patient was infused and where vials where shipped. Commercial AND free drug.

I’d be happy to post the vial counts for you per TBM. This way you can see that several “winners” had 0 vials.

And I’m not an AL. I’m an ADRM who knows exactly where each patient was infused and where vials where shipped. Commercial AND free drug.
TBM’s drive vials with help of ARM’s but the AAL’s are useless.

Do you even work here???? That is absolutely not true. Go look at the teams that won President Club and Vice President's club They are team awards, not individual TBM awards. If the team did well, every TBM benefits regardless of their contribution.
Why are the IC plans different then for each Matrix team member?

Not worth arguing between roles. There are going to be slackers and hard working employees in all roles. So it is important not to single out any role. I know hard working employees in each role. The bottom line is this company is terrible and many hard working employees are going to be affected in all roles.

What state is that loser TBM that had no sales yet got presidents club? We have been hearing a lot of noise about this and it angers a lot of people. So you could have been a very good TBM that did well. yet your team as a whole didn't and then end up with nothing. It is really really sad. I feel I did well in my territory with decent sales compared to national numbers, but I received shit. Then I hear people that had zero patients, 1 patient, 2 patients get the award?

What state is that loser TBM that had no sales yet got presidents club? We have been hearing a lot of noise about this and it angers a lot of people. So you could have been a very good TBM that did well. yet your team as a whole didn't and then end up with nothing. It is really really sad. I feel I did well in my territory with decent sales compared to national numbers, but I received shit. Then I hear people that had zero patients, 1 patient, 2 patients get the award?
So if the Region had the highest vials shipped then every TBM in that Region got the award?

What state is that loser TBM that had no sales yet got presidents club? We have been hearing a lot of noise about this and it angers a lot of people. So you could have been a very good TBM that did well. yet your team as a whole didn't and then end up with nothing. It is really really sad. I feel I did well in my territory with decent sales compared to national numbers, but I received shit. Then I hear people that had zero patients, 1 patient, 2 patients get the award?
It’s not that hard to figure out. Look through the vials shipped, compare it to who won. Some territories aren’t even listed because there was nothing to report. You’ll find your answers.

So if the Region had the highest vials shipped then every TBM in that Region got the award?



Mary - 40 Vials
Joe - 65 Vials
Tim - 20 Vials
Ass 1 - 2 Vials
Ass 2 - 0 Vials
Ass 3 - 1 Vial

ALL WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Ass #2 goes on LinkedIn - "I'm humbled by this award. Thanks to my matrix team" BLAH BLAH BLAH SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if the Region had the highest vials shipped then every TBM in that Region got the award?

Yup! Completely insane that those w/ low to no vials would post that crap on LinkedIn.
And WTF is up with giving reimbursement managers and AALs P Club?! Why not give it to the whole company? P Club from MBOs, really? An ARM that had 1 vial which came from neighboring territory won!
Every single time that you think this place can’t get worse, it does. I don’t even want to attend this stupid fireside chat with Deb. What’s the point? They don’t listen to a damn thing, and they clearly don’t value us based on IC and how the whole biosimilar expansion has been handled.