Biofrontera about to crush it come January

Therefore, a lower priced compounded product should theoretically not be as attractive to the DERM.

Derms spread will be HUGE with lower priced compound morons. They will but for less and use same Jcode and make a bundle. The jcode is based on formulation not on brand of levulan. Are you really that stupid?

Derms spread will be HUGE with lower priced compound morons. They will but for less and use same Jcode and make a bundle. The jcode is based on formulation not on brand of levulan. Are you really that stupid?

You MUST work at Sun.
You’re so stupid - I’m not even going to try to explain why you’re wrong.

Levulan and Ameluz have different J Codes. Docs cant bill compounds under any of these both codes. If they do that would be fraud. See now that compounds will not be a problem for neither Dusa nor Biofrontera?

Still wondering whether Dusa will do another price increase even though they loaded TG in June. They are on the watch of many people now who would pay the price for this illegal benefit of Dusa. Basicallly that is nothing else than ripping off Medicare by docs. Lets see how long Medicare just keep wait watching. Dusa might be liable for all damages. Might be huge even though docs take the extra bucks from this system, not Dusa. Dusa just benefity from shutting Buofrontera out of the market. Smart move, but maybe also a huge future liability.

Levulan and Ameluz have different J Codes. Docs cant bill compounds under any of these both codes. If they do that would be fraud. See now that compounds will not be a problem for neither Dusa nor Biofrontera?

Still wondering whether Dusa will do another price increase even though they loaded TG in June. They are on the watch of many people now who would pay the price for this illegal benefit of Dusa. Basicallly that is nothing else than ripping off Medicare by docs. Lets see how long Medicare just keep wait watching. Dusa might be liable for all damages. Might be huge even though docs take the extra bucks from this system, not Dusa. Dusa just benefity from shutting Buofrontera out of the market. Smart move, but maybe also a huge future liability.

Thank you for enlightening that idiot who works for Sun.

Let me add/clarify:

The massive inventory has already been shipped to Foundation Care, with VP, CFO and CEO approval. It’s an enourmous Accounts Receivable risk to load them for ~ 6 months, so ZA and AG needed to make the approval. This loading has to happen to coincide with the ASP reset, which takes 2 cycles (quarters) to happen. And that’s when the price increase takes effect.

There’s a lot more to say on this. But unlike Michael Cohen, I’m not going to flip on my boss. Not yet at least.

If Dusa is doing another price increase for January 2019 and Biofrontera's sue will prove it was illegal, Dusa will probably get a Multimillion dollar sue from Biofrontera for all damages including punitive damages. At least 100 million per year of wrongdoing in my opinion, that would be the potential loss for Biofrontera from an illegal pricing scheme. Pretty much all the annual revenue.

I guess Dusa will do the increase anyway, but within some time they can shut down their company. Why not let them cash out and after they can hand over all this cash to Biofrontera as damage payment.

If they were smart, they would buy Biofrontera now. That would be the cheapest damage control and they could get back their old employees and dont need to do potentially illegal price increases.

Levulan and Ameluz have different J Codes. Docs cant bill compounds under any of these both codes. If they do that would be fraud. See now that compounds will not be a problem for neither Dusa nor Biofrontera?

Still wondering whether Dusa will do another price increase even though they loaded TG in June. They are on the watch of many people now who would pay the price for this illegal benefit of Dusa. Basicallly that is nothing else than ripping off Medicare by docs. Lets see how long Medicare just keep wait watching. Dusa might be liable for all damages. Might be huge even though docs take the extra bucks from this system, not Dusa. Dusa just benefity from shutting Buofrontera out of the market. Smart move, but maybe also a huge future liability.

OMG do I really need to educate everyone? The Levulan J code is not specific to Levulan. It is Levulanic acid and the dose for Levulan. The dose for Ameluz is different and thus a different Jcode. Once the patent expires a compound can legally come out with the same dose as Levulan and the bill as Levulanic acid and same dose. Perfectly legal come October. Such morons at Sun

OMG do I really need to educate everyone? The Levulan J code is not specific to Levulan. It is Levulanic acid and the dose for Levulan. The dose for Ameluz is different and thus a different Jcode. Once the patent expires a compound can legally come out with the same dose as Levulan and the bill as Levulanic acid and same dose. Perfectly legal come October. Such morons at Sun

Reimbursement is a % of ASP. The higher the ASP, the higher the absolute dollar profit.

OMG do I really need to educate everyone? The Levulan J code is not specific to Levulan. It is Levulanic acid and the dose for Levulan. The dose for Ameluz is different and thus a different Jcode. Once the patent expires a compound can legally come out with the same dose as Levulan and the bill as Levulanic acid and same dose. Perfectly legal come October. Such morons at Sun

Okay let's put to bed. The poster doesn't understand that compounded products are not reimbursable...period! However, the poster is also correct that the jcode is not specific to Levulan. DUSA website would like to make you think it is but it isn't. The Jcode is for Levulanic Acid 20% single dose. This means a generic manufacturer could make the same unit dose 20% levulanic acid and use the same Jcode. If this happens and the price comes out very low then it would take 2 quarters to effect the cost. In the meantime all of the derms would buy it and make HUGE profits.

There is a second scenario. If compounders hit the market in October then Derms could charge a cash price for using the product with the Blu- U. Since Levulan is crazy expensive if they bought a tube from a compounder for say $100 and charged the patient $50 or $100 for each session they would make a killing and not have to wait on Medicare billing. This is a more likely scenario and one that the arrogance of old DUSA shit for brains fail to see coming. Once it comes the OIG will have them in handcuffs anyway.

Generics are no problem yet because they would have to get an FDA approval frist. Nothing to see.

Concerning compounds: why should patients be willing to pay the docs for using compounds (so that docs can make a lot of money out of patients' pockets) instead of getting the whole procedure paid by Medicara/insurances by using Levulan/Ameluz? Can't follow your worries at this point. In my point no big danger.

Only real threat to Levulan is Ameluz, but can't see it neither how Biofrontera could stop Dusa's pricing method in the foreseeable future. And with that pricing method most docs will buy Levulan. Any ideas why docs should switch to Ameluz soon if they can make a lot more money with Levulan? Don't see it coming unless Bio's sue is successful. 2019 will be another Levulan cash-out year.

Okay let's put to bed. The poster doesn't understand that compounded products are not reimbursable...period! However, the poster is also correct that the jcode is not specific to Levulan. DUSA website would like to make you think it is but it isn't. The Jcode is for Levulanic Acid 20% single dose. This means a generic manufacturer could make the same unit dose 20% levulanic acid and use the same Jcode. If this happens and the price comes out very low then it would take 2 quarters to effect the cost. In the meantime all of the derms would buy it and make HUGE profits.

There is a second scenario. If compounders hit the market in October then Derms could charge a cash price for using the product with the Blu- U. Since Levulan is crazy expensive if they bought a tube from a compounder for say $100 and charged the patient $50 or $100 for each session they would make a killing and not have to wait on Medicare billing. This is a more likely scenario and one that the arrogance of old DUSA shit for brains fail to see coming. Once it comes the OIG will have them in handcuffs anyway.

It’s just so interesting to see the number of comments across different threads that refer to pricing actions, the OIG and Sun. I wonder if/when the Feds will take action.

If so, there are enough people with way more than enough info over the years to sink the ship.

No doubt that Sun is aware and they continue the practices, continue to employ those who were the architects of the scheme, and have sucked others into the abyss which is a requirement of keeping your job.

If this goes down, it’s going to hit the very highest levels of the organization.

Generics are no problem yet because they would have to get an FDA approval frist. Nothing to see.

Concerning compounds: why should patients be willing to pay the docs for using compounds (so that docs can make a lot of money out of patients' pockets) instead of getting the whole procedure paid by Medicara/insurances by using Levulan/Ameluz? Can't follow your worries at this point. In my point no big danger.

Only real threat to Levulan is Ameluz, but can't see it neither how Biofrontera could stop Dusa's pricing method in the foreseeable future. And with that pricing method most docs will buy Levulan. Any ideas why docs should switch to Ameluz soon if they can make a lot more money with Levulan? Don't see it coming unless Bio's sue is successful. 2019 will be another Levulan cash-out year.

Have you have ever heard of Prescribers Choice?? And wonder why they are doing so well and growing. They can compound anything in Derm in a FDA aporoved facility, and the Derm sells the product directly to the patient as a POS(point of sale) for u dummies, at the front office counter. For a 50% plus percent margin
Not too shabby a profit

Have you have ever heard of Prescribers Choice?? And wonder why they are doing so well and growing. They can compound anything in Derm in a FDA aporoved facility, and the Derm sells the product directly to the patient as a POS(point of sale) for u dummies, at the front office counter. For a 50% plus percent margin
Not too shabby a profit

In October you can legally start compounding Leuvan and clean house. Post your email here and I will send you all the top users of Levulan in US...

dear Christy D

you thought you were so smart hiring ex dusa reps. jokes on you! #badidea
you ignore bad behavior, affairs, a baby, why? they brought & bring you business, money. I heard theyre still having affairs over there dummy, get it together. those people you bend over for, give special treatment to, screwed you. they stole documents. you welcomed it. the midwest and southern states are small and talk spreads like butter on bread.
rumor has it, they know exactly who, when, what was downloaded. the Indians over here aren't dumb, they just have to go back in our system and see the shenanigans. reps cant hide. #theyalwaysknow #covertracks #notsmart

According to CMS, there is no price increase for Levulan in the fourth quarter. That's it! No doc wants anything to do with you and your ridiculous product anymore.

Hey Einstein-
You won’t see a price increase in Q4 you idiot. It’s always been effective Jan 1, with the huge load-in forced upon Foubdation Care by Sun, resulting in the Q4 physician buy-in being promoted by reps. My RSM tries to speak in ‘code’ about it, but duh, we all know.