Biofrontera about to crush it come January

CD is unwilling to adjust to the US market and then taking advice from unqualified management. When reps can’t even take care of their accounts, who goes and spends money on useless, incorrect IMS and CRM data? Only BIG BROTHER pharma guys, Prioritize!!!
Why not hire, let’s say...competent reimbursement specialists? Managers who can do more than approve expense reports? (At least 1 has PDT experience) Maybe get some marketing tools and materials?
JH isn’t the only one with a reputation, ask the girls from Bayer. You only have 1 chance to launch a product. If you don’t get it right, you’ll burn bridges pretty quickly. Side note- say what you want about DUSA, at least we did it right. We didn’t start burning bridges until much later.
As far as biofrontera, there’s already a lot of unhappy customers talking on the Derm sites and a lot of unhappy employees (current and past). Whistleblowers all around. Take it from me, jump ship while you can!

Who’s the idiot going on & on about how fiscally sound BF is. Wtf? End of the day, people want to work, make $, have what they need to do their job, not work for A-holes, go home.
SUN n BF big fail
You’all suck

Zero clue who is posting on this site, but there are only a handful of people that left Sun and came over to BF.

Knowing these people within the BF organization, they are not whining and complaining on a “blog for losers.” The reason is because these folks are consistently hitting sales numbers. Please stop your rhetoric and pinning your angst pretending to be a select few people. Anyone with ANY common sense knows that you are likely located within a territory sucking wind.

That being said, I can say that what being said in the thread is accurate. Just stop pretending to be DUSA alumni, those sales people are paying the BF bills. In addition, not wasting time on a blog but in the field working with customers. Most of the other reps in field are just expenses and will likely be moved out before the end of 2018 in prep for label extension. If you are going to be a coward, at least take ownership of your gripes and use your efforts selling and not placing your frustration on others.

#nice try on misdirection
#we know you are in East
#we think JH is useless as well

Just blame CD for the Holm hire. Only this organization would promote a guy that has failed at every station he has been.

Garbage training Department, what new hire has provided a fast start?
All TMs he has hired have been put on a PIP or fired and/ or never hit a sales goal and those same TMs don’t have a SUN competitor in their market.
How is the Marketing Dept since he arrived?

Holm can sell, he has sold a bag of poo poo since he got here. Truly amazing and nobody holds his foot to the fire. Just sell more tubes, who cares if they get reimbursed or not? Sound familiar?

Just blame CD for the Holm hire. Only this organization would promote a guy that has failed at every station he has been.

Garbage training Department, what new hire has provided a fast start?
All TMs he has hired have been put on a PIP or fired and/ or never hit a sales goal and those same TMs don’t have a SUN competitor in their market.
How is the Marketing Dept since he arrived?

Holm can sell, he has sold a bag of poo poo since he got here. Truly amazing and nobody holds his foot to the fire. Just sell more tubes, who cares if they get reimbursed or not? Sound familiar?

The tangled web of SUN and BF plays out on this site!

How f-ing hilarious - watching you bash each other and refer to people who can't see or market shit.

Really, y'all actually wasting your breath on this stuff ?

Ha !
Back to the pool now for me ... have a nice day.

Harsh people. Ive been put on a pip and fired before. It sux, you’re treated like a piece shit. You’d quit early on if you could. I don’t f- around all day. Ive been on top plenty of x’s. If you’ve been around, every1 reading this has had a bad run a time or 2. Sounds like jh has been shit at every job. Big difference. Unless you’re a manager here, reps need to stick together y’all. It can be you on the bottom at some point. Managers on a power trip, will TORTURE you way more than necessary, judge that. Not the rep in a territory that leaves you alone and can only make you look better. Who can go to a pool anyway

Harsh people. Ive been put on a pip and fired before. It sux, you’re treated like a piece shit. You’d quit early on if you could. I don’t f- around all day. Ive been on top plenty of x’s. If you’ve been around, every1 reading this has had a bad run a time or 2. Sounds like jh has been shit at every job. Big difference. Unless you’re a manager here, reps need to stick together y’all. It can be you on the bottom at some point. Managers on a power trip, will TORTURE you way more than necessary, judge that. Not the rep in a territory that leaves you alone and can only make you look better. Who can go to a pool anyway

This just goes to show you how effed up people at Sun are to be talking trash about a guy who worked for TARO and then went over to BF. Really ?

This is what people at Sun concern themselves with and it's why they attract (and I use that term loosely bc they can't get people to join) the talent (or lack of) that they do.

Meanwhile, they're left in the career dust and wonder why.

How often has Groff gone out in the field and I am not talking about just field rides in the Northeast?

About as many times as his boss has met with the regional managers.


How can a VP of Sales not have met with the regional managers ... tell us what you're working on that has kept you from sitting down with the regional managers.

It's all about you big boy.

Biofrontera’s reputation is already on its way down. Didn’t take long for their shitty management team to screw things up.

Not looking like people are very happy working there and starting to jump ship. Look at the overwhelming negative posts on their board. Interesting!

First off, the negative posts are probably the dopes from DUSA/SUN who have nothing better to do with their time. Now that Biofrontera has their own board, they are just getting even for 12 months of negative posts from former DUSA reps now working for Biofrontera. Second, bad management is to be expected, since all of the people now running Biofrontera are from DUSA. Third, it is expected that the majority of reps will be unhappy with their Biofrontera results. Most of the business comes from specific segments of the country: Texas, Alabama, etc. Call it what it is, voodoo medicine. On its way out for both DUSA or Biofrontera.

First off, the negative posts are probably the dopes from DUSA/SUN who have nothing better to do with their time. Now that Biofrontera has their own board, they are just getting even for 12 months of negative posts from former DUSA reps now working for Biofrontera. Second, bad management is to be expected, since all of the people now running Biofrontera are from DUSA. Third, it is expected that the majority of reps will be unhappy with their Biofrontera results. Most of the business comes from specific segments of the country: Texas, Alabama, etc. Call it what it is, voodoo medicine. On its way out for both DUSA or Biofrontera.

The key date for both companies is Oct. when Levulan loses its patent. That allows anyone to make Levulan and compounders will jump on this loop hole. There will be NOTHING to legally stop compounding...both companies are toast in this market.