BIO Legal Woes 2021 Edition

You think this is some sort of John Grisham novel? LOL
This is JP doing something very stupid and the company deciding that enough is enough. I'm glad the company is finally sending a message.

No one mentioned a thing about murderous plots and gruesome discovery.

This case is plain and simple about Abbott attempting to intimidate anyone who has the dirt on them. JP most certainly has it and Abbott is shitting a brick.

How many people accept a job then wait until your background check and drug screen clears before you give notice at your current job? Usually about 2 weeks lapse. Everyone. This case is stupid.

I think most people can assume they are going to pass drug screens and background checks. Maybe not the slime balls going to work at Biotronik, but almost anyone else. Who collects two paychecks? Who accesses proprietary information while being signed to two contracts? Slime balls worrying about their drug test maybe, but no one else.

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