Bill Uriell

Home office rumor says it was Peterson and Johnson working together to get Uriell .

He had nick names for them that pissed them off, and he challenged strategies they stood for involving the salesforce negatively.

Both of them have been seen under the desk of the president often. LOL

nicknames were the wharthog and the pillsbury doughboy

Be nice. B. Johnsom makes 650,000 plus dollrs and makes nice brochures.
He gets us ugly acne faces and then pretty ones combined with nice graphs . He mixes and matches them from time to time to keep our doctors on their toes, so they think it's new information. He deserves all that money, because without those
pretty visual aides I couldn't bring in 1 RX. He has other smart folks working with him,but he deserves all the credit.

Thank you for being so wonderful B. Johnson. It's good you got rid of that mean man
Bill. He was bad and yelled from time to time.

Do you sleep well at nite ?

Medicis is launching two blockbuster drugs next year and word out is they want
Galderma reps and the average Medicis rep makes 165K not including their stock

Good luck making that! Medicis blows and is doing the same as Galderma. Just do your jobs and stop bitching. Go sell insurance or generic drugs and see how much you are going to make doing that.

Be nice. B. Johnsom makes 650,000 plus dollrs and makes nice brochures.
He gets us ugly acne faces and then pretty ones combined with nice graphs . He mixes and matches them from time to time to keep our doctors on their toes, so they think it's new information. He deserves all that money, because without those
pretty visual aides I couldn't bring in 1 RX. He has other smart folks working with him,but he deserves all the credit.

Thank you for being so wonderful B. Johnson. It's good you got rid of that mean man
Bill. He was bad and yelled from time to time.

Do you sleep well at nite ?

I am not sure anything you said above is bad... I wish I were making 650K for that... I would sleep very weel. Divide that by 5 and that is what you make -pretty sure you are doing more work.

What is such a surprise here? Bill was a cool guy but a huge bully; I will not go into details because if you didn't know this you are an idiot. Is it fair that he got fired, no. If it is not clear, Galderma is on survival mode - keep sales high and wait for your suitor. There was a rumors of a botched sale 1-2 years ago due to unknown factors. It was supposed to go around the time when Alcon got sold but our current and future products were crap (come on tube to pump to patch to imaginary suppositories with 20% price increases at each innovation? Come on, adapelene is adapelene). OK I exaggerate but you get the point. Don't call the company the devil, all of pharma, managed care, and government is in a pricing vicious cycle that will not be stopped in a long time.

If you are smart, you will shut up, optimize your salary, and start thinking of plan B once the company sells or goes under once and for all. Based on all these comments it is clear that Francois will not get the midget's spot, and the midget is getting bigger and bigger eating shareholder shit waiting for the big cash out and posh position in Switzerland or France. The cards have already been drawn and a limited few top management folks know the hands, have signed in blood, and are just sitting back hoping everything doesn't come unglued. Do we all have a price? Are we all hookers deep down? Don't forget what Albert used to say - Pharma is high risk, high reward.

J.P. , Mr. Cetaphil is so lazy he deserves to be fired. If it was not
for the strong innovative women he has surrounded himself with for
years he'd be nothing. He deserves zero credit and needs to be on the chopping
block with Johnson who was given his promotion in an elevator in error by U.A.

Timme to cut the fat F.F.

What is such a surprise here? Bill was a cool guy but a huge bully; I will not go into details because if you didn't know this you are an idiot. Is it fair that he got fired, no. If it is not clear, Galderma is on survival mode - keep sales high and wait for your suitor. There was a rumors of a botched sale 1-2 years ago due to unknown factors. It was supposed to go around the time when Alcon got sold but our current and future products were crap (come on tube to pump to patch to imaginary suppositories with 20% price increases at each innovation? Come on, adapelene is adapelene). OK I exaggerate but you get the point. Don't call the company the devil, all of pharma, managed care, and government is in a pricing vicious cycle that will not be stopped in a long time.

If you are smart, you will shut up, optimize your salary, and start thinking of plan B once the company sells or goes under once and for all. Based on all these comments it is clear that Francois will not get the midget's spot, and the midget is getting bigger and bigger eating shareholder shit waiting for the big cash out and posh position in Switzerland or France. The cards have already been drawn and a limited few top management folks know the hands, have signed in blood, and are just sitting back hoping everything doesn't come unglued. Do we all have a price? Are we all hookers deep down? Don't forget what Albert used to say - Pharma is high risk, high reward.

For what it is worth, I have been involved with Galderma for over 20 years, and this same crap was said about the company back then. Many, many people that voluntarily left Galderma over the past 20 years, have some level of wishing they were still here. Don't take most of this negative stuff to heart; otherwise, 20 years from now, you will still be pulling in an entry level salary trying to find just the right company to work for. Relax, do your job, shoot for the level in the company you aspire for, and enjoy your family. Everything is okay.

He trusted 'Curley Math' and Oracea went in crapper as the card changed for the 1099 time !

All of marketing have fallen in love with the card , $25 , $10 , $0 what next?? Lazy marketing , they are in love with cards, rep ends up selling the new card pulling old ones. Customers have serious card fagitue, staff are confused , pharmacist is over it, total cluster. Try a novel approach will ya.

Just be glad you have a job, and shut the hell up, you spoiled-since-birth piece of crap.
There are sooooo many people with great families just hanging by their nails in this industry right now, and you just bitch and moan about the most absurd shit. Get off the frickin computer and go back to your family. Someone in this world needs you RIGHT NOW, and you sit here ranting like some damn mental case. Wake up, and make your life the way you want it to be starting right now. Right now.....Right now.

To Dear F.F.

If you would like to save money ASAP call Peterson, Fitzgerald, Sellen, and Johnson
into your suite and say so long boys. They will not be missed and their
so-called work load will be done by the strong people they are surrounded by, who by the way, get 0 credit.

Wake up !

Just be glad you have a job, and shut the hell up, you spoiled-since-birth piece of crap.
There are sooooo many people with great families just hanging by their nails in this industry right now, and you just bitch and moan about the most absurd shit. Get off the frickin computer and go back to your family. Someone in this world needs you RIGHT NOW, and you sit here ranting like some damn mental case. Wake up, and make your life the way you want it to be starting right now. Right now.....Right now.

Xanax is your friend. Take one so your family can put up with you. RIGHT NOW

To Dear F.F.

If you would like to save money ASAP call Peterson, Fitzgerald, Sellen, and Johnson
into your suite and say so long boys. They will not be missed and their
so-called work load will be done by the strong people they are surrounded by, who by the way, get 0 credit.

Wake up !

I second that change is needed. Sadly change will it be more home office YES men put in those same positions. Chris & Fitz are really the same person. Real happy to check & hope they can survive long enough to get their kids through school. They don't have the respect of those who report to them.

Speaking of change, they should change the unrealistic quota system. And set the quotas before the quarter is almost over, what a joke. Do they just pick winners and losers?

Speaking of change, they should change the unrealistic quota system. And set the quotas before the quarter is almost over, what a joke. Do they just pick winners and losers?

Yes! This is particularly true with contests and awards, don't ever think the winners are truly the people with the best outcomes. Its funny how every year in every division there is one person who through Sept seems to be too far out of the awards to win, and then suddenly have miraculous Oct & Nov and jump 2-3 spots to grab that award. And they always seem to be the same person!

Yes! This is particularly true with contests and awards, don't ever think the winners are truly the people with the best outcomes. Its funny how every year in every division there is one person who through Sept seems to be too far out of the awards to win, and then suddenly have miraculous Oct & Nov and jump 2-3 spots to grab that award. And they always seem to be the same person!

Who is that?