What is such a surprise here? Bill was a cool guy but a huge bully; I will not go into details because if you didn't know this you are an idiot. Is it fair that he got fired, no. If it is not clear, Galderma is on survival mode - keep sales high and wait for your suitor. There was a rumors of a botched sale 1-2 years ago due to unknown factors. It was supposed to go around the time when Alcon got sold but our current and future products were crap (come on tube to pump to patch to imaginary suppositories with 20% price increases at each innovation? Come on, adapelene is adapelene). OK I exaggerate but you get the point. Don't call the company the devil, all of pharma, managed care, and government is in a pricing vicious cycle that will not be stopped in a long time.
If you are smart, you will shut up, optimize your salary, and start thinking of plan B once the company sells or goes under once and for all. Based on all these comments it is clear that Francois will not get the midget's spot, and the midget is getting bigger and bigger eating shareholder shit waiting for the big cash out and posh position in Switzerland or France. The cards have already been drawn and a limited few top management folks know the hands, have signed in blood, and are just sitting back hoping everything doesn't come unglued. Do we all have a price? Are we all hookers deep down? Don't forget what Albert used to say - Pharma is high risk, high reward.