Bill Uriell


Be prepared to not like your job, have no FUN, and never , never question
anything anymore. Everything is perfect now. It's just great. It's awesome.

Remember to say those things all the time now.

Nothing makes sense anymore. It is because the world is going through the fundamental change right now that was promised to us 3 years ago by the big "O". It will not get better anytime soon. Everything in your world will make less and less sense over the next few years. Good people are being replaced in all industries and entities with nepharious individuals. People are being put into positions of power both here and through out all areas of our life that have a common agenda that was shrouded as "hope and change" and it will tear up you and your family and your communities while you scratch your head wondering what happened.

No way. The people-eating monster hiding out at Galderma was imported from France. And it definitely prefers to eat the good people with lots of experience.

It is a global epidemic, my friend. The US is going the way of Europe, fast and furious, and then it will descend even deeper into the abyss. It isn't French, it isn't Danish, it isn't is global, so there is no escape.

Our wonderful talent is making and average of $ 490,000 not including Loreal shares that they cash in yearly after 5 years of service. They average about $125,000 per year.

They are the 1% while the sales force sliding scale payouts are diminishing yearly.

Lots and lots of ugly facts will be posted of what upper- management is making and why
they are allowed to join in sales force rewards, presidents impact, inner circle.
All of that is factored in the sales force our commission scale so the payout scale is slanted to accommadate upper-management.

Thank FF and CG for that. Bill tried to defend it but lost, because of the FF kissers.

It will get even worse. Say goodbye to your company car in about 18 months.

I don't know if its global, but its definitely happening all over pharma (then again, the French and the Swiss mostly own global pharma). Everyone at Galderma is now part of a disposable workforce. FF can put out all the PR he wants about how Galderma cares about its employees, but get too old (which ain't all that old frankly) and too expensive, and you will disappear into the people-eater, ready to be replaced by someone younger and cheaper. Complain and you will be replaced by someone who doesn't. Never mind that the brains and the talent have disappeared into the void with them any new ideas or new products. None of it matters as long as the fat cats at the top are still fat and happy.

Bill was one of the very few to speak their mind and he's....gone. You should always say great and awesome to all the crap they say, longer with the company. Bill now and even a French, WH, a month earlier....It's the ass kissers' kingdom

FF salery 27 million with two homes paid for by Galderma. Each percent above
$ projected ( not the same as sales force) he receives an extra $250,000. Last year he made 3.3 million with the overage.

The more you take from the sales force, the more goes to upper management and to FF.

Not just paid for by the sales force... its been paid for by gutting Home Office too. Under Albert, there was very little turn over. Almost no one left ever, not for any reason. We have probably seen 50% of Galderman disappear since FF arrived (or disappear and reappear as people who are younger and cheaper). Don't believe it when they tell you someone left voluntarily either... that's all smoke and fact, I wouldn't believe anything that comes from the top.

yes, all who interacted directly and frequently with FF and spoke their mind...left voluntarily: BS, YC, TH, AP, SS, WH and now BU. Walk FF's way or you'll be walked away-That's democracy...

yes, all who interacted directly and frequently with FF and spoke their mind...left voluntarily: BS, YC, TH, AP, SS, WH and now BU. Walk FF's way or you'll be walked away-That's democracy...

Business is not a democracy. It is comments like this that give that impression that some reps are dumb as a box of rocks, which makes it very easy for those at the top of the food chain in this business to push and cut those in the sales force without hesitation. It is easy to eliminate stupidity on your way to the top.

For what ? Raping the public for profit ! All of our
drugs cost less than $2.18 per unit and GALDERMA USA makes over
700 % profit margins.

The average sales rep should be making $50 to $65 in commission which
is less than .01% of individual territory profitability. They have systematically
figured out how to set quotas based on payout.
Just ask your DM if the projections are done well ahead of the new year and # of units are forcasted, why don't we have quotas
before the quarter, on time, or for the year. If the answer is about adjustments which can benefit us when more reveue is brought in on larger sizes, make them after the quotas,
no problem, let's actually see a decrease for once.

Multiply total Scripts YTD by an average of $406 dollars . It does not matter the division
you are in. That $406 accounts for Healthcare and Car and is all profit. SCARY!

For what ? Raping the public for profit ! All of our
drugs cost less than $2.18 per unit and GALDERMA USA makes over
700 % profit margins.

The average sales rep should be making $50 to $65 in commission which
is less than .01% of individual territory profitability. They have systematically
figured out how to set quotas based on payout.
Just ask your DM if the projections are done well ahead of the new year and # of units are forcasted, why don't we have quotas
before the quarter, on time, or for the year. If the answer is about adjustments which can benefit us when more reveue is brought in on larger sizes, make them after the quotas,
no problem, let's actually see a decrease for once.

Multiply total Scripts YTD by an average of $406 dollars . It does not matter the division
you are in. That $406 accounts for Healthcare and Car and is all profit. SCARY!

This is so inarticulate, it doesn't even make sense. WTF.

yes, all who interacted directly and frequently with FF and spoke their mind...left voluntarily: BS, YC, TH, AP, SS, WH and now BU. Walk FF's way or you'll be walked away-That's democracy...

Well, I am actually one of the people you listed here as being "walked away"... I can tell you I was not walked away, they had no idea I was going to quit and I COULD NOT WAIT TO LEAVE!!!!! If any of you are smart, you will do the same :)

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