Best Practices


Yes our competition is much more sophisticated then we are with coverage and co pay cards. Old BJ will probably try to copy them because that is all he know how to do. But the French guy probably wont go to it because he is not hitting his profit goals and that is how he gets paid. So nothing is going to change.

Really good tip here...LEARN TO FUCKING SELL!! You must be in the Galderma division and used to just saying Differin is covered, write all you want. Now you actually have to sell this shitty Epiduo with no coverage and you can't win your silly award. I got fucked out of aesthetics and now I'm stuck in peds. However, since I do know how to sell I can get by just fine. Funny how an entire division sucked at lanuching and selling an acne drug when they had one of the most prescribed before it, and our division coming out of aesthetics has been the only constantly growing division in the company!

Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Really Guy? Only growing division is Pediatrics. Big deal going from nothing to a little business in Pediatrics is not a big deal and your Division is still not doing enough business to cover the cost of the reps. So lets not throw a bunch of mud at each other. Derm is shrinking and Galderma has way to many reps and Divisions and not enough new products or enough coverage for the ones we have. So this whole thing is not really going anywhere, I am hanging in there until some of the new psoriasis drugs show up and then I am jumping out of here. Having experience selling psoriasis will pay in the industry even if it is declining here.

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