2020 NSM - who drinks to much, best dressed...

I have heard nothing but pissed off reps. My counterpart got chewed out for missing breakfast
Monday morning with the group. She had some health issues but that didn’t matter, the
entire group needed to be seen together.
What is going on and who is the one creating this unhealthy work environment?

if we didn’t volunteer an answer to some RSM scenario, she would call us out.

When will we be getting our milk and cookies? Ridiculous. The facilitators need to be more prepared.

Reading this thread I'm sensing some unhappy people. There's nothing Galderma can do for y'all. In your eyes Galderma will always be in the wrong. Please do yourselves and Galderma a favor and look elsewhere. I think that would be the healthy thing for you to do. One final note, think of the consequences that your posts have on here. No consequences for you since you are "anonymous," but insinuation using peoples initials and regions is cowardly and slanderous. Do you want to be the person responsible for hurting your colleagues and their livelihoods? If having trouble explaining to your spouse that you chose to participate (no-one forced you) in a group dress-up activity is awkward, try telling your spouse and children how you managed to ruin peoples lives with petty accusations.

The Sad Truth

The meeting could have been great, it was a BUST. Why drag people you call the best of the best and truly waste extra days of time with nonsense? Why force mature adults to
wear costumes and warn us to show up . if you have enough respect for us and believe we are the best and brightest in the field? Why allow your managers and regionals to over reach and pressure adults in activities and group functions when
people reached exhaustion points by Tuesday nite.
How dare you treat us like we just graduated college and have to act like children
with art , and games , and the word FUN rehearsed 45 x a day. Isn’t it FUN? No
its not, I’m tired.
Don’t the District leads have just a bit of self respect to say I’m not comfortable
wearing that ? A member of my group isn’t up for Top Golf tonight? A colleague
is sick from the plane and just wants to rest in tonight?
WHAT is going on in this company with the games and the games and the filler time? It makes zero sense.
Do you listen to surveys we fill out ? Do you care ? Do you ever want to save $ and put it toward something more practical.
Yes, we are in sales but everything we do is not driven by $, how about letting us respect ourselves and our job without the pressure of what you think is FUN .

I have heard nothing but pissed off reps. My counterpart got chewed out for missing breakfast
Monday morning with the group. She had some health issues but that didn’t matter, the
entire group needed to be seen together.
What is going on and who is the one creating this unhealthy work environment?
health issues? grow up.

Health issues seriously...grow up? Exactly the culture at this company. She was sick but god forbid she misses dressing up like a cat....That would really be horrible...

Reading this thread I'm sensing some unhappy people. There's nothing Galderma can do for y'all. In your eyes Galderma will always be in the wrong. Please do yourselves and Galderma a favor and look elsewhere. I think that would be the healthy thing for you to do. One final note, think of the consequences that your posts have on here. No consequences for you since you are "anonymous," but insinuation using peoples initials and regions is cowardly and slanderous. Do you want to be the person responsible for hurting your colleagues and their livelihoods? If having trouble explaining to your spouse that you chose to participate (no-one forced you) in a group dress-up activity is awkward, try telling your spouse and children how you managed to ruin peoples lives with petty accusations.

Reading this thread I'm sensing some unhappy people. There's nothing Galderma can do for y'all. In your eyes Galderma will always be in the wrong. Please do yourselves and Galderma a favor and look elsewhere. I think that would be the healthy thing for you to do. One final note, think of the consequences that your posts have on here. No consequences for you since you are "anonymous," but insinuation using peoples initials and regions is cowardly and slanderous. Do you want to be the person responsible for hurting your colleagues and their livelihoods? If having trouble explaining to your spouse that you chose to participate (no-one forced you) in a group dress-up activity is awkward, try telling your spouse and children how you managed to ruin peoples lives with petty accusations.

Entirely true and well said if you were a sincere person. We all know how you collaborated behind the scenes discussing different representatives names that you felt were not meeting your expectations and also collecting names on people that others had concerns. Some people may do it anonymously on a site, is that worse then you deciding to make or break peoples careers over a bad role play, or lack of enthusiasm, or a hand Jeopardy loss, or not volunteering for something, or lack of a costume.
If your going to write responses look into your own self and ponder those questions. I won’t put your initials out here, pretty easy to know who wrote this, y’all.

There are many weak managers that put fear in reps that their Manager is saying and doing things that are not true..These managers have no skill set to motivate and move reps forward and only know how to manage by division and holding job security over you. The regional should meet reps for a lunch to know the strength of who she has out in the field and realize her DMs may be the issue. Be positive Be strong

Entirely true and well said if you were a sincere person. We all know how you collaborated behind the scenes discussing different representatives names that you felt were not meeting your expectations and also collecting names on people that others had concerns. Some people may do it anonymously on a site, is that worse then you deciding to make or break peoples careers over a bad role play, or lack of enthusiasm, or a hand Jeopardy loss, or not volunteering for something, or lack of a costume.
If your going to write responses look into your own self and ponder those questions. I won’t put your initials out here, pretty easy to know who wrote this, y’all.
. You don’t know who wrote this. Because it’s not who you think it is. Again, if expecting the best out of people is too much for you, go elsewhere. No one is forcing you to stay. Your toxic negativity is hurting you and those around you. 2020 is going to be a great year for RxBU. You can change your attitude and stay or you can spread your wings elsewhere.