Best and Worst RD

JH in cleveland was good, or so I heard, but he left for that other company. Overall, can't complain too much about my RD--just do what I'm supposed to and they leave mecalone.

You can take most of the RDs hired post-house cleaning in the GIBU and throw them all off a cliff. Robotic, box-checking turds who take pleasure in failing reps on useless role play exercises.

Serious question here, please be honest. I am talking to recruiter about one of the jobs in Alabama. DM is Jenna Ramesh and RD is Totty. I've heard bad things about Totty. Any info on Jenna and Would you steer clear or proceed? Thanks

These comments about GAW are unsubstantiated and rumored. Those who have been terminated, deserved to be, and those who have never worked with her should not pass judgement. She is not spineless and manulipitive like some people!

Sounds like someone who never had GAW as an Rd or...GAW posted the statement about herself. Either way you are clueless!