Beginning of the End?

You can hope and pray that there's a rich sucker out there. But Novadaq is worth only about $4.00 per share. And they're getting a lot of interest at that price. But that's about a 50% haircut based on today's trading (currently 7.23-7.45). The BOD won't recommend a sale at $4.00 so you can expect a trail of tears as the value of the company falls to a realistic price. We all know it, but when Novadaq is sold it will be solely for the IP. The distribution channel is worth almost nothing to a potential buyer.

I'm getting asked for extra detail on prospects and current customers, especially regarding other specialties and equipment used in the same facility. My manager won't tell me what's up. Not the usual TPS reports I'm asked to generate :) Anyone know what's up?

I'm getting asked for extra detail on prospects and current customers, especially regarding other specialties and equipment used in the same facility. My manager won't tell me what's up. Not the usual TPS reports I'm asked to generate :) Anyone know what's up?

You're about to get laid off. Use that time to update your resume instead