Another clueless poster. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but all you have to do is go on Linkdin and look at the names that come up working for Novadaq. Probably 90% are no longer with the company. Serious money is a short story because they will cut your territory once you start seeing your hard work paying off. In one year I lost all of my wound care business and had my territory cut in half. I had many evals going that I put night and day into just to see someone that started a few weeks ago make the commission. Big dollar sales take a long time to close but this company will never give you the time to close it. By far the worst run company I have ever seen and it's too bad because the products besides Dermacell are great. Management can post all day how great things are and how much money there is to be made but that's total BS. The only ones making money are the managers as they try and figure out how to screw you. Karma's a bitch and its coming.