Baxalta acqusition

yes, the goose is being fattened up for the meal, just like Allergan was.
with every sequential acquisition followed by a meeting with the takeover partner corporate lawyers....'nope, you're not under the 60/40 threshold yet for us- buy another one.....
interesting to speculate who Shire may be working with behind the scenes. hhmmh - which big US pharmaceutical company should be the most desperate to emulate the trail Pfizer has just blazed I wonder ....

wild guess - Abbvie will knock on the door again post Baxalta acquisition, and, following the Pfizer example, try to wrap it up before the elections ....

If this actually happens for the price you quote you will be in severe legal trouble for leaking this information. Even though cafepharma says it does not store IP addresses you will be caught and face severe legal penalties. Really, you should ask to have your post removed.

That makes no sense, it was in USA TODAY on the 3rd. We get in trouble for quoting news articles now? I didn't know 2-day old news articles qualified as 'leaking.'