Baxalta acqusition

The media is writing in such a way that this purchase is gonna go through. It seems when we come back in January we'll have news either way. Would this particular purchase really be good for Shire though? How will it affect us as employees?

During the Abbvie fiasco employees were hung out to dry, with only the dirty 30 taken care of by FO. We've got lots of reassurance since then, but so-called policy isn't a contract. The winners were at corporate where'd there were retention packages given. All these deals require cost cutting to improve the numbers- losing our jobs is the quickest way to accomplish this. If you survive it can be good, but it all depends on the agreement.

People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.
Happy New Year to my Shire Posse!

People, please realize that Shire has paid people to derail this thread. Please realize these thread derailers are paid very little for the job they do. And they can get sued for it.....just look at what is happening with Amazon.

People, please realize that Shire has paid people to derail this thread. Please realize these thread derailers are paid very little for the job they do. And they can get sued for it.....just look at what is happening with Amazon.
Lighten up and learn a few things from these great postings! Have a great 2016 selling our wonderful and needed medications. Your Friend Always!