I posted in the other Baudax Bio thread, but missed that there was more recent discussion here. Those in process or already in, any feedback?
Any thoughts on remaining territories and if training will exist before full launch in June?
Truly appreciate your time and insight!

I posted in the other Baudax Bio thread, but missed that there was more recent discussion here. Those in process or already in, any feedback?
Any thoughts on remaining territories and if training will exist before full launch in June?
Truly appreciate your time and insight!

Training is starting May 11 for 3 weeks. Not sure if there are any territories still open since they are only starting with half what they planned last year. They will have expansion territories if things go well. Obviously some territories ( NY, NJ, MI, IL) will be delayed getting out due to Covid and restrictions.

Easy money because of incoming sales without travel? Leveraging existing contacts for this one seems like it will bear results even remotely, IMHO. Just looking forward to getting this one on the streets and seeing how the objectives and volumes play out.

Easy money because of incoming sales without travel? Leveraging existing contacts for this one seems like it will bear results even remotely, IMHO. Just looking forward to getting this one on the streets and seeing how the objectives and volumes play out.
Sure, because, formulary access, contracting, stocking and inservices are always done without F2F interactions.

I am interested in Baudax and live in one of those potential expansion locations. Anyone at baudax feel like things are still looking as promising as they did during the round 3 interviews? How are the early remote contacts going? Keep us posted on how the training goes. The world needs another successful non-opiod, and I hope the territories expand. Best of luck!

The first iv nsaid sold 1 million the first year, year 2 they sold negative $700k because no one wanted it and it was returned just before it expired. Year 3 sold 300k, year 4 about 100k. Good news is year 10 which was 2019 they sold like 3 million and that was helped by a Toradol shortage. It was priced at $10 a dose or $40 a day.
DYLOject was the latest iv nsaid. They Sold $300,000 at year 2 And gave up. Sold for $12 a dose but lowered it to $5. Odd because they predicted $300 million in sales by year 7.
Minus 5 hospitals that did trials and another 10 that will dabble in it there will be no other hospitals buying your nsaid in the USA. Sales to hospitals in 2020 will be under $50,000. 2021 maybe you get to $250,000. That’s national sales. Won’t be a 2022 unless you have another product.
Sorry but it’s the truth and no Asc s will not pay $80 a dose either. Your ceo can’t even give a coherent explantion of the benefit over other nsaids without heading to unproven areas around bleeding and the elderly and safety.

The first iv nsaid sold 1 million the first year, year 2 they sold negative $700k because no one wanted it and it was returned just before it expired. Year 3 sold 300k, year 4 about 100k. Good news is year 10 which was 2019 they sold like 3 million and that was helped by a Toradol shortage. It was priced at $10 a dose or $40 a day.
DYLOject was the latest iv nsaid. They Sold $300,000 at year 2 And gave up. Sold for $12 a dose but lowered it to $5. Odd because they predicted $300 million in sales by year 7.
Minus 5 hospitals that did trials and another 10 that will dabble in it there will be no other hospitals buying your nsaid in the USA. Sales to hospitals in 2020 will be under $50,000. 2021 maybe you get to $250,000. That’s national sales. Won’t be a 2022 unless you have another product.
Sorry but it’s the truth and no Asc s will not pay $80 a dose either. Your ceo can’t even give a coherent explantion of the benefit over other nsaids without heading to unproven areas around bleeding and the elderly and safety.

Are you bummed you didn't make the cut or are you someone that was hurt by our stock price going up lately? Confused by the motivation of your post.

My motivation is I’m bored waiting for the hospitals to open again. So what is your motivation for being here. Outside of one coming aboard because they are unemployed what could you possibly have heard or read that would compel you to join this titanic of a product. We already know the stock options will Be worthless before they ever can be exercised based sales of almost zero next 2 years. There is not a pharmacist, anesthesiologist or surgeon in America that if asked would say sure this product would sell at a premium price of what ever it is ($40, 50,60 etc). when torodal is $1 a dose. We know this because the prior two failed launches of iv nsaids.
Wait your gonna say but it’s once a day or exparel or iv tylenol is expensive too and they sold. They did sell as they had no in class completion selling for a dollar.
Did you really just join out of hope!

My motivation is I’m bored waiting for the hospitals to open again. So what is your motivation for being here. Outside of one coming aboard because they are unemployed what could you possibly have heard or read that would compel you to join this titanic of a product. We already know the stock options will Be worthless before they ever can be exercised based sales of almost zero next 2 years. There is not a pharmacist, anesthesiologist or surgeon in America that if asked would say sure this product would sell at a premium price of what ever it is ($40, 50,60 etc). when torodal is $1 a dose. We know this because the prior two failed launches of iv nsaids.
Wait your gonna say but it’s once a day or exparel or iv tylenol is expensive too and they sold. They did sell as they had no in class completion selling for a dollar.
Did you really just join out of hope!
Hospitals are in a financial crisis because of COVID19. Cheapest product wins moving forward. Truth!

Never gonna sell regardless of covid or no covid but it’s s good excuse to give investors.
Yes, other new products will suffer in the covid 19 era. Expect hospital pharmacy’s to restrict and remove any branded product they can and there will be no reps in the hospital to stop the carnage. Zoom and webex calls just won’t be able to get t done for anyone at any company. I’ve been contacted by customers that pharmacy is asking them to reconsider using our product for a generic. In your space it will be interesting if exparel and other branded non opioids get dumped for the great old generic opioids

Very interesting comments. Who knows what the demand will be, but the stock is going up and personally I would have loved to be part of the launch team. Sure COVID 19 has complicated and restricted everything but I still believe Baudax will find their niche and be successful. Good luck to all.