Where is our great leader, Patrick, in all of this? He knows all of DNA, J. Shire compliance, harassment, and intoxication issues but won’t advocated for his team? PM is afraid of defying GG but even when James was spreading vicious affair rumors about Patrick and an ACS, he was spineless. When brought to HR the ACS was told to “deal with it. Whoever said “Misogyny and class action”…bullseye! Whadya’ do if your James and you can’t beat the saleswomen? The “tried and true”, of course; undermine and discredit their reputation or take credit for their accomplished work. How is Sue Sharr (aka, Gerri's sister-in-law) handling HR not a conflict of interest? Clearly, she is complicit in GGs dictating the agenda on HR issues. Why is GG covering for Shire to the detriment of Baudax and it’s female employees? Here’s betting my underwater stock that GG directs Sue Sharr to let Patrick take the coming compliance fall.