Cutting the sales team by 50% on the day that results for a promising Covid vaccine is announced is perfect Baudax timing. I'm so glad to be outta here with my shitty severance check.

If you're a sales person that can't sell a product you shouldn't be collecting a pay check.
Says an RBM or DNA. Seriously the DNA's had years to get this on formularies. YEARS. Acacia had their drug on formularies PRIOR to even having a sales force in some areas for God's sake. Why?? The RBM's and MSL's worked very hard together and got it done. What have these RBM's & DNA's done?? I think they should start calling in some of the areas they laid off the reps and tell me how well you do.

The first iv nsaid sold 1 million the first year, year 2 they sold negative $700k because no one wanted it and it was returned just before it expired. Year 3 sold 300k, year 4 about 100k. Good news is year 10 which was 2019 they sold like 3 million and that was helped by a Toradol shortage. It was priced at $10 a dose or $40 a day.
DYLOject was the latest iv nsaid. They Sold $300,000 at year 2 And gave up. Sold for $12 a dose but lowered it to $5. Odd because they predicted $300 million in sales by year 7.
Minus 5 hospitals that did trials and another 10 that will dabble in it there will be no other hospitals buying your nsaid in the USA. Sales to hospitals in 2020 will be under $50,000. 2021 maybe you get to $250,000. That’s national sales. Won’t be a 2022 unless you have another product.
Sorry but it’s the truth and no Asc s will not pay $80 a dose either. Your ceo can’t even give a coherent explantion of the benefit over other nsaids without heading to unproven areas around bleeding and the elderly and safety.

This post was from 6 months ago. Everybody saw this coming except for GH

Says an RBM or DNA. Seriously the DNA's had years to get this on formularies. YEARS. Acacia had their drug on formularies PRIOR to even having a sales force in some areas for God's sake. Why?? The RBM's and MSL's worked very hard together and got it done. What have these RBM's & DNA's done?? I think they should start calling in some of the areas they laid off the reps and tell me how well you do.

No: it comes from an investor who lost money on a company cause he is paying sales people to sit at home and not sell a product. I dont get paid at my job if I don't produce.

So if you can't sell you shouldn't be getting paid as a salesperson. Unless you want to live in a socialist country. Than everyone can collect the same salary and nobody has to be held accountable.

No: it comes from an investor who lost money on a company cause he is paying sales people to sit at home and not sell a product. I dont get paid at my job if I don't produce.

So if you can't sell you shouldn't be getting paid as a salesperson. Unless you want to live in a socialist country. Than everyone can collect the same salary and nobody has to be held accountable.

P&T timeline is longer than 5 months for the majority of hospitals. It takes longer than 5 months to launch an acute product.

Salespeople were hired for their supposed "relationships" to expedite the uptake of Anjeso. The formulary process in the ASCs is not 5 months and should have amounted to more sales

Salespeople were hired for their supposed "relationships" to expedite the uptake of Anjeso. The formulary process in the ASCs is not 5 months and should have amounted to more sales
EXACTLY!!! There is no formulary process in ASCs -most are HCP/surgeon owned-and why we're going with the outside/in strategy. Use in the ASC was supposed to lead to in-patient support and adoption but all the DNA pre-work targeting and identification was pointless. But of course GG keeps his pets around and avoids blaming them for any of this mess. They scratch each other's backs

you guys need to come down to earth.
This product was never going to sell.
If you invested in kt or joined it you didn’t do your homework. There were 2 epic failures of a new iv nsaid in a generics nsaod market and that’s before this one.
Covid, the right or wrong reps, 6 months or a year t was never going to sell. Torodol is 2 dollars. Once a day ain’t worst $60. It was a career and or investment mistake. Dust yourself off and move on.

No: it comes from an investor who lost money on a company cause he is paying sales people to sit at home and not sell a product. I dont get paid at my job if I don't produce.

So if you can't sell you shouldn't be getting paid as a salesperson. Unless you want to live in a socialist country. Than everyone can collect the same salary and nobody has to be held accountable.
But it's OK to be a lazy-a** if you're an RBM & DNA?? Please.... the sales reps work harder than anyone at this company. You must be losing your a** making bad investments bc your assessment of the situation is totally skewed. Maybe consider investing in Online platforms or delivery companies or Peloton because what's driving those stocks up?? You guessed it braniac... f'ing COVID. Funny how that works... stocks react positively & negatively to the pandemic. You didn't invest in the wrong company... just in the wrong time. You may want to find another day job if you can't see the obvious.