Base salary

I've staying around for the joy of 4DX. It's been transformational. Imagine all the quality time I got to spend each Friday ruminating over mine and the district's WIGs instead of making calls. I hate to see it go. Please Thousand Oaks, bring us another vendor scam. I like staying home on Fridays.

The rep with 111 k....Primary care....yes. my company simply has low base salaries. all jokes aside, I know that the only chance to raise my salary is to get into specialty role. However benefit are second to none and that's the only reason I still hang on.

The rep with 111 k....Primary care....yes. my company simply has low base salaries. all jokes aside, I know that the only chance to raise my salary is to get into specialty role. However benefit are second to none and that's the only reason I still hang on.

Took you 20 years to figure that out? Good luck man. I wouldn’t even bring you in for an interview based on your resume that shows bad decision making skills and zero career progression even in role. Also, how do you know the benefits are second to none? You never left. Even if they are good so are the benefits at good biotechs and the difference between them all is usually unnoticeable. Guessing you are at a Big Pharma company and I can assure you the benefits are not all that different or better compared to most good biotechs. Actually all the good biotechs for me has far superior benefits. Lastly how about the most meaningful and real benefit...your salary. With 20 years if you made any smart, yet common moves you would be making double your current base salary. That is a lot of money over the years you have left on the table. Too late for you now as no one wants a 20 year PC hack. There are too many good people with high specialty experience out there. No need to take a chance on someone with your limited experience. Honestly, have you been at the same company for 20 years? I’m sure they have a specialty division. Even if you wanted to stay a rep your entire career you still should have moved into a specialty TA at some point in your career progression. What kept you staying in PC for all those years? It’s almost unheard of.

Took you 20 years to figure that out? Good luck man. I wouldn’t even bring you in for an interview based on your resume that shows bad decision making skills and zero career progression even in role. Also, how do you know the benefits are second to none? You never left. Even if they are good so are the benefits at good biotechs and the difference between them all is usually unnoticeable. Guessing you are at a Big Pharma company and I can assure you the benefits are not all that different or better compared to most good biotechs. Actually all the good biotechs for me has far superior benefits. Lastly how about the most meaningful and real benefit...your salary. With 20 years if you made any smart, yet common moves you would be making double your current base salary. That is a lot of money over the years you have left on the table. Too late for you now as no one wants a 20 year PC hack. There are too many good people with high specialty experience out there. No need to take a chance on someone with your limited experience. Honestly, have you been at the same company for 20 years? I’m sure they have a specialty division. Even if you wanted to stay a rep your entire career you still should have moved into a specialty TA at some point in your career progression. What kept you staying in PC for all those years? It’s almost unheard of.
And the ass hole of the year award goes to?

Maybe the rep from another company is a troll.
However ,I respectfully disagree.
While that may appear so on the surface, being in one TA for 20 years or one company doesn't mean that they aren't successful.
If anyone can remain working with the same company for 20 years, I'd bet they've survived many layoffs and maybe are at a very high level within Executive Senior blah blah. Some of the most successful reps I've known have simply stayed the course and achieved the highest career advancement level per se, within their position. We all know it's rare to have a career with one company these days, but it's not degrading, either. Some simply prefer the "same over time". Stay off the lists, don't be the worst, don't be the best. Slide in under the radar for 25 years, and slip out unnoticed to a happy retirement. Even though you think this rep is an idiot for being stagnant, it's not all that bad. I've been with 2 companies in 20 plus years. Guess I make idiot #2. Trust me, we will probably get the last laugh.

Maybe the rep from another company is a troll.
However ,I respectfully disagree.
While that may appear so on the surface, being in one TA for 20 years or one company doesn't mean that they aren't successful.
If anyone can remain working with the same company for 20 years, I'd bet they've survived many layoffs and maybe are at a very high level within Executive Senior blah blah. Some of the most successful reps I've known have simply stayed the course and achieved the highest career advancement level per se, within their position. We all know it's rare to have a career with one company these days, but it's not degrading, either. Some simply prefer the "same over time". Stay off the lists, don't be the worst, don't be the best. Slide in under the radar for 25 years, and slip out unnoticed to a happy retirement. Even though you think this rep is an idiot for being stagnant, it's not all that bad. I've been with 2 companies in 20 plus years. Guess I make idiot #2. Trust me, we will probably get the last laugh.
Avg(Mediocre) = Don't be the best + Don't be the worst

Maybe the rep from another company is a troll.
However ,I respectfully disagree.
While that may appear so on the surface, being in one TA for 20 years or one company doesn't mean that they aren't successful.
If anyone can remain working with the same company for 20 years, I'd bet they've survived many layoffs and maybe are at a very high level within Executive Senior blah blah. Some of the most successful reps I've known have simply stayed the course and achieved the highest career advancement level per se, within their position. We all know it's rare to have a career with one company these days, but it's not degrading, either. Some simply prefer the "same over time". Stay off the lists, don't be the worst, don't be the best. Slide in under the radar for 25 years, and slip out unnoticed to a happy retirement. Even though you think this rep is an idiot for being stagnant, it's not all that bad. I've been with 2 companies in 20 plus years. Guess I make idiot #2. Trust me, we will probably get the last laugh.

Yes you are an idiot and you will not have any laughs let alone the last one. This is the business we chose. Why would you not want to maximize the financial side while getting into a far more interesting if not intellectually stimulating role? PC is often times the entry level into Pharma and pays as such. It’s a sample dropper job for the most part. There is nothing remotely respectable about staying in that entry level role for 20 regardless of what BS in-role title promotion they received, especially since they are only making $111K in base. They should be embarrassed. If one can’t figure out that the PC sample dropper job is a joke within a year or two they deserve to be stuck in that laughable job and make laughable money.

Maybe the rep from another company is a troll.
However ,I respectfully disagree.
While that may appear so on the surface, being in one TA for 20 years or one company doesn't mean that they aren't successful.
If anyone can remain working with the same company for 20 years, I'd bet they've survived many layoffs and maybe are at a very high level within Executive Senior blah blah. Some of the most successful reps I've known have simply stayed the course and achieved the highest career advancement level per se, within their position. We all know it's rare to have a career with one company these days, but it's not degrading, either. Some simply prefer the "same over time". Stay off the lists, don't be the worst, don't be the best. Slide in under the radar for 25 years, and slip out unnoticed to a happy retirement. Even though you think this rep is an idiot for being stagnant, it's not all that bad. I've been with 2 companies in 20 plus years. Guess I make idiot #2. Trust me, we will probably get the last laugh.
You're also an idiot