Baltimore Manager Dave K

Nothing changes. Krall will stay in his position and keep telling his decades old stories about selling linear staplers, and his mangers and reps will keep nodding approving while hiding their contemptuousness. He will continue to act a king on high and demand that all subjects bow before his largesse.

Spilker will keep politicking and brown-nosing all the right people. He will continue to make his awful jokes and play favorites with his golden geese.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Spillker, tell us all who this Golden Goose is that everyone speaks of... Cause truly there is only one.

You go first, then we can confirm because I'm sure we all know who it is!

Spillker, tell us all who this Golden Goose is that everyone speaks of... Cause truly there is only one.

You go first, then we can confirm because I'm sure we all know who it is!

"You go first, then we can confirm"

You friggin nutlicker. We ought to put you in a holding cell with Spilker, Krall, and a tub of lube and cucumbers.

That team... Had to leave before I caught the 'I don't work, I don't deserve this, I don't know what I am doing here- itis'!

Such a horrible culture led by a complete idiot! Hahaha!