Baltimore Manager Dave K

Old Spilker reps are receiving very interesting inquiring phone calls about his hostility and rep favoritism
They are eager to speak their minds
He's virtually out the door
Karma is reality now

Couldn't agree more about jay waggoner, he is a two faced snake. Ask him about why he left Depuy, he likes to throw em back while golfing. Flipped a golf cart at a company sponsored event. He will pretend to be supportive, will pump you for info, then turn around and use against you, then fire you. Goood old boys network

LOL. The only person in the world that could have written this response is spilker.

So sick of people coming on here and muddying up my name. Or David's. We all know that everyone reads these boards so I don't even mind admitting that I'm defending myself. Keep it up and you will all face defamation charges brought on by depositions from IP address tracers. If you think I'm kidding, wait until my lawyer contacts you directly with notice of formal charges pending. I work my ASS off day in and day out, and I am fairly compensated for it. So go stick it.

So sick of people coming on here and muddying up my name. Or David's. We all know that everyone reads these boards so I don't even mind admitting that I'm defending myself. Keep it up and you will all face defamation charges brought on by depositions from IP address tracers. If you think I'm kidding, wait until my lawyer contacts you directly with notice of formal charges pending. I work my ASS off day in and day out, and I am fairly compensated for it. So go stick it.

Hahahahaha. Is that supposed to be a threat?!? You are the one who may face litigation you f'in moron. There is no "defamation" going on, just the restating of the facts. If the facts make you out to be a jackass, then I'd tell you to start behaving differently you dope. Tell your lawyer to call me. I have some new info I'd like to share.

Hahahahaha. Is that supposed to be a threat?!? You are the one who may face litigation you f'in moron. There is no "defamation" going on, just the restating of the facts. If the facts make you out to be a jackass, then I'd tell you to start behaving differently you dope. Tell your lawyer to call me. I have some new info I'd like to share.

Why do you have such a deep vendetta? As a 3rd party, just amazed at your degree of degradation

So sick of people coming on here and muddying up my name. Or David's. We all know that everyone reads these boards so I don't even mind admitting that I'm defending myself. Keep it up and you will all face defamation charges brought on by depositions from IP address tracers. If you think I'm kidding, wait until my lawyer contacts you directly with notice of formal charges pending. I work my ASS off day in and day out, and I am fairly compensated for it. So go stick it.

This is great! He sounds like a little girl, best thread ever!