Back to work!

Who is everyone kidding here. Let's be honest. With the exception of an occasional in person or virtual lunch. Everyone is making up 80% of their calls. You can take that to the bank.

a loved one can even go in with the patient to see a do you think we can?

Exactly., nobody’s having conversations with their HCP’s. With the exception of the few offices that you are tight with and will sneak you in or the rare office that will allow the lunch. Our region BS’s at least 80% of calls. Nobody’s lazy and not for lack of. trying, it’s just reality of the environment we are in today.

LOL, clearly written by someone who is not out in the field. 95% offices won’t allow reps in the office due to COVID. Not a matter of not wanting to work jacka$$.

As clear as mud because clearly I AM in the field and was able to see all my docs today while still residing in a high Covid state. Go complain somewhere else. You must not be a rep who brings any value and never has.

As clear as mud because clearly I AM in the field and was able to see all my docs today while still residing in a high Covid state. Go complain somewhere else. You must not be a rep who brings any value and never has.

You must be special like that boy in a bubble movie from a long time ago. Again, this post must be from a manager instead of a rep because you are a lying horse toothed jacka&$. Oh yes, you bring so much VALUE that at every office screener sitting outside the door , they say “ hey, you bring value, forget safety protocols, you are special. Go on in.” Every rep I speak with has same issue. Don’t blame them for fudging most of their calls. It’s not their fault.

95% of offices are letting reps in. You’re just not wanting to convey that info to upper management because you want to sit on your ass and get a paycheck.

Just putting my 2 cents into this conversation. You either have a territory in South Dakota or you are not a sales rep and have no clue what you are talking about. The vast majority of offices do not allow reps into offices. What part of the country do you cover?

One that was previously just opened and had been shut down during entire quarantine. If docs are seeing patients, then they’ll see you. Long time sales rep. Might have to wait a bit or actually plan and call ahead to make an appointment, but if you try and work you actually can. So, what, you complain to management and they let you work virtually? LMAO

One that was previously just opened and had been shut down during entire quarantine. If docs are seeing patients, then they’ll see you. Long time sales rep. Might have to wait a bit or actually plan and call ahead to make an appointment, but if you try and work you actually can. So, what, you complain to management and they let you work virtually? LMAO

I believe the previous poster asked what part of the country you are in. Not your specific territory. You are not believable giving generic answers. Are you South? Northwest? Northeast? Southeast? I know Northeast is extremely difficult for access. You would be more believable if you gave a vague geography.

Ok. Believe what you want. I’m not a manager. Not an RD. Not marketing. Not in the NE. I just know too many of you guys are giving poor excuses complaining while the rest of us are actually working. Let’s see some more spreadsheets.

One that was previously just opened and had been shut down during entire quarantine. If docs are seeing patients, then they’ll see you. Long time sales rep. Might have to wait a bit or actually plan and call ahead to make an appointment, but if you try and work you actually can. So, what, you complain to management and they let you work virtually? LMAO

Yea Ok there buddy, we believe you! Get back to your virtual coaching

Ok. Believe what you want. I’m not a manager. Not an RD. Not marketing. Not in the NE. I just know too many of you guys are giving poor excuses complaining while the rest of us are actually working. Let’s see some more spreadsheets.

Spoken like a true corporate shill and not somebody who is out in the field

10% is a joke and not true. Maybe that’s what u want to tell management so u don’t have to work and have an excuse for having low productivity. 95% is realistic.
You are a trolling Manager moron who has no idea what they are talking about. My access is about 50%, which is pretty good compared to what I am hearing from my counterparts in other regions. You automatically disqualify yourself from being credible by claiming 95% access.