B&L seeks 200 job cuts in Waterford

if you accept a pay cut this will set precedent and other multinationals will walk all over the ordinary working man in ireland under no circumstances should a paycut of 20percent be toilerated chances are the company will close in the next 3 years anyway and your redundancy will be much less so take your pay package the government cannot force you or anyone else to accept a paycut and why should you sometimes you have to hold your hands up if you do accept the paycut make sure you are compensated as it is a change in working conditions get legal advice. this is a big fight but one ye can win. best of luck guys.

So sorry to hear this bad news from Waterford
Does this mean all those posters who said we were incorrectly scaremongering are now going to shut up...I note they have not posted on this stream....

To all valeant/Bausch people left...get out and get out fast...Valeant are scum and will crash.
Pearson has been proved a liar this week with his 150bn claim which he now admits was wrong...(yet share price rose 10 per cent)
In the end all those working for valeant will suffer...get out while you can control it...
I left and life is good...

if you accept a pay cut this will set precedent and other multinationals will walk all over the ordinary working man in ireland under no circumstances should a paycut of 20percent be toilerated chances are the company will close in the next 3 years anyway and your redundancy will be much less so take your pay package the government cannot force you or anyone else to accept a paycut and why should you sometimes you have to hold your hands up if you do accept the paycut make sure you are compensated as it is a change in working conditions get legal advice. this is a big fight but one ye can win. best of luck guys.

Spoken by a true socialist who would love to see chaos and misery that they can exploit.

I don't give a crap about the "working man" or setting precedents. I care about me and my family and about my city having a future. We need to think clearly about what is best for each person and make a choice. We can decide to go the hard road or take the dead end to misery. That's how I see it.

Totally agree, but the reason why the choice is the hard road or misery is not anything that the workers in Waterford have done, it's the greed and ego of Valeant. Family must be prioritised of course and that means different things to different people but it is only as one that these bullies can be tackled.

Spoken by a true socialist who would love to see chaos and misery that they can exploit.

I don't give a crap about the "working man" or setting precedents. I care about me and my family and about my city having a future. We need to think clearly about what is best for each person and make a choice. We can decide to go the hard road or take the dead end to misery. That's how I see it.

in fairness to the company ye are paid well above the national average if you look around so in fairness the stuff ye make is not rolling off the shelves maybe take the cut is the best option for you and if you take redundancy maybe you could upskill and get a decent job with back to education allowance. All in all the people who take redundancy will be the winners and people who stay will be a lost cause the company already have a plan to shut the place down and they will eventually. I am not a socialist i am a realist and factory work = dead end job also many people could set up a businees with the redundancy and create real jobs and build waterford up again so one job loss could be employment for 3 or 4 on dole in waterford. people adapt to change but you have to be willing you are obviously a person who spent all life working hard to provide for your family but maybe you not prepared to be responsible.

In fairness you haven't a clue...the wages and salaries are 90% of the industry median, the cut will put everybody well below that again. Taking redundancy may well be best thing to do but that all depends on the terms which are unknown at moment. So in fairness leave to the people most affected to decide.

This deal is already done. You can vent on here if you like but only by discussing this with our
coworkers and speaking with one voice, can we ensure that every one ofi our menbers gets a decent package. Our unions, government and local/global manage
ment have already stitched us up, I mean eh
wake up everybody, its over they owe
us. And they have plenty.

Listen up everyone...if we agree to these disgraceful terms then, when they do shut us down, all our packages will be at the lower rate. It's time to stand together no matter what the outcome. I can't afford to lose my house but if I accept this new pay structure, that is exactly what is going to happen. I have nothing else to lose and will keep my dignity.