Are there any other companies currently offering a type of acellular dermis (cow/human/pig/placenta)?
Or is Axogen the first to market yet again!
Or is Axogen the first to market yet again!
Are there any other companies currently offering a type of acellular dermis (cow/human/pig/placenta)?
Or is Axogen the first to market yet again!
Are there any other companies currently offering a type of acellular dermis (cow/human/pig/placenta)?
Or is Axogen the first to market yet again!
Executive compensation figures are now contained in the Proxy Statements.
Happy Holidays!
Hey genius....Since it's public knowledge, how about posting the figures?
When have they not cut commissions each year? They spin it like the quota eclipsing contests will help you make up the difference before they throw out their baseless quota's. In reality, very few reps will make more money year over year...especially when compared to upper management's pay increases. If the company wasnt consistently still losing over $10mil year, one could justify giving upper mgmt a raise. It's time their upper mgmt start leading by example.Looks like they cut commissions again and made the lamotrigine rep who sexually harassed female employees a manager in Georgia. On a more positive note they finally promoted from within with some good people getting better positions and even fired one of the Possis guys. It'll be curious to see if that changes morale in FL at the end of the year meeting and who decides its time to update their resume.
Dont think options go to mgmt. after a rep leaves. A pre release of 2016 financials just came out. Revenues are projected to be $41mil generated from 51 direct reps and 20 distributors. They conveniently "forgot" to mention that they spent over $50mil resulting in a net loss of $10mil. However, they're only in the very early stages of converting a $1.6 billion nerve repair mkt.Very interesting comments concerning management compensation. When employees leave Axogen are their stock options granted to management?